How to use olive oil for facial skin

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Apply Olive Oil to Your Skin and THIS Anti-Aging Effect Happens
Video: Apply Olive Oil to Your Skin and THIS Anti-Aging Effect Happens


Olive oil has been used in cosmetics for centuries and is almost one of the first cosmetics used by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks. Back then, it was not known why olive oil made the skin so smooth, soft and clean, but scientists today have discovered the properties of this oil. The special thing is that olive oil has antioxidants polyphenols that help protect the skin. Over the years, people have found many ways to use olive oil in facial care.


Method 1 of 3: Select and preserve olive oil

  1. Choose the right oil. There are many types of olive oil available in supermarkets and classified by different labels such as light (through many stages of processing, only flavoring), pure (purified and refined), virgin (pure but still behind extra virgin) and extra virgin (completely pure). This variety differs in three ways: the process in which the olive oil is extracted, what is added to the oil before bottling, and the concentration of free oleic acid in the final product. For skin care, use extra virgin olive oil.
    • Although refined olive oil appears to be suitable for use because it is odorless, only virgin olive oil such as extra virgin contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin.

  2. Check to see if you bought the real product. Research says about 70% of pure olive oil is mixed with low quality oils like sunflower or canola oil.
    • To make sure you buy the quality oils on the label, make sure the brand you choose to buy is recognized by the International Olive Council.
    • In the US, the North American Olive Oil Association has issued a stamp certifying the quality of the olive oil you buy.

  3. Store olive oil in a cool, shady place. Heat and sunlight will cause oxidation, losing beneficial ingredients in the oil.
    • Oxidation occurs over time. Rancidity affects the taste of the oil but will also decrease the quality of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the oil.

Method 2 of 3: Clean skin with olive oil

  1. Use an oil cleansing method. While it may sound unreasonable, olive oil is very good at cleansing skin. As we all know, in chemistry, substances with similar structures dissolve each other. As a result, olive oil will dissolve oil and dirt on the skin more effectively than commercially available water-textured cleansers.
    • Olive oil is non-comedogenic, meaning no pore clogging so suitable for all skin types.
  2. Cleansing. Olive oil is used to remove make-up, or you can add a little lemon juice to prevent acne.
    • Lemon juice helps treat acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties that kill bacteria that cause acne.
    • Olive oil can be combined with aloe juice to increase hydration and soothe irritated skin while removing makeup.
    • Because of its milder cleansing properties than chemical makeup removers, olive oil is a favorite makeup remover for people with skin sensitive or allergic to ingredients in commercially available makeup removers.
  3. Kill death celk. Combine olive oil with sea salt or sugar for a natural exfoliating product. Stir in about 1 tablespoon of olive oil with ½ teaspoon of salt or sugar, apply the mixture on your face, then rinse with warm water.
    • Sugar is lighter than salt, so use it if you have sensitive skin. Brown sugar is even softer than sandy white sugar, so it is suitable for really sensitive skin.
  4. Acne treatment. Olive oil has many properties that help in treating acne effectively.
    • Olive oil also has natural antibacterial properties, so it will prevent bacteria from causing acne.
    • The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil reduce redness caused by acne.

Method 3 of 3: Skincare

  1. Moisturizing. Olive oil moisturizes more effectively than commercially available water-based products.
    • You can use olive oil to massage your face or in combination with other ingredients. For example, add scent by mixing it with lavender oil, rose water, or lemon verbena.
    • Olive oil can be used to relieve serious skin ailments like eczema.
  2. Masking. Olive oil can be combined with many natural products to make masks. The effectiveness of the mask will vary depending on the ingredients you combine.
    • For dry skin, mix half a tablespoon of olive oil with an egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of flour. If the mixture becomes too sticky, add oil. Apply the mixture to your face for about 20 minutes to moisturize.
  3. Reduce wrinkles. Olive oil increases skin elasticity, helps reduce wrinkles.
    • Apply a little olive oil around the eye area before going to bed or when you wake up in the morning. If you store the oil in the refrigerator it will be thicker and feel like a cream.
  4. Scarring open. The vitamins and minerals in olive oil help with skin cell regeneration.
    • To fade the scar, apply olive oil to the scar for about 5 minutes and let it sit for about 10 minutes before gently wiping off the oil.
    • Adding a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide to olive oil is also very effective, especially for hyperpigmentation scars. Just avoid sun exposure after applying the paste, as lemon juice can cause skin redness in the sun.