Ways to Pretend to Sleep

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Pretend To Sleepwalk
Video: How To Pretend To Sleepwalk


If you're looking to avoid your roommates or parents, pretending to sleep is a good way so you don't need to interact with them. Making others believe you are sleeping can help you avoid being disturbed or silently listening and even observing their actions without their knowledge. You can also pretend that you slept the night before so that you can stay awake after a late night's stay.


Method 1 of 2: Pretend to be sleeping

  1. Choose a natural sleeping position. Stay in the most natural sleeping position possible. Don't hold anything, just lie on the bed and try not to raise your head. If you often sleep on your stomach, you should also choose this position when pretending to sleep, so it will not make others suspect.

  2. Lie motionless on the bed. When you really sleep, you will have very little movement. Letting others believe that you are really sleeping is best not to move. Lie very still, unless someone watches you sleep for a long time.
  3. Close your eyes gently. Do not try to squeeze the eyelids together. To pretend to be the most realistic sleep, you need to relax your muscles, including the eyelids.
    • Look downwards as you close your eyes to keep your eyelids from moving.
    • Your eyes don't always close completely while sleeping, so let your eyelids fall down and gently close so you will still be able to see through the gap between them.

  4. Breathe in a regular rhythm. Take slow, steady, and deep breaths. Your breathing needs to be as relaxed and even as possible. With each breath, count in your head as you inhale and then try to exhale for the same amount of time.

    Marc Kayem, MD

    Sleep Specialist Dr. Marc Kayem is an otolaryngologist and facial plastic surgeon living in Beverly Hills, California. He specializes in providing cosmetology services and treating sleep-related disorders. He received a Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Ottawa, certified by the American Otology Commission, and is a postdoctoral fellow from the Canadian Royal College of Surgeons.

    Marc Kayem, MD
    Sleep specialist

    Do you know? When we sleep, our bodies will be in a state of relaxation and our metabolism slows down, so our breathing will also be slower and more even. So keep breathing even and deeply as you pretend to sleep.

  5. Respond to noise or when disturbed by others. If you hear a loud noise or someone touches you, take a short, sudden, and gently move. Even when we sleep, our bodies are still aware of what's going on around us. Respond to sounds and movement in the room with unconscious responses to let others believe you are really sleeping.
    • After responding to the factor that disturbs sleep, relax your body and return the breath to a slow and steady state.
    • Remember not to smile or open your eyes, or others will find out that you are pretending to be sleeping.

Method 2 of 2: Pretend to have slept the night before

  1. Take a cold bath. Go to the bathroom and take a quick shower with cold water. Cold water will increase the heart rate and boost metabolism as the body tries to warm itself. You do not need a long bath, just one minute is enough.
  2. Dress up and go through morning procedures. Changing your pajamas with a neat outfit is the first step to looking more alert, then complete morning procedures, such as washing your face and makeup, for a fresh look.
    • Use a caffeinated lotion to reduce swelling in the puffiness of your eyes.
    • Perform activities as if you had had a good night's rest so that lack of sleep does not interrupt daily routines.
  3. Eat an energy-rich breakfast. Choose foods that contain complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as oatmeal or eggs to keep your body energized, while avoiding sweets that can quickly drain your body of energy after eating. .
  4. Drinking coffee. Caffeine consumption is a quick way to increase your body's energy levels. If you don't normally drink coffee, just half a cup will help you stay awake. If you need to drink coffee to stay awake even with enough sleep, you should drink two cups when you lack sleep.
  5. Continuous operation. You need a lot of activity throughout the day to stay awake. When you sit down to rest, your body will feel tired from not getting enough sleep, so exercise continuously to avoid feeling sleepy.
  6. Snacks. Eat nutritious snacks throughout the day to keep your body energized. Avoid foods with a lot of sugar and eat too much so that you don't get fatigued by a phenomenon called sugar crash - fatigue from consuming large amounts of sugar or sleep from eating full. advertisement


  • Practice pretending sleep on your own by lying motionless and breathing deeply.
  • Be ready to "wake up" if bothered while pretending to sleep.
  • You need to keep your mind awake when you pretend to be sleeping so you don't really fall asleep.
  • To stop laughing, bite your jaws tightly at the same time, so they won't be detected from the outside.
  • If someone tries to move you while you are pretending to sleep, don't resist but react gently by moving slightly or making soft sounds.
  • We often change positions when we sleep, so lying in the same position all night will make others suspicious. Remember to change positions and roll over.
  • Place your face in your pillow so you won't be noticed by others when you smile.
  • Fumble softly in your mouth if someone speaks to you or touches you.
  • Try not to "blink" (squint your eyelids) when your eyes are closed.