How to Learn more effectively

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Study Way More Effectively | The Feynman Technique
Video: How to Study Way More Effectively | The Feynman Technique


You can spend hours studying hard, but this does not necessarily help you learn the lesson. A more effective way of studying will help shorten lessons and deliver better results, and ultimately higher scores!


Method 1 of 3: Prepare for success

  1. Identify sources of support. Sit down and make a list of what you think will be on the exam or multiple choice tests. Next, list all the resources that can help you learn them, such as practice tests or study groups.
    • If you are studying for the exam, please review the multiple choice questions from the previous exams. Some questions may reappear during this exam.
    • Multiple-choice tests are usually smaller than exams and cover only knowledge of the current chapter or section.
    • If you can't find a mock test or study group, you can create it yourself!

  2. Make a study plan. Once you know what you need to learn and how to take advantage of the resources available, sit back and make a schedule. Set aside time for studying and stick to your schedule.
    • Add ample time to what you think should be enough, especially for tough subjects.

  3. Positive Thinking. You need to think as positively as you can when you sit down to study. Anxiety will make your class less effective and make it harder to remember knowledge.Try to think positively while studying and don't compare yourself to others.
    • Try saying positive statements to yourself before you start sitting down to study, like, "I'll do well on this exam!"
    • When you notice negative thoughts creeping into your mind, such as, "I will fail this test," stop the thought and replace it with a positive thought like "I will grasp this knowledge and will succeed! "

  4. Find a quiet place to study, with little distraction. The place of study affects the effectiveness of the lessons. If factors like television, internet, or roommates distract you, you won't be able to study as effectively as you would in a quiet place with less distraction.
    • Make use of the library. Choose a comfortable seat with few passersby and start studying.
    • In the afternoon, you can study in a quiet cafe.
    • Study while your roommate goes to work or school and you have your own space.

Method 2 of 3: Learn a smarter way

  1. Study in batches. Long lessons without breaks will not help you absorb knowledge well. In order to study effectively, you need to take a break while studying. Try studying in 30-minute sessions and rest 5-10 minutes between sessions.
    • If you feel that your ability to focus has decreased, you may have to stop studying that day or move on to a different subject.
    • Do something relaxing during breaks that doesn't require too much concentration, such as stretching or going for a walk.
  2. Self-test. Use flashcards, multiple choice questions and practice tests to increase learning efficiency. You will remember the knowledge better when taking the mock test instead of merely rereading the information. Try making study cards for self-test. Ask your instructor or to create mock tests or multiple choice questions on your own.
    • You can create a simple mock test by copying questions from the tests in the previous exams and answering the questions.
    • Consider taking a quiz and a mock test first. The hardest topics are the ones you need to focus on most while studying.
  3. Use as many of your senses as possible. Some people are better able to remember information when they mobilize multiple senses during learning. One way to incorporate multiple senses in learning is to rewrite and read notes aloud. This method uses multiple senses and can help you remember information more effectively.
  4. Play memory games. Try using songs, acronyms, or mnemonic tips to learn information. For example, if you need to remember EGBDF notes, you could coax a phrase with the first letters EGBDFP, like, "every good boy does fine."
    • Memory games don't work for everyone. You can skip it if you find it difficult to use this method.

Method 3 of 3: Use notes to learn

  1. Write down your notes. As you rewrite your notes, you are also reviewing familiar information. This repetition can help you more effectively recall information in notes. Try rewriting your notes before an exam or multiple choice exam to aid in memorizing information.
    • Consider rewriting your notes in ink colors that you will use on the exam. For example, if you plan to take the test with a blue ink pen, take notes in blue ink.
  2. Write down other people's notes or outlines with your own words. Sometimes you can rewrite someone's notes, but you should use your own words properly.
    • Writing down your verbal information is another way to help you remember important parts more easily.
  3. Outline for information to learn. Outlining the class notes and knowledge in the lesson is an active way to learn those notes and other knowledge in the lecture. Try taking lecture notes and planning out the information you absorb in class.
    • You can also incorporate information from the textbook into your outline.
  4. Use your notes to teach others. Explaining others with your notes is a great way to reinforce knowledge in your mind. Try using your notes to write a short lecture and teach it to a friend. Your classmates can do the same if they are in the same class, so you both benefit from this activity.
    • For example, you can create a short PowerPoint out of your notes or write down important points on a table of contents card to present the content of the article.
  5. Try the Cornell note-taking method. This recording method requires you to connect basic answers to questions using the information in your notes. As a result, you will be better able to retain information in those records. advertisement


  • Seek a tutor if you are having difficulty memorizing information or taking notes. The tutor can help you study each subject or help you build general study skills.
  • Highlight helpful information so it's easy to remember important parts. This is a great way to learn, especially if you are a visual learner.