How to lose belly fat in 2 weeks

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LOSE LOWER BELLY FAT in 2 Weeks (intense) | 6 minute Home Workout
Video: LOSE LOWER BELLY FAT in 2 Weeks (intense) | 6 minute Home Workout


Abdominal fat or visceral fat is an extremely harmful type of fat that surrounds the abdominal organs. The first two weeks of belly fat loss are of paramount importance as dietary and exercise changes can show significant results in the short term. Learn about how the body accumulates and lose belly fat and then change your habits to minimize excess fat.


Part 1 of 3: The Secret of Beat Belly Fat

  1. Not just for the abdominal muscles. Like other body fat, belly fat cannot be lost individually. Excess body fat must be reduced by a combination of diet and exercise suitable for the organs with fat accumulation.

  2. Don't starve. Eating too little will make your body crave foods high in fat, so eat breakfast, snacks and healthy meals. Women should eat no more than 1,500 calories per day, and men should eat no more than 1,700 calories.
  3. Don't just pay attention to diet and exercise. While diet and exercise are important, sleep and stress are just as important in losing belly fat. Insufficient sleep and stressful mind will cause the body to produce more hormone cortisol, which makes your body need to store fat for the abdomen.

  4. Don't just lose weight on a detox method or on a liquid-only diet. The detox method is only effective when combined with a healthy diet, while drinking water for weight loss does not provide the nutrients you need for long-term weight loss. Choose healthy eating habits like eating fresh produce, whole grains, and fat-free protein.

  5. Don't expect regular weight loss. During the first 2 weeks, your waist size will decrease more than the next week, even if you stick to a weight loss schedule. If you are 6.8 kg over your ideal weight, you will immediately see noticeable results in the first 2 weeks and then your waist circumference will decrease gradually over the next time.
  6. Remember, not all fats are created equal. Fat accumulates around the abdomen called visceral fat and it increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. According to the scientists, if you have accumulated fat in your thighs, hips and arms, then you are still healthier than those with beer belly. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Eating Right to Lose Belly Fat

  1. Add more protein. Ideally, all of your protein intake is fat-free, like egg whites, fish, chicken or lean red meat. Your body will need a lot of energy to digest protein and protein also helps you build muscle.
    • Exercising for muscle will help you lose fat. This will increase your metabolism, burn fat quickly as your muscles are forming. Keep this in mind when planning your exercise.
  2. Eat more scientifically. Replace white bread, pasta, fatty meats and sugars with vegetables. Your plate will be fuller than usual if vegetables make up 1/2 to 2/3 of the meal.
  3. Shop every Sunday. Walk around the grocery store or supermarket to pick up a variety of colorful produce. For the next 2 weeks, you should only buy whole grains, fruits, vegetables and foods containing fat-free protein.
  4. Add low-fat dairy products to your diet. Protein-rich Greek yogurt, skim milk and even low-fat cheese can fill you up and reduce calcitriol - a hormone that increases your need for extra fat. Eat at least 175 grams of yogurt a day and choose sugar-free or low-sugar products over sugary products.
  5. Replace processed grains with whole grains. However, instead of just eating whole wheat bread, eat quinoa, oats, apples, bananas, flax seeds, and rice. These sources of fiber are good for digestion, accelerate the elimination of waste in the digestive system, and also help with fat loss.
  6. Add fat selectively. Replace all of your fat with monounsaturated fat in the coming weeks. This type of fat can be found in nuts, olives and olive oil, flaxseed and avocado.
    • Choose portions rich in whole grains, protein, and monounsaturated fats. For example, a protein-rich smoothie with Greek yogurt, almond butter and oatmeal or a piece of whole-wheat bread topped with peanut butter will keep you full for a long time and provide enough nutrients for your muscles can.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise for Fat Loss

  1. Choose high-intensity exercise. In terms of dissolving excess fat in the body, not all weight loss exercises are equal. For the next 2 weeks, choose high-intensity exercises such as jogging, stride, cycling, rowing, or easy to difficult outdoor fitness exercises.
  2. Do strength training exercises 6 times over the next 2 weeks. This way you will practice 3 times per week and practice every other day. Start with exercises with free weights of between 1.8 and 2.3 kg then lift up the 3.2 kg if you can bear it.
    • Choose machine training over free weights if you don't know what kind of weights are right for you.
    • Always squeeze the abdominal muscles when exercising but do not bend your back. Abdominal crunches will build muscles and help you get a slim waistline.
    • Lift weights for at least 30 minutes at a time.
    • You can start with simple and popular exercises like biceps, push-ups, barbells, biceps, chest stretches, chest-level weights.
    • Divide the exercise into 3 parts with 8 to 10 movements. You should use weights heavy enough to tire the muscles and rest after 3 sessions of exercise.
  3. Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This means you'll incorporate sprinting from 30 seconds to 1 minute throughout your cardio workout. You will need 2 - 4 minutes for each sprint. Also, be sure to take 5 minutes to warm up and recover as soon as you move from low to high intensity exercise during the workout.
    • Even walking can be converted to the HIIT method. Do 3 short, brisk walking sessions (alternating between a brisk one with a short walk) and 2 moderate intensity walking sessions per week. You will burn belly fat (visceral fat) 3-5 times faster.
    • After 2 weeks of training to burn fat, you can reduce your training time to 20 minutes and increase your sprint intensity for the same effect.
  4. Do cardio for at least 30 minutes. The body typically burns off carbs when exercising until the 20th minute and begins to lose fat accumulation. To lose more weight, increase the intensity of exercise to 45 minutes and do it 5 times per week for 2 weeks.
  5. Take a abs class. You can try Pilates, Barre, belly fat burning exercises or some yoga moves that focus on training abs and back muscles. Strengthening these muscles through specialized exercises along with bodybuilding will help you burn more fat. advertisement


  • Consult with your doctor before changing your diet and exercise if you have a chronic medical condition or have joint problems. Your doctor may advise you to practice physical therapy to avoid unhealthy exercises or you may be advised to seek the help of a registered dietitian.
  • Remember to drink plenty of fluids and never let yourself get dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water has the ability to make you feel full even without eating anything.
  • Body detox water helps you lose belly fat, arms and thighs. You can make water to detoxify the body by adding lemons, oranges, kiwis, and kumquats to the water to drink.
  • Exercise for a total of 60-70 minutes per day and stay hydrated. During the exercise, take 5 minutes of warm-up to gently speed up your heart rate, like a slow walk with increasing speed. Then start the 60-minute workout so your heart rate continues to rise and do 2-3 different exercises in these 60 minutes. Finally you spend 5 minutes of recovery to lower your heart rate like a brisk walk to slow pacing.

What you need

  • Fiber from whole grains
  • Fat-free protein
  • Monounsaturated fat
  • Fresh produce
  • Free weightlifting / exercise machine