Ways to Lose Weight Gain muscle

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Lose Fat AND Gain Muscle at the Same Time (3 Simple Steps)
Video: How to Lose Fat AND Gain Muscle at the Same Time (3 Simple Steps)


To be able to lose weight and build muscle at the same time you must focus on three main factors: diet, heart rate exercise, and strength training. However, maintaining these three elements for a long time will be difficult and require a lot of determination, but the results are well worth the effort! Here are some tutorials on how to get a desirable look.


Method 1 of 3: Diet

  1. Eat more protein foods. Protein is an important ingredient in muscle building. While exercising to increase muscle strength, your body goes into a neutral state, and will begin to break down muscles. Absorption of protein after exercise will help the body return to an anabolic state so that it can start building muscle. Here are some high-protein foods that should be incorporated into the diet:
    • Lean beef. Not only does beef contain about 25% protein (28 grams of beef contains about 7 grams of protein), but lean beef is also a good source of vitamin B12 as well as zinc and iron.
    • Chicken. Skinless chicken contains approximately the same protein content as beef and chicken is also very useful food.
    • Fish. Fish are protein-rich foods like beef and chicken, but some fish like tuna and salmon are also excellent sources of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and Omega 3, both of which are very beneficial for health. healthy and help boost your immune system.
    • Egg. In addition to being high in protein, eggs also provide a lot of Omega-3s.
    • Bean. Beans also contain a lot of protein (although the exact amount of protein depends on the type of bean), especially beans are also a great source of fiber. This means that when you eat beans, you will feel full faster and more satisfied for longer.

  2. Limit carb-containing foods. Exactly limiting carbs can help you lose weight, but carbohydrates are not the 'enemy' of weight loss. When used properly, carbs are an integral part of your diet and exercise routine. Carbs not only help the body absorb protein, but also provide the body with the energy it needs to exercise. Here are some carbohydrate-rich foods to incorporate into your diet:
    • Grains. Always keep this in mind when buying bread, noodles, and rice. Not only are grains high in carbohydrates, but they also help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
    • Oatmeal. In addition to the benefits outlined in cereal flour, oatmeal is also high in fiber and will keep you feeling full for longer than sugar-rich sweets, to help curb cravings before. eat lunch or overeat.
    • Spaghetti squash (Squash). Use this vegetable in place of pasta if you want to limit carbs. If cooked properly, spaghetti squash will look like regular pasta, but its calorie count is about of the carbs found in the equivalent amount of pasta.

  3. Balance calories. Calorie intake will play an important role in fat loss and muscle building. Eating too many calories will likely cause you to gain weight, but if not enough, it is almost impossible for your body to build muscle
    • Every day, you should consume about 10 to 15 times more calories than your body weight. This may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that you will burn a lot of calories during exercise.
    • Note: this number may vary depending on a number of factors such as height, age and gender. You can use an online calorie calculator, or download a calorie calculator app; There are many free online calorie calculators available today.
    • You should consult your doctor before making any major dietary changes.

  4. Avoid processed foods. Processed foods are considered the enemy of weight loss and muscle gain because they contain many additives but few nutrients and during processing a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber are lost. What's more, there's a lot of unhealthy fats, artificial sweeteners, and synthetic vitamins and minerals that are often added after processing. In most cases, your body doesn't even accept these ingredients as food! Here are some processed foods to avoid:
    • Canned meat
    • Sausage
    • Packaged chips and cookies
    • Frozen pizza and frozen food.
  5. Use supplements correctly. You can take a supplement if you don't feel like your body has enough certain vitamins or minerals.But remember, supplements also only play a supplementary role, so supplements should not be used as a substitute for foods. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Exercise to increase heart rate

