Ways to Pretend Fever

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Stay Home from School
Video: 5 Ways to Stay Home from School


If you want to fake a fever to avoid something, make your face hot, red, and sweaty. You can also heat the thermometer to provide "proof" that you have a fever. If there are a few more symptoms, such as a lethargic appearance or a stuffy nose, chances are you won't have to go to school, go to training, and avoid a boring dinner party you don't want to attend .

NOTE: Usually, it is better to be frankly clear why you don't want to do something rather than risk getting into trouble.


Part 1 of 4: Increase the body temperature reading on the thermometer

  1. Quick treatment by turning on the hot water to run it over the top of the thermometer. If you want to show that you have a fever, you may need to falsify your temperature reading. One way to do this is to use hot water. You can place the tip of the thermometer under warm running water and keep it still until the temperature goes over 38 degrees Celsius.
    • Note the phrase "fast processing". This usually takes 2-3 minutes, up to 4 minutes.
    • Do not let the temperature exceed 39 degrees C; If not, one is that you have been found to lie, and the other is immediately taken to the hospital unnecessarily! The second possibility can happen if the temperature reading is still within believable levels, and if the temperature goes above 42 degrees C, make sure your mask is exposed.

  2. Shake a mercury thermometer to increase temperature readings. The mercury thermometer readings can increase if you hold the thermometer and shake it. Be careful, because if you shake too hard, the measurements will be unbelievably high and everyone knows you fake it. Remember not to shake so hard you break the thermometer!
    • Mercury thermometers have one end made of metal and on the other end are glass with numbers printed on them. Mercury will rise in the thermometer and show the temperature only.
    • Hold the metal tip of the thermometer as you shake. Point the other end to the floor and shake until the thermometer reading goes up.

  3. Increase your digital thermometer reading by rubbing the tip of the thermometer between your fingers. Hold the thermometer firmly in one hand, hold the tip of the thermometer between your thumb and index finger, and rub as quickly as possible to increase the reading on the thermometer.
    • Electronic thermometers usually have a plastic case, have a metal end and the other end is a temperature display.

  4. Eat or drink something warm before taking your mouth temperature. This is a great coping strategy if you know someone will be watching you take your temperature. Eat or drink hot beverages, such as soup or tea, right before someone comes over to take your temperature. Hold a little food or drink in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. You can wait for the person to arrive and then swallow it quickly.
    • You can even take some warm water under your tongue and place the tip of the thermometer in there while taking the temperature.
    • Don't drink too hot water lest it burn your mouth. Remember that the water should be at a comfortable temperature and should not irritate your mouth.
    • If you are trusted by your parents, you can read them the “displayed” reading on the thermometer, as long as the parent can't see it and the temperature doesn't exceed your actual body temperature.

Part 2 of 4: Warming up, face flushing and sweating

  1. Warm your forehead with a hot water bottle or hot pack. Hold a bottle of warm water on your forehead for a few minutes until it feels warm to your touch. Another way is to use a low-heat hot pack, but make sure to place a towel between the pack and your skin. Be careful not to burn!
    • When someone comes in to see you and touches your forehead, they will feel warm and believe you have a fever.
    • Applying a hot water bottle to the forehead is an old-fashioned fake sauce trick that has been around since ancient times and is very effective.
  2. Eat spicy foods to naturally increase your body temperature. Spicy spices like chili or pepper can help increase your body temperature. If spicy foods are available at home, eat a little to naturally increase your body temperature. But don't overeat! You don't want to really get sick or suffer from the bitterness!
    • If you do eat something too spicy, drink some milk. Milk will help alleviate the burning sensation.
    • Another great option is to eat curry. You can choose a curry for lunch before you mask the symptoms.
  3. Exercise or cover your face with a blanket to make your face flush. The easiest way to do this is to put the blanket over your head for a few minutes. The reflected heat will turn your face red and increase the temperature on your forehead.
    • Another way is to do some exercises such as jumping arms and legs or running in place to get your face red. Red and pink skin color will help make the fever you create more realistic.
  4. Use a wet washcloth to dab your skin or spray water on your face to fake perspiration. Turn on the lukewarm water to run down the washcloth for a few minutes. Place the towel over your face when it's warm, let it sit for a few minutes, and remove the towel. If you don't use a towel, you can also use a water spray to spray a thin mist on your face.
    • Remember not to get your face wet - your only goal is to make your skin sweat wet.

