Ways to Lose Weight Using Healthy Methods

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable
Video: 6 NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS TIPS | healthy + sustainable


You don't have to starve to lose weight; And really, you shouldn't fast to lose weight either. To lose weight the healthy way you need a lot of determination and patience. Here's a guide to healthy weight loss and how to keep it off once you reach your goal. Incorporating a weight loss plan in multiple ways to boost your metabolism can help you reach your goals more quickly, while ensuring safe and healthy weight loss.


Part 1 of 4: Weight Loss Planning

  1. Talk to your doctor about weight loss. Make sure you lose weight, and this is the best time to start losing weight. If you are pregnant, or have a medical condition, your body may need extra calories to stay healthy, so this is not a good time to start losing weight.
    • If you have certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart problems, you must consult your doctor before starting a diet and exercise plan. You should also talk to your doctor about your age, current weight, and overall physical health.

  2. Set reasonable and realistic goals. Losing between 0.5-1 kg / week is a healthy way to lose weight. You have to give yourself time to achieve your goal, plan to lose about 2 kg / week.
    • While there are plenty of diet ads that can help you lose weight quickly, slow and steady weight loss is the healthiest way to lose weight.
    • While a fad diet can help you lose weight quickly, it is usually not sustainable over the long term, and once you stop a fad diet you will usually regain weight, or even more.

  3. Incorporate your daily calorie reduction goal into your meal plan. Weight loss occurs when more calories are burned than taken in. You can ask your doctor to calculate the exact number of calories you should consume each day to suit your condition, age, gender, and lifestyle.

  4. Calorie calculation. Every 0.5 kg equals about 3,500 calories, so to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, your daily caloric intake needs to be reduced by about 500-1,000 calories, or you must increase your activity level to burn more calories than.
    • For example, a moderately active 35 year old woman should consume about 2,000 calories / day to maintain her current weight. So she has to set a goal of reducing her daily calorie consumption down to 1400 to 1600 calories in order to lose weight.
    • Daily calorie reduction goals should be based on age, gender, and level of physical activity. In addition, each person's health must be considered.
  5. Upload a food journaling app to your computer or phone and record what you eat. Here's how you know how many calories you consume each day.
  6. Avoid setting a daily calorie goal too low. Consuming too few calories does not necessarily help you lose weight, but may even hinder weight loss. When you skip meals or eat too few calories, your body starts storing calories as fat instead of burning calories.
  7. Make plans to suit your interests. There are a variety of healthy weight loss plans out there that you can adapt to your own preferences and needs. No matter what formal diet plan you have or make your own, you need to make sure it fits your body over the long term, not just a few months.
    • To be able to successfully make healthy lifestyle changes, it is important that the new plan fits into your current life and is not too difficult to implement. Adjusting your diet and exercise pattern is just one aspect, you have to completely change the foods you don't normally eat and exercises you don't like to be able to maintain in the long term.
  8. Use previous weight loss experiences to plan your weight loss. When planning, you should combine what was useful with your past weight loss and eliminate what was not.
  9. Create a flexible weight loss plan. Complement your personal preferences, and be flexible in both food and physical activity choices. In addition, you should also consider a hobby of wanting to lose weight alone or wanting to be supported by others.
  10. The weight loss plan should also fit your budget. Some diet programs may incur additional costs. Costs can be incurred by signing up for a gym membership, joining a special exercise group, buying special foods like supplements or food, or attending appointments or group meetings. periodically.
  11. Increasing physical activity is also part of a weight loss plan. Consider increasing an activity you enjoy, like walking, zumba dancing, cycling, or yoga. Develop a fitness plan that you can stick with for the long haul. The ideal exercise plan includes aerobics and muscle-strengthening workouts, but in the first place just increase your activity level.
  12. Set activity goals. You should set aside 150 minutes / week or more for moderate exercise, or 75 minutes / week with intense aerobics or aerobic exercise, and should be spread evenly throughout. a week.
  13. Distinguish the difference between physical activity and exercise. Physical activity includes activities you do every day, such as walking, chores, gardening, and running around in the yard with children, grandchildren, or pets. Exercise involves regular form of structured, scheduled, and repetitive activity.
    • However, adding some physical activity (eg taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of driving, etc.) is also a great way to achieve your goal.
  14. Calculate your current BMI and your target level. Your doctor can tell you your BMI. A safe BMI is in the 18.5 to 25 range.
    • The formula for calculating BMI is a bit complicated, but if you want you can calculate your BMI yourself, using the following steps. Divide your weight in kilograms (not pounds) divided by the square of your height (in meters) to get your BMI.
    • For example, the BMI of a person who is 1.65 m tall and weighs 74.5 kg is 27.3.
    • If you have the measurements in pounds and inches, you must first convert pounds to kilograms and meters. We have, 1 pound equals 0.45 kg; therefore, 165 x 0.45 = 74.25 kg. Next, convert the height to meters. Having 5 feet 6 inches is 66 inches, taking 66x2.5 = 1.65 m. Then, squaring the height in meters, we get 1.65 x 1.65 = 2.72. Divide the number of weights in kg divided by the square of the height in meters; 74.25 ÷ 2.72 = 27.3. So, this person's BMI is 27.3.
  15. Persevere according to the plan. To be able to successfully lose weight you need to be persistent and stick to your plan for the long term.
  16. Join an online support group.
  17. Write the plan on paper. Some people find it more helpful to write the plan on paper. Include why you want to lose weight, your own plan, the amount of weight you want to lose, and the date your goal is completed at reaching your desired weight. Then sign it as if doing the contract. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: A Detailed Implementation of the Food Guide

