How to Teach Macaws to Talk

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Teaching My Macaw to Say Lots of Words!! (HIS VOICE THOUGH!)
Video: Teaching My Macaw to Say Lots of Words!! (HIS VOICE THOUGH!)


Parakeets, also known as parrots, are very popular pets because they are easy to keep and are intelligent and curious birds. If you want to connect with your parrot and make him excited and happy, you can even teach him how to speak. Macaws are very good imitators, they love to speak the language of their flocks, whether there are birds of different species or humans like you.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare

  1. There are limited number of parrots. Parakeets can develop a vocalisation by talking to other birds, so having a few birds can help them develop diversity in their vocalizations. However, if there are too many birds, they will focus on communicating with other birds, instead of communicating with you.
    • Having a few birds generally won't limit your ability to train them to talk, but more than a few can interfere with your training.
    • If you have only one parakeet, lure it into thinking it has a friend by placing a mirror in its cage. This will help it grow and practice vocalization. However, you should remove the mirror from the cage before you start teaching him how to speak, so that the bird can focus its attention on you.

  2. Make your conure comfortable with you. Make friends with the bird by spending time with it, telling it, and keeping it beautiful and comfortable in your home. Basically, treat your parrot as part of the family, as that is only natural.
    • The goal is to build trust between you and your parrot. Don't force it to communicate with you if it doesn't want to. If it is afraid or ignores you, it is only a sign that the timing is not right or that you are moving too quickly. That's not a sign that it will never converse with you.

  3. Choose the right time to train your parrot. Make sure it is calm and ready to focus its attention on you. If it is tired or unfocused, it won't be easy to train.
    • The right time to train birds is in the morning. You can even start repeating the words to the bird before opening the cage and starting a new day.

Part 2 of 2: Talking Parrot Training.

  1. Repeat a word. Speak clearly and slowly, teach them a word first. Your parrot may not know how to repeat the word right away, but keep repeating the word.
    • Note that parakeets pronounce consonants d, t, k, p, or b best. A simple phrase like "Hi, how are you?" won't work because the phrase is difficult for the bird to say.
    • If you don't know what words to teach your bird first, consider teaching it your own name. This is a word they may have heard before, so the sound should be familiar to your parrot.
  2. Reward your conure if he says the words you taught him. This will reinforce your behavior and at the same time help develop a connection between you and your conure. Macaws are very fond of millet branches; Celery and carrots are also great rewards and they provide essential nutrients for your parrot's health.
  3. Talk to the bird every few minutes. However, don't try to teach it for too long at a time. It is a good way to teach a parrot for about half an hour a day. If you try to teach it for too long, your parrot may get bored and become less willing to learn.
  4. Do not allow the bird to be distracted while studying. Keep it focused by covering the three sides of the cage with a cloth. Stand right in front of the cage when talking to it, so it will know you're talking to it.
  5. Focus on each lesson. Do not move on to the second word until your conure has been able to say the first correct phrase at least three times in a row. Making sure your conure really knows a word before continuing will help him or her to repeat the old word or phrase later.
  6. Please be patient. Do not try to force him to speak. Many parakeets never learn how to speak, but it's fun to try!
  7. Switch to complex words or phrases. Once your conure has mastered a few words, you can move on to the full phrase. It is like teaching a single word, repeating the phrase to your conure when he is calm and ready to focus on you. Macaws will focus if you are alone in the room, and others may scare your parakeet.
  8. Teach your parrot to say the name or color of the object. Keep objects in hand as you say a word. Once you've exercised enough, you'll just need to pick up the object and your conure will repeat the words you taught him.It simply repeats the sound you make, but it will look like it can actually identify objects. advertisement


  • Combine teaching talking parrot with training it perched on your finger. If you want it to step on your finger, gently stroke your finger to its stomach. Once the bird has landed on your finger, you can speak directly to it.
  • Try singing or playing music for your parrot. Some parakeets can even learn music and repeat it.
  • Talk to them at the same time each day they will learn to repeat it.


  • Don't scold, scare, or get angry with your parrot! Not all macaws can speak. Never be disappointed with a bird. If you start to get depressed, go away instead of punishing it for your depression.
  • When taking the bird out of the cage, close the window. The bird will think it is released and possibly fly to the window, which could cause serious injury or death.