How to lose 9 kg in a month

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 May 2024
How I Lost 9 Kg In 1 Month - By Dr. Shikha Singh | Clients Transformation | Mahek Diet Plan | Hindi
Video: How I Lost 9 Kg In 1 Month - By Dr. Shikha Singh | Clients Transformation | Mahek Diet Plan | Hindi


Unfortunately, there is no "miracle" to help you lose weight quickly, other than you have to eat and exercise. However, with perseverance and alertness, you can still achieve your weight loss goals in the short term. Want to lose up to 7-9 kg in a month, you need to be persistent, hardworking and vigilant because you will have to closely monitor your body condition to lose weight safely. Note that losing significant weight in the short term is more risky and difficult to maintain than slowly losing weight.


Method 1 of 3: Eat science

  1. Reduce caloric intake. Make an effort to eat less than you currently are. Reduce caloric intake for the first week, then maintain an appropriate amount to help your body lose weight without completely exhausting. Calorie counting is not easy and takes long-term seriousness, but it is definitely the best way to lose weight.
    • The most basic rule of weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in.
    • Consult with a nutritionist, keep a journal or use an internet calorie calculator to track the nutritional value of the foods you eat and calculate calories to tolerate.

  2. Cut back on "junk food" or unhealthy foods. To reduce your calorie intake, the first thing you need to do is eliminate salty, sweet foods, processed foods and junk food from your diet. Don't eat french fries, pizzas, cakes or sweets. Sweets and greasy foods often contain more calories per serving, meaning eating the same serving size of healthy foods will still gain weight. "Junk food" is a pit of death for those who want to reduce the percentage of body fat.
    • Eat foods that are grilled, baked or steamed. Avoid high-fat additives like oils and butter.
    • Stopping fast food and drinking soft drinks are simple ways to significantly reduce your calorie intake. This will help you lose 1 to 1.5 kg more per week.

  3. Eat healthy food. Foods that are low in calories and keep you full for a long time are best for losing weight quickly. 400 calories from vegetables will help you feel full quickly, while 400 calories from oil or fried chicken will make you crave more. So, choose the right foods to "fool" the body and show you are full.
    • Vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean meats are all nutritious, low-calorie foods that help you lose weight. Vegetables and fruits are mainly water and very low in calories and fat. On the other hand, 1 g of fat contains approx 9 calories. Avoid processed foods and choose colorful fruits and vegetables instead.
      • Fiber is also great for people who want to lose weight, and each gram contains only 1.5-2.5 calories. Most legumes and seeds are good sources of fiber.

  4. Avoid increasing calories while preparing food. Lean chicken is great, unless you cook it with butter and cheese.
    • When preparing meat, you should peel the skin and peel the fat. Besides, meat should not be covered in breadcrumbs or other unnecessary additives.
    • Do not deep fry. Even with vegetables, deep-frying or stir-frying will lose their nutritional value.
      • Cook by steaming and adding spices. Steaming food instead of frying will help cut calories, fat; while spices will help increase metabolism.
  5. Eat foods that help burn fat. Fasting is not the way to lose weight. Instead, choose the right foods that help burn fat. Completely eliminate "junk food" from your diet and replace it with:
    • Fatty, omega-3 fish helps to reduce the amount of leptin in the body. In addition, fish rich in omega-3 also help keep you from feeling hungry and boost your metabolism. If you do not like to eat seafood, you can ask your doctor about taking fish oil as a dietary supplement. Although not as good as wild fish, fish oil is also beneficial.
    • Eat an apple a day to burn fat. Apples are rich in pectin, which helps to reduce the amount of fat that the body absorbs. In addition, apples are rich in fiber and low in calories, making them a perfect and extremely delicious snack.
    • Add ginger and garlic to meals. Ginger helps to dilate blood vessels, garlic helps to lower insulin levels and both spices help speed up metabolism.
    • Use olive oil for cooking. Despite being fat, olive oil is rich in good fats (monounsaturated fats) that help lower cholesterol levels and many other health benefits.
  6. Drink water to lose weight. Water is life energy and helps with weight loss. Drink water at every breakfast, lunch and dinner to reduce appetite and beautify the skin.
    • Drink 2 glasses of water before each meal. You will feel full quickly (about 3 times faster) and will not crave high calorie foods anymore.
    • Although each person's needs for hydration vary, the American Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink about 3.7 liters of water and women should drink about 2.7 liters of water per day, including real water. products and other drinks ..
      • Green tea is also a good drink. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and helps speed up metabolism.
      • Cut back on soft drinks and alcohol. These drinks only contain "empty" calories, which cause you to "quietly" gain weight, even without making you feel full.
  7. Snack. Eating 5-7 small meals a day helps to lose weight faster than eating 3 big meals a day. This way, you will feel full all day and you will not want to overeat.
    • Healthy snacks. Measure out portions of your favorite snack (like carrots, nuts, grapes, or yogurt) and pack them up to get them ready for the week. This way, you will have available snacks to combine with the exercise to increase your metabolism.
    • Don't skip breakfast. The body needs to be recharged every morning to function smoothly throughout the day. Eating breakfast not only helps with weight loss but also prevent weight gain come back..