  1. Include each type of food for each food group, for each meal, on the plan. There are 5 food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and milk. Each meal should be more than half green vegetables and fruits, and the rest should be protein and grains. For dairy products, it's best to use fat-free (skim) and low-fat (less than 1%).
    • Some foods are high in protein like lean meats, beans, and fish. In addition, nuts and eggs are also excellent sources of protein.
    • Try to consume 3 servings of dairy products / day. Try to avoid cream cheese, cream, and butter.
    • Choose whole grain products made from whole grains. Examples include whole wheat flour, oatmeal, and brown rice. Avoid packaged oatmeal, as it is often high in sugar.
    • Fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories than most other foods, and are also excellent sources of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Although fruits are a great choice, they still contain calories and sugar, so you should still eat only 4 servings per day, about 2 cups.
  2. Avoid empty calorie foods. Solid fats and sugars can add calories, but not nutrients. Examples of foods with empty calories include cakes, cookies, pizza, ice cream, soft drinks, sports drinks, juices, hot dogs, and bacon.
  3. Choose healthy frozen foods for dinner. Certainly, preparing meals with fresh ingredients is the best and healthiest way. But for those who don't have a lot of time, healthy frozen foods may be the best option.
    • You can follow these basic guidelines for choosing frozen foods. Choose foods like lean meats, fish, poultry, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to aim for a meal with 300 to 350 calories, 10 to 18 grams of fat, less than 4 grams of saturated fat, no more than 500 mgs of sodium, 5 grams of fiber or more, 10-20 grams of protein. , and food containing about 10% vitamins and minerals.
  4. Check calories on food packaging. Buying portion-to-serve pre-packaged foods will help you manage calories more easily. 100 calories per bag of popcorn, 110 calories per ice cream, and even portion-packed snacks help control calories and reduce overeating.
  5. You should also include some rustic and traditional dishes in your meal plan. There are many people who are very fond of folk or traditional food, so if you like you can eat them; But make sure to make healthy food choices to help you lose weight.
  6. Drink a lot of water. While drinking a lot of water is quite important in some diet programs, there are also many that do not focus too much on water intake, and simply emphasize the importance of drinking water for health reasons. Generally speaking. Some experts say that drinking water when you're hungry helps you feel full, and therefore water helps control the hunger signals your stomach sends to the brain.
  7. Avoid sugary drinks, sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks. You can also drink plenty of water, like unsweetened coffee and tea, to aid in weight loss. Limit certain drinks, fruit juices, alcohol, and milk with the exception of skim milk. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Lifestyle Changes

  1. Break old eating habits. Emotional eating or comfort eating are also part of nutritional eating. Try to find healthy alternatives to the unhealthy foods you already eat.
    • Look up strong recipes to cook some of your favorites so you won't feel too constrained about following your meal plan.
  2. Pay attention to the physical benefits of your food. You may be eating fried food that feels really good at the moment, but these foods won't benefit your body in the future.
  3. Eat slowly. Your stomach will start to feel full if you slow down. You can chat with someone, or put your fork down while you chew, so your stomach can send the fullness signal to your brain in time.
  4. Carefully read food packaging labels. Know what you're going to eat, and read the nutrition label to make sure the foods you want to eat fall into the plan.
    • Some companies have marketing purposes that may mislead you, so you should read the nutrition section carefully.
  5. Control cravings by changing your thoughts about the food. Certainly there are some very appealing foods, so make sure you control how you eat them by telling yourself "I don't eat" instead of "I can't eat". By changing the way you think about food will help you to control food choices you don't often eat.
    • Instead of thinking about the foods you no longer have, think about all the foods you're adding like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, etc. Switching your mindset from which foods to restrict to which foods to add can make a huge difference.
  6. Practice healthy eating every day. Have breakfast, plan ahead so you know what you will eat when you feel hungry, avoid overeating while watching TV, and eat healthy foods first. Alternatively, you can get in the habit of eating smaller meals, or snacks, throughout the day instead of 3 big meals ..
  7. Weigh yourself once a week. Track your weight so you can promptly fine-tune your eating plan if needed, and also help you stick to the plan.
  8. Clean up the pantry and kitchen. The foods you can see in the cupboard, or can easily be obtained, may not always be the best choice. Therefore, you should put the fruit on the counter and the chopped vegetables in the refrigerator so that you can easily reach for a healthy choice, to avoid eating unhealthy junk food.
  9. Reduce temptation. Discard all your cookies and ice cream. If you keep tempting food within reach, you may be easily tempted.
  10. Use a smaller sized dish. Smaller plates can help you control portion sizes, reducing the number of calories you consume at each meal. Always eat with a fork or chopsticks, to avoid distracting you from eating a whole sachet, box, or bag.
    • You can divide snacks into portions, and keep them in the pantry to prevent overeating. Many grocery stores now also divide food into servings.
  11. Get enough sleep. People who get enough sleep can burn 5% more calories than those who lack sleep or sleep without sleep. Moreover, getting enough sleep also helps you increase fat burning more than people who sleep less than 6 hours / night.
  12. Don't give up if you make a mistake. Life always has surprises.Weddings filled with delicious food, birthday parties, day out snacks, or a picnic are all hard to turn down and can all involve eating, drinking, and calories. that are not in your plan.
    • Think differently about what you can do, and plan ahead so you will be ready for the challenges next time.
    • Avoid the "all or nothing" thinking. Don't just deviate from your plan once, but assume that you lose control and want to change. If you make mistakes, correct and continue with your plan, don't be too hard on yourself.
  13. Ask for help. Talk to friends and family about your weight loss plan so they can help you stay focused on your goals. You can invite friends to join you in losing weight. In addition, you can join weight loss groups to get support, advice, learn from their predecessors' experiences as well as get encouragement from everyone.
    • Sharing your goals and serious attitude toward losing weight can also help prevent you from being tempted to eat and drink by others, so as not to be negatively affected.

