How to Solve a Rubik's Cube in Levels

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube | WIRED
Video: How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube | WIRED


  • Mindful mind located in the center of each side and surrounded by 8 other tablets. You can only see one side of this capsule and they never move.
  • Corner tablets located at the corners of the Rubik's Cube. You can see three sides of this capsule.
  • Edge tablets between the corners. You can see two sides of each side.
  • Note - The pills will never change. For example, the corner is always in the corner.
  • Master the convention of naming faces. A cube has 6 faces, each with a center of different color. For example, "red-faced" is the side with the red center piece, even if the remaining red ones are on other sides. But for ease of tracking, you will usually name the faces in relation to the Rubik's face you are looking at as a landmark. The following are terms used in the article:
    • F (Front, ie in front) - Place the Rubik at eye level. You are looking directly at the front.
    • B (Back, ie behind) - The face is directly facing you but you cannot see it.
    • U (Upper, ie above) - The face faces the ceiling
    • D (Down, ie below) - The face is facing the floor
    • R (Right, ie right) - The face is facing to the right of you
    • L (Left, ie to the left) - Your face is facing to the left side

  • Understand forward and counterclockwise rotation. To define "clockwise" and "counter-clockwise" you must look directly at the Rubik's face the indicator is referring to. With the above convention, one letter (for example L) appearing in an indication means that you must rotate the face clockwise by 90º (rotate a quarter of a turn). One letter adds an apostrophe (for example L ') means that you must turn the face counterclockwise by 90º. Here are a few examples:
    • F ': You rotate the front face clockwise.
    • R: You rotate your face to be clockwise. This means that you must turn your right face away from you. (To understand why this is the case, rotate the front face clockwise, then flip the Rubik's cube so that the front face turns into the right side.)
    • L: you rotate the left face clockwise, that is, you rotate the left side towards you.
    • U ': you rotate the top face counter-clockwise, if viewed from above, it turns towards you.
    • B: you rotate the back face clockwise, if viewed from behind. Be careful not to get confused, because when viewed from the front, you are turning counter-clockwise.

  • Add 2 to repeat instructions. The number "2" after an instruction means that you must turn your face 180º instead of 90º. For example, D2 that is, rotate the bottom face 180º (half turn).
    • With these instructions, you don't need to state whether it is positive or counterclockwise, as you will get the same results no matter which direction you rotate.
  • Name a specific cube in a Rubik's cube. This tutorial will also help you name a specific cube in a cube. To do so, list all facets with the tablet present. Below are a few examples:
    • BD = edges appear on both the back and the bottom.
    • UFR = corner pellets appear on the top, front and right sides.
    • Note - if the instruction mentions one square (a piece of color only), the first letter tells you that the Rubik's face contains this square. For example:
      • Square LFD → Look for the corner piece that appears on the left, front and bottom sides. Please identify the square on the left side of this piece (since L is the first letter).
  • Method 2 of 5: Solve the above