Method 2 of 3: Exercise

  1. Start with a cardio exercise. Cardio exercises are the fastest way to burn fat or burn calories. So what are you waiting for without starting cardio exercise good for your heart? Fortunately, cardio exercises come in many different forms.
    • Jogging, cycling, swimming, boxing, playing tennis, dancing and many more activities count as cardio. So, you can try and choose the exercise that suits you best.
      • Jogging, Taekwondo, aerobic and rope skipping are some of the exercises that burn the most calories ..
      • Try high intensity interval training (HIIT). The Journal of Physiology (USA) revealed a new study that said "HIIT is to perform many high intensity exercises, in short bursts combined with each restorative period of time. The study showed young, healthy students that the exercise had similar health benefits to regular long-term strength training, in less time (and better). you just need to train less. ”Not only does it help you burn more calories, doing HIIT also helps Shorten training time.
  2. Start with weights. Cardio exercises are essential for weight loss. For best results, however, you need to incorporate a cardio workout with weightlifting..
    • Cardio exercise can be done every day, while weight training cannot. When you lift weights, muscles take time to recover. Try to do as much cardio as you can, and limit weight training to just a few times a week.
  3. Exercise regularly. Nothing can help burn calories faster than a brisk walking exercise. If you're not ready to exercise at least 3-4 times a week, start now. Workouts should last about 1 hour and balance heart-healthy activities with strength and endurance exercise. Exercise for high heart rate and hot muscles. The more you move, the more weight you lose.
    • Rest for a few days a week. Since the body is in a state in which fewer calories are supplied, time for the body to recover will be needed than usual.
    • You will practice more persistently if you find it fun while exercising. If you do not like to exercise with the treadmill, you can try yoga, swimming, boxing, mountain biking, mountain climbing or Crossfit exercise. Any activity that keeps you moving will help you lose weight.
  4. Think realistically about your exercise. If your body is a little out of proportion (due to your activities or health problems), you may find it easy to think that you cannot exercise. But the reality is that you can always, just have to practice for longer. Whether it is low or high intensity exercise, it will help burn calories and increase muscle strength.
    • Even casual activities like taking a short walk, taking the stairs or washing the car, and cleaning the house can help burn calories. If you cannot run long distances, for example 5 km, don't worry too much. Instead, just make a few adjustments to your diet and walk for 5 km every morning to lose weight by doing a bladder.
  5. Do cardio when you are hungry. This is in the form of cardio exercises such as jogging, swimming or rowing on an empty stomach. The main principle is that when there is no glycogen (sugar that moves into the bloodstream when you eat it) from food, the body uses stored fat to convert it into available energy. Fasting cardio has been shown to help athletes and dieters burn fat faster than traditional forms of exercise.
    • The best time to do cardio on an empty stomach is when you wake up, before eating breakfast. Your blood sugar will be low enough because you haven't eaten since last night until you woke up.
    • When doing cardio on an empty stomach, you should do it with low intensity and short duration. A moderate pace or brisk walk for 20-30 minutes is sufficient.
  6. Try out Tabata. Based on the Tabata principle and named after the scientist who invented this principle, the Tabata exercise is simple but challenging enough: you just need to choose one or more coordinated movements and do it in 20 seconds at a time, then rest for 10 seconds, lasting a total of 4 minutes (8 sessions). It sounds simple, but Tabata exercises need a lot of effort and make you sweat a lot, so it is great for speeding up metabolism and causing fat to "melt".
    • Choose simple movements like Lunge or Squat to repeat several times each session.
    • Initially, you should practice simply, which means doing 10 seconds each session and then rest for 20 seconds. Once you're ready, you can move on to 20 seconds and then 10 seconds off.
    • Don't force yourself too hard. Tabata is one of the most intense forms of exercise and should only be done by people who can endure it.