Part 4 of 4: Getting Doctor's Help

  1. Ask your doctor to prescribe weight loss pills. Talk to your doctor about medications for weight loss that are right for you. In the US, the FDA has authorized an agency to prescribe weight loss pills. Your doctor will depend on your current medication regimen, your current medical condition, and the amount of weight to reduce.
  2. Avoid using commercially available diet pills or weight loss products without your doctor's approval. Weight loss products on the market have not been studied and tested for their effectiveness. Your doctor can help you test these products, but it is important to talk to your doctor before trying this product.
  3. Consider surgical methods. For some people, considering surgical options may be the safest and most effective way to achieve weight loss goals. Only your doctor can evaluate your health policy and decide which surgical method is right for you.
    • There are four surgical methods to lose weight and are collectively known as obesity surgery. And these four methods have 2 main functions.
    • Its two main functions are to restrict - restrict the amount of food in the stomach - and reduce absorption - that is, to shorten the small intestine to reduce the amount of calories and nutrients the body absorbs.
    • The four methods of obesity surgery are Roux-en-Y surgery of gastric bypass, laparoscopic surgery (Lapband surgery), gastric caulectomy, duodenal conversion surgery to deflect go of nutrients in the stomach.
  4. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking. Your doctor can help you, even if you don't realize it. In some cases, you may be taking prescription medications that cause weight gain or increase your cravings. Talk to your doctor about your weight loss goals, some of your medications may be altered, or dosed appropriately, to help you achieve your goals.
  5. Discuss your exercise plan with your doctor. Depending on your weight loss, current health condition, and your age, your doctor can guide you on how to exercise and function safely for you. In addition, a healthcare professional can also give you great advice, information, guidance and support.
  6. Treat yourself well. Don't let yourself down if you eat too much, take a deep breath and start again the next day. We don't get obese just because we overeat once in a while, unless it's a daily habit.
  7. Please be patient. It takes about 8 months to change your habits, and once you feel better, people will begin to notice your physical beauty, then you know you are on the right track! advertisement


  • Reduce alcohol consumption as alcohol, including beer, also contains a lot of calories.
  • For those who are just starting out to exercise, don't overdo or overdo it. Would you enjoy the practice more if you started it slowly.
  • Expect vegetables near the front of the refrigerator and fruit on the drawer.
  • Do not drink sugary drinks. A cup of cocacola contains about 8-10 teaspoons of sugar. Try water, tea, or black coffee.
  • Do not starve. When calorie intake drops too much, your body tends to store calories like fat, instead of burning calories.
  • Don't be fooled by products that advertise "low fat", "low sugar", "diet," and "low calorie". Read the nutrition label carefully to check the sugar, fat, and carbohydrate level of a product.
  • Avoid eating right before bed. Eating late causes your body to store food like fat.
  • Try not to eat at fast food restaurants. If you must choose fast food, try to choose healthy foods. Most fast food stores sell salads and fruit.
  • Healthy weight loss is weight loss at a steady rate. Remember that you are aiming for a steady change, not the immediate outcome.
  • Change the whole family's eating habits into healthy eating habits and lifestyle. This is a healthy choice for everyone.
  • At the beginning, don't try too hard! First, you can eat healthy meals with healthy foods in between. Continue to increase to 2 healthy meals and then start a diet with all healthy meals, if you force it too much then your body may "protest and fight"! You should make gradual changes so that your body can adapt.