How to resolve differences with your parents

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 4 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How Do We Handle Conflict With Parents? – Sadhguru
Video: How Do We Handle Conflict With Parents? – Sadhguru


Few people enjoy having trouble with their parents. Of course, sometimes the rules and requirements of parents can seem unreasonable and unfair, and sometimes even impracticable. However, remember that you are responsible for your actions, speak honestly and calmly with your parents, and make the necessary changes to make your life better.


Method 1 of 4: Talk to your parents

  1. 1 Take time to talk to your parents. Schedule a conversation with one or both parents. Talk to them when they are not busy, in a rush to work, and not doing household chores. Take time to talk seriously and frankly with your parents about what happened to you.
    • Turn off your TV and phone to focus on your conversation.
  2. 2 Think about what you have to say. Knowing what to say will help you determine what to discuss with your parents. In addition, if you prepare in advance, it will be easier for you to tell your parents the most unpleasant moments.
    • By thinking ahead of time what you say, you can determine what you really want. Do you want to have more free time? Do you want a new phone? Do you want to go to a concert with your friends? Figure out exactly what you want, but still be realistic about things. If you're already in trouble, don't expect your parents to suddenly change their minds after a quiet conversation with you.
  3. 3 Take responsibility for your actions. Apologize if you caused trouble for your parents. Your parents need to see that you admit guilt. An apology can mean a lot.
    • Even if it seems to you that you did nothing wrong, look at the situation from the point of view of your parents. How do they assess your actions?
  4. 4 Speak the truth. This is a good rule to follow throughout your life. Your parents know you well and will very quickly understand that you are lying. Remember, one lie pulls another. Even if you find it difficult to tell the truth, your parents will appreciate your honesty and maturity.
  5. 5 Don't get annoyed. By maintaining your composure, you show your parents that you are a mature, calm young person who is willing to accept the other’s point of view.
  6. 6 Be prepared to compromise. Don't expect quick positive results after talking to your parents. Most importantly, be open and your parents will treat you the same way.
    • This conversation can lay a good foundation for warm friendships in the future.
  7. 7 Show respect and be positive. Talk to your parents in a respectful tone, without sarcasm or anger. Listen to them even if you disagree with their opinion. If you want them to listen to you, listen to them.
    • Understand that your parents are human too, and they may be annoyed and upset about something. Maintain a positive attitude, and remember, this parenting mood won't last forever.
  8. 8 Ask your brother or sister to talk to your parents. Your siblings, especially if they are older than you, can be your "advocates" when you need to sort things out with your parents. They know you and your parents well. They can persuade your parents to forgive you or encourage them to look at the situation from your perspective.
    • If your brother or sister is kind to you and talks to your parents, be sure to thank them for it. Make or buy a small gift for them, or volunteer to do their chores around the house.
    • Alternatively, you can ask a trusted adult to talk to your parents.If you don't have a very good relationship with your parents, ask a trusted adult to start a dialogue with your parents. This person can be your aunt or uncle, grandmother or grandfather, teacher or coach.

Method 2 of 4: Have a good relationship with your brother or sister

  1. 1 Ignore the behavior of your brothers and sisters. Your sister or brother may tease you or do other unpleasant things. If you fight them, you cannot avoid getting into trouble with your parents. Chances are, your brother is trying to get your attention or is bored. If you ignore this behavior, he will do something else. This will help you avoid conflict with your brother or sister and problems with your parents.
  2. 2 Be a mature person. Sometimes, you may feel that your parents are treating your brother or sister better than you. They may let him come home later, or they may let him watch a movie that you are not allowed to watch. Instead of resenting it, show maturity and try to take the situation for granted. This will help you avoid getting into trouble with your parents.
  3. 3 Talk to your parents about your brother and sister's behavior. If your brother is really behaving badly towards you, calmly talk to your parents about it. Explain to them that you are trying not to react to your brother's antics, but that you want to have some privacy. Your parents will appreciate your maturity.
  4. 4 Spend time with your brother. Often times, your brother may behave badly towards you because he wants to get your attention. Take time to do things together, such as going for a walk or watching a movie together.

Method 3 of 4: Have a good relationship with your parents

  1. 1 Build trust with your parents. If you have a tense relationship with your parents because you spent a lot of money on phone calls or got poor grades, seek to change your behavior to show your parents that you can be trusted. For example, you can monitor your phone bill by periodically checking its status. Tell your parents that you are trying to improve. Show them the phone bill for the month.
  2. 2 Lay down your arms. There is no need to waste energy trying to constantly win back your point of view. If you are constantly at war with your parents, you will soon run out of steam. Only insist on your own if it is worth it. Remember, trivial matters are not worth fighting for.
  3. 3 Tell your parents what you enjoy doing. If your parents do not fully understand what brings you satisfaction, introduce them to it. Take them with you to the new skate park or play your favorite music. Tell them about your hobby. If you let them into your life, they can understand you better.
  4. 4 Spend time together. You can spend more time with your friends, but if you want to have a close relationship with your parents, take the time to interact with them. Include parenting in your weekly schedule. You can do this several times a week. Tell your parents about your day.
    • Schedule activities with your parents at least once a month, for example, you can go camping together or do something with your own hands.
  5. 5 Be attentive. Your relationship with your parents should come first in your life. Treat them kindly. Do something nice for them, like write a note with kind words.

Method 4 of 4: Stay Out of Trouble

  1. 1 Follow your parents' requirements. Chances are, your parents want you to follow their rules. Basically, these rules are intended to develop good qualities in you and for your safety. Follow all parenting guidelines.
  2. 2 Do housework. If you want to have a good relationship with your parents, help them around the house. Chances are, most of the household responsibilities are on your parents' shoulders, so you can lighten their burden and take on some responsibilities. As you get older, you can do more chores around the house. Take your dog for a walk, load laundry in the washing machine, clean windows, or vacuum the car.
  3. 3 Be diligent in your studies. If you have a strained relationship with your parents because of grades, try to remedy the situation. Do your homework. If you know that there will be a test, prepare well for it. This will help you improve your grades, and your parents will see that you are trying to fix the situation.
    • Study with a tutor if you don't understand the subject. Tutoring usually costs money, but you can ask your school counselor for free extra classes at your school.
  4. 4 Keep your parents informed about what you are doing. If you see that an unpleasant situation is brewing, talk about it in advance with your parents. Tell them that you will get a bad grade in one of the subjects. Also, tell your parents what you are going to do to remedy the situation. Tell them that you are going to attend additional classes to improve grades.