Method 3 of 3: Set goals

  1. Basal metabolic rate determined. Whatever you do, the body uses energy at a certain rate. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a way to help determine how many calories your body burns when you are doing nothing all day at all. This number shows you at what speed the body burns calories, thereby helping to determine how much activity should be done, and how many calories to cut down to achieve weight loss goals. How the metabolic rate is calculated varies by age, gender, and activity level:
    • BMR formula for women: 655 + (9.58 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in year).
    • BMR formula for men: 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years).
  2. Determine your level of physical activity. Each number represents an activity level and is used to consider when calculating calories burned per day.
    • Little or no movement = 1.2
    • Light activity (up to 3 days per week) = 1,375
    • Moderate activity (3-5 days per week) = 1.55
    • Heavy activity (6-7 days per week) = 1,725
    • Very heavy activity (vigorous exercise every day) = 1.9.
  3. Determine how many calories to burn each day. To determine this number, multiply the BMR ratio by the level of physical activity.
    • This is the Total Energy Used Per Day (TDEE) metric. This may seem like a big number, but don't forget that your body burns calories even when you're sleeping.
    • For example, the BMR is 3500 and you are doing just fine, multiply 3500 by 1.55 to get 5425, which is the number of calories burned to maintain weight. To lose 9 pounds in a month, you need to cut back at least 2,000 calories a day, through diet and exercise. Truly too high a target.
  4. Sweating to lose weight. Since water makes up the bulk of the human body, the body tends to store water for use. As a result, the swollen body, the weight due to water, gradually increases the number on the scale. Therefore, you need to get rid of excess water by excreting the water in the form of sweat. One hour of continuous cardio or 20 minutes of sitting in the sauna can help you lose 0.5-1 kg of water weight.
    • Make sure to drink enough fluids to keep your body hydrated and prevent dehydration.
    • Sweating has long been used by boxing athletes, wrestlers and other competitive athletes to squeeze weight.
  5. Get enough sleep. You need adequate rest to improve your overall health and function at optimal levels. Try to get a deep sleep and stay awake for at least 6 hours, preferably 8 hours a night. When you rest, the body rebuilds damaged tissues and cells, distributes calories to be used inside the body and restores energy. When you wake up, you'll be filled with energy and ready to make a double effort to lose weight.
    • Due to overwork, insomnia, stress and many other problems, many people do not get enough sleep and find it difficult to lose weight.
    • If you don't have time to get a good night's sleep, you can take short naps (10-15 minutes) throughout the day.


  • Try not to be too obsessive about your actual weight, as the number doesn't matter. In fact, muscle has a higher density than fat, so it is heavier, but makes up less. Therefore, the number shown on the scale will not accurately reflect whether you are losing weight or not. If you want to know exactly, you should see if the clothes are wide open.
  • Drinking water and sweating will help you lose weight faster.
  • Practice persistent. After getting used to it, you need to try harder. Most importantly, you need to have a healthy diet, a balance of vegetables, milk and meat, ...
  • Eat a variety of dairy products. Milk, cheese, yogurt will actually help break down fat cells in the body and provide the amount of calcium the body needs.
  • If you crave a sweet tooth, replace the sugar with honey. Although not good, honey is more natural and better for the body.
  • Soy foods are healthy alternatives. Soybeans are rich in vitamins and minerals and have fewer calories and less fat than meat.


  • Avoid drinking canned fruit and fruit juices. These foods are high in sugar and not as nutritious as you might think.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages. Not only does it contain many "empty" calories that cause weight gain, alcoholic beverages also have a negative effect on overall health.