Part 3 of 4: Creating More Symptoms

  1. Crying cold but not hot. A person with a fever often feels cold even though the temperature on the skin is still warm. If anyone comes in, make sure you put on a blanket or warm coat. Say you feel cold and seem to have a fever.
    • Give a few shivers to make your performance more convincing. You don't have to shake your whole body; Only trembling teeth will be more effective.
  2. Looking tired. If you've faked a fever, you won't be able to run around like you would when you were healthy. You have to drag your legs when walking and do as exhausted. For example:
    • While sitting, rest your head on your arms as if you can't hold your head straight.
    • If standing, drop your shoulders and lean forward. You can even lean over and pretend to stumble a little.
    • Try looking down and half-closing your eyelids as if your eyes are heavy enough to not open.
  3. Pretend anorexia. Another symptom of a fever is a lack of appetite. If someone asks you if you want something, don't ask for hamburgers and chips! Say you only need to drink water, tea or juice. When you are left alone, you should pop out snacks, and in front of everyone, only eat simple things like toast or soup.
    • If you want to make a big impact, refuse to even eat the foods that you normally like best. That way people can believe that you are really "sick".
  4. Sniffle, sneeze, or cough to pretend you have a cold. Colds often have other symptoms that come with a fever, so you can perform extra moves like sniffling, coughing or sneezing. Throw some tissues around the bed or room to look real.
    • Spicy foods can also make your nose runny!
  5. Pretend headache or stomach ache instead of a cold. If you are not confident in acting out cold symptoms, you can do it like a headache or stomachache. Hold the area where you are not feeling well and complain of pain. If you're pretending to have a stomach ache, you can go to the bathroom and stay longer than usual before returning.
    • For example, you could say, "I have a stomachache" or "I feel like my head is spinning."
  6. Don't overdo it. You have to act like the real thing, don't exaggerate and make yourself feel fake. Just add the "fever" to a symptom or two and don't pretend you're critically ill with some mysterious illness. If you overdo it, people may find out that you are faking it, or if you believe your performance they will take you to the doctor.
    • For example, do not cough and complain of nausea while rolling around on the floor while groaning. That is too much.

Part 4 of 4: Confess if you get caught

  1. Admit that you are faking it while being distracted. If you get caught by a parent while heating a thermometer or holding a hot water bottle on your forehead, admit you're faking a fever. You may want to deny what you are doing, but if you have been caught "in the match" and keep trying to deny it is even more troublesome.
    • You can simply say, “Yes, Mom is right. I'm just pretending to be sick. ”
  2. Explain why you are faking sick. Your parents will probably be upset when you see you take such extreme measures to avoid going to school or avoiding other obligations. Be honest about why you don't want to do something instead of making up another story. Share your feelings and don't make excuses.
    • For example, you could say “There was a history test today and my child did not study. I pretended to be sick so I wouldn't slip. ”
  3. Sorry for lying. Once you have explained it, honestly apologize for trying to deceive your parents. Make it clear that you know what you did wrong, and promise to be more honest in the future. Understand that now it may be difficult for your parents to trust you because they have found out that you are lying.
    • For example, you could say, “I apologize to you parents for doing so. I know this is wrong and won't do it again. "
  4. Accept the consequences. Your parents can prohibit you from hanging out, take your privileges away or impose other penalties for lying. Instead of arguing or arguing with your parents, accept the consequences of the lie and avoid recidivism.
    • Don't worry when you get punished. It's not as terrible as the sky is about to fall. You can regain your parents' trust by being honest, responsible, and helpful.


  • If you can't convince your parents to believe that you are sick but haven't confessed, just throw up at school. As long as you fake the vomitus or are not seen by anyone (eg, you "vomit" in the toilet), the school will send you home. Continue to pretend to be sick if necessary.
  • Speak in a low, husky voice to fake symptoms such as coughing, hoarseness, etc.
  • If you know how, you can try to burp, but don't burp.Continue a few times to make the stomach queasy. Although it's annoying, but if you're not good at acting then this is a safe way that doesn't really make you sick.
  • You can wear layers of clothes when you sleep. The next morning, wake up 10 minutes earlier than usual to take off your clothes and tell your parents "how hot and painful your stomach is"!
  • Pretend to be asleep to look real, remember to cover up and wear warm clothes too.
  • Do not say you are vomiting if you are not prepared. There are many fake vomit recipes out there, and your parents may want to see them, as the vomit can tell what is sick. Remember that the fake vomit should match up with what you've eaten.
  • If you use the hot water trick, use the bathroom sink and flush the toilet bowl so you don't get suspicious.
  • Faking can get you in trouble, and the tricked person won't trust you anymore. Often times people would rather do things they don't like than pretend to be sick.
  • Place a shirt on the heater, then press it against the area of ​​skin about to take your temperature. For example, if you have a temperature in your armpit, clip your shirt to your armpit. Remember to let the thermometer come in direct contact with it.
  • Place a damp cloth on the stove for a while, then place the towel on your forehead. Once you've finished applying the towel to your forehead, continue to rub it on your face (to fake sweat). You may have to wake up a little early, as it takes several minutes. When you get your towels wet, make sure you go to the bathroom and rinse the toilet for a less visible show!
  • If your parents give you an armpit thermometer, hide a hot water bottle under the blanket and place the thermometer on top of the hot water bottle.


  • Don't put onions in your armpits to increase body temperature! It doesn't do any good but makes you stink onions.
  • Never take medicine to treat an illness you do not have - you could really get sick from it!
  • Do not microwave the thermometer. Not only will this not increase the temperature but also damage the thermometer, and could damage the microwave as well.
  • Think carefully about whether it is worth it to fake a fever. If you pretend to be sick on your school days, you will lose your rank in school.
  • If you are faking sick to get out of school, you are bound can not get out of the house and do other things. Activities like going to the cinema, theater or going to your house to play increase your risk of getting into trouble.