  1. Make a habit of doing exercises that increase heart rate. Cardio is indispensable to lose weight because these exercises will help burn fat and increase your heart rate, so increase your exercise. A healthy heart will help pump oxygen throughout the body, and to better muscles, in addition to making the body healthier. You should do exercises to increase the heart rate 4 times / week and each exercise for about 30 minutes to get the best results.
  2. Jogging. Jogging is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to exercise to increase your heart rate. You have to run for 20 minutes to be effective. If you're just starting out, 20 minutes is a good time, but then gradually increase it to 30-45 minutes.
  3. Cycling. One of the main benefits of this approach is that it's easier to work your joints than running. But you have to spend money buying a bike, or going to the gym.
    • If you have a bicycle, purchase some additional protective gear, such as a helmet. In addition, you also need to buy locks to lock the car.
  4. Wind blasts. The wind punching move is like its name suggests. Stand in front of a surface or wall so your shadow falls onto the plane in front of you, imagine it's your opponent and start punching. This is not only fun but also inexpensive and easy to practice anywhere! However, remember not to lose control and or punch hard objects or you could damage your joints (or possibly puncture the wall).
  5. Dance. Dancing is not only a recreational activity but also a great way to increase your heart rate and help with weight loss and toning. Here is a basic dance exercise you can do:
    • Belly dance
    • Hiphop
    • Zumba
    • Dance
    • Bollywood (Indian Dance).
  6. Swimming. If it is possible to go to the pool, this is among the best cardio and is the ideal exercise for people who are injured and recovering from swimming won't have much impact. to bones and joints. Swimming is a full-body exercise that helps build and strengthen muscles. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Weight exercises

  1. Lifting weights is an indispensable exercise in the training regime to increase muscle mass. If done correctly, lifting weights and weight-strengthening exercise is the surest way to build and strengthen muscles. Note, dumbbells weight and training time are two important factors you need to understand, do not overdo it because it can cause damage or backfire in the body. Here are some tips to keep in mind when lifting weights:
    • Time is the very important factor. For weight exercises, you should only exercise 3 times a week and practice alternately (ie you should practice on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) to give your body enough time to recover.
    • Way is more important than weight. Don't overdo it and try to lift too heavy weights. Although the dumbbells are not large, with the right exercise, your muscles will be strengthened and strengthened.
    • Change your exercise regime. Your body will get used to the same exercises again and again. This is really just muscle fatigue and breakdown. Change your daily workout routine by adding new exercises and making your muscles change with each other to adapt!
  2. Push the dumbbells on the steep chair. This exercise method will be completely different from flat bench presses when doing chest exercises.
    • Sit on a steep bench and place the dumbbells on your lower thigh.
    • Lift the dumbbells to shoulder height and lie down on the chair at the same time.
    • Hold shoulder-width apart and spread arms wide by a few and align palms facing each other.
    • Squeeze your chest muscles, push the dumbbells up and exhale.
    • Push the dumbbells as high as you can and hold for two seconds.
    • Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position. The time to lower the dumbbells back to the starting position must be 2 times the lifting time.
    • The number of attempts may depend on your wishes.
  3. Do squats. Squats are not only leg exercises, but also useful for the whole body. Done properly, squat exercises create an anabolic environment, promoting muscle strengthening for the whole body. You don't even need to work with weights to get the effect.
    • Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
    • Keep your back straight.
    • Keep your knees focused on your feet.
    • Slowly bend your knees and lower your body until your legs are at a 90 degree angle while inhaling.
    • Return to three-headed posture while breathing out.
    • Realize this movement from 15-20 beats / time. For starters, only do about 2-3 times.
  4. Do leg lifts. This exercise is essential for shaping and strengthening muscle training. Weightlifting exercises will help work on the flexors of the hips and are very helpful for the abdominal muscles.
    • Sit on one end of a training chair.
    • Place a relatively light weight dumbbell between your feet. Make sure your feet hold the dumbbells firmly.
    • Lie down in your chair and grab the sides of the chair behind your head as a support.
    • Raise your legs by flexing your hips and lifting your knees toward your torso.
    • Slowly lower your legs until your hips and knees are back in their original positions.
    • Repeat the movement and the number of exercises depending on what you want.
  5. Practice the bar backhand. This exercise not only strengthens the forearms and arm muscles, but also helps to train the abdomen (including the abdomen, lower back hips) as you have to use a lot of force in this area to keep the body stable when performing this exercise. movement.
    • Stand up straight, hands holding the weight, palms facing back.
    • Make sure your back is straight, arms shoulder-width apart.
    • Roll the bar upwards, concentrating on using your forearms, until the dumbbells are raised to shoulder height.
    • Hold the dumbbells for a short while and bend the front arm muscles.
    • Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.
    • Repeat above.


  • Always innovate with exercises and eating menus. You will be able to maintain your diet and exercise for longer if you know how to innovate and make your exercises and food more engaging.
  • Proper rest is no less important than exercise. Don't overdo it. Give your body time to rest, and to recover.
  • Find a partner - especially when lifting weights. Having a companion not only helps you stay motivated to exercise, it can also detect and support you when lifting weights.
  • You should consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or doing any extreme activity. Remember to be mindless.
  • Do not take too long a break. Because if you take a long break you will feel no energy and motivation to do the rest of the exercises.