    1. Move the white edges to the top to create a cross. The number of variations is very large initially, so this article cannot give specific step-by-step instructions; however, you can refer to the following procedure:
      • If the bottom row of faces R or L has a white edge cell, rotate that face once to bring the white cell to the middle row. Proceed to the next step below.
      • If there is a white edge cell in the middle row of an R or L face, rotate the face F or B, depending on which side is next to the white square. Continue rotating until the white square is on the bottom. Proceed to the next step below.
      • If there is a white edge cell on the bottom side, rotate the bottom side until the white edge cell is directly opposite a blank edge cell (not white) on the upside. Flip the entire cube so that the "empty edge tile" is at position UF (Top Face, Front Edge). Rotate F2 (rotate the front face 180º) to bring the blank cell to the UF position.
      • Repeat the above steps for each other white edge panel until they are all on the top.
    2. Extend the cross to the corners. Observe the upper edges on faces F, R, B, and L. You must rotate the Rubik so that each of them will be connected to the center of the same color. For example, if the cell next to FU (front, top side) is orange, the cell center of the F face must also be orange. Here is how to connect color at the 4 sides mentioned above:
      • Rotate the U-face until at least two of the four faces above have the same color edge and center square. (If all four faces already have cells of the same color, skip all subsequent steps.)
      • Flip the entire cube so that one of the wrong edges is on face F (and the white cross remains on U).
      • Rotate F2 and make sure that a white edge cell has been moved to face D. See the color remaining on the cube (ie the colored tile in position FD). In the example above, this cell is red.
      • Rotate face D until the red edge is below the red center.
      • Turn red face 180º. The white edge will return to the U face.
      • Check face D again for a new white edge cell. See the remaining color of the white tile next to it. As an example, this is green.
      • Rotate face D until the green edge is directly below the green center.
      • Turn the green side 180. The white cross will reappear on the U face. By this point, the F, R, B, and L faces all have the same color center and edge.
    3. Bringing the white corner tablet to the white face. This step is quite complicated, you need to read the instructions carefully. Once completed, the white side of the Rubik's cube will have four additional white corners next to the center cell and the white side squares.
      • Find a white corner piece on D face. A cornerstone has three boxes of three different colors, the tutorial will call them white, X and Y. (At this time, the white side is not necessarily D-face)
      • Rotate face D until the white / X / Y corner piece is between the X and Y faces.
      • Rotate the entire cube so that the white corner / X / Y is in the DFR position, but don't care about the exact position of each color on the cube. The center of the F and R faces will match the color with X and Y. Note that the top surface is still white.
      • At this point, the corner tablet can be located in the following three positions:
        • If the white box is on the front (in the FRD position), turn F D F '.
        • If the white box is on the right side (in the RFD position), turn R 'D' R.
        • If the white box is on the underside (in the DFR position), turn the F D2 F 'D' F D F '.
    4. Face rotation D. Rotate face D so that the next piece X / Y is in position DB. X would be on face D and Y would be on face B.
    5. Adjust the cube according to the position of the Y color. The specific rotation steps depend on the position of the Y-colored cube:
      • If Y color coincides with the center of R face, turn F D F 'D' R 'D' R.
      • If Y color matches the center of L face, turn F 'D' F D L D L '.
    6. Flip the cube so that U face is yellow. The Rubik's Cube will stay in this position until fully solved.
    7. Create a cross on the gold side. Notice the number of yellow edges on the U face. (Remember that the corner is not the edge.) Here, we have four possibilities:
      • If there are only two gold tiles facing each other on the U face: Turn U face until the two edges have a yellow tile at the UL and UR positions respectively. Application of B L U L 'U' B '.
      • If there are two golden edges next to each other at the UF and UR positions (like an arrow pointing to the left and back): Apply B U L U 'L'.
      • If there are no yellow edges: Use either of the above formulas. That recipe will flip the two gold edges up the face. Repeat one of the above two formulas again, depending on the position of the edges.
      • If there are all four sides: You are done with a golden cross. Go to the next step.
    8. Turn U's face until an edge is the same color as the center piece. For example, if face F has a blue center, rotate U face until the cell above the blue center is also blue. We need it exactly one edge of the same color as above, Not two or three colored pills.
      • If all four edge tablets are the same color as the heart capsule: rotate so they are the same color and go to "Finish Rubik's Cube."
      • If you cannot do the above steps: Apply R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2 and try again.
    9. Return the remaining edges to their position. When you have exactly one of the same colored edges out of a total of four edges, adjust the cube like this:
      • Flip the entire cube so that the same color edge is on the left side.
      • Check that the FU cell matches the color of the center cell on the R side:
        • If correct, use the formula R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2 and go to the next step. The Rubik's Cube will be nearly complete, leaving only the corners.
        • If not, rotate U2 and then flip the cube like turning a sphere so that face F becomes face R. Use the formula R2 D 'R' L F2 L 'R U2 D R2.
    10. Finish the Rubik's cube. Now you have only the corners:
      • If you already have one corner piece in the correct position, proceed to the next step. If there is no corner piece in the correct position, use the formula L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F L'. Repeat the formula until one corner is in the correct position.
      • Flip the cube so that the correct corner cube is at position FUR and the FUR is the same color as the center cell on face F.
      • Using the formula L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F L'.
      • If the Rubik has not been solved yet, use the formula L2 B2 L 'F' L B2 L 'F L' again. You have solved the Rubik's Cube!


    • You can rotate the Rubiks faster by removing them and applying lubricant to the internal parts, or by filing the inner edges of the Rubik. Silicone oil is the best lubricant. Cooking oil is fine but the slippery won't last as long.
    • Solving is easier and faster when you no longer remember formulas in letters and numbers but rotate the Rubik based on muscle memory. Of course, this ability requires regular practice.
    • It should take at least 45-60 seconds when using this method. After you have hit the mark of 1 minute and 30 seconds, you can start working on the Fridrich method. However, the Fridrich method is more difficult than the solution presented in the above article. Other methods include Petrus, Roux and Waterman. ZB is the fastest method, but is also exceptionally complex.
    • If you have difficulty memorizing formulas, you should rewrite specific cases and corresponding formulas. Be ready to use this category when you practice.


    • Repeated rotation of the Rubik can lead to musculoskeletal disorders (for example, Rubik's wrist pain or thumb pain).

    What you need

    • Rubik's cube with white side facing gold (some old Rubik's have different color arrangements).