Ways to not feel tired

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Being TIRED All The Time!
Video: How to Stop Being TIRED All The Time!


Fatigue is the worst thing that not only prevents you from enjoying the good day, but also drains your energy both physically and mentally. If you want not to get tired, you need to start changing your whole daily routine instead of just going to bed to ease the fatigue. This article will teach you how to not get tired and enjoy your life.


Part 1 of 3: Maintain certain morning routines

  1. Refreshingly awake. Starting your day in a pleasant state is an important step toward a great, alert, and refreshed day. In the process of changing your morning routine, you need to determine which routine is best to follow every day to feel balanced instead of rushing and disorienting. Here's what you should do to start your day the right way:
    • Don't sleep. Turn off your alarm and get ready to start the day. Sleep only wastes time and falls into a semi-conscious state for a few more minutes.
    • Take a deep breath to fill your lungs with air.
    • Woke up and smiled. Don't waste time lying in bed playing with your phone, yawning, and rolling over on the bed. The earlier you wake up, the better you feel.
    • If you are still sleepy, you can step out onto the balcony to get some fresh, early morning air.
    • Always give yourself enough time to be ready. Although you might think that getting a five-minute extra sleep may help you feel less tired, this will in fact make you less than ten minutes to prepare. Sleep is important, but you also need to get out of the house comfortably and comfortably instead of feeling like you are walking and sleeping.

  2. Wake up. Next, go to the bathroom and start washing your face and nose, taking a shower to prepare. Brushing your teeth and brushing your hair makes you feel like you are ready for the day, while the bathroom lighting will gradually make you more alert. Should do the following:
    • Slap some cold water on your face.
    • Try a morning shower. Although many people like to shower at night, a cool morning bath is a great way to help you stay awake. Remember not to take a warm or hot bath unless you're going to sleep.
    • Put the radio in your bathroom to listen or hum to your favorite music that keeps you awake.

  3. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast is essential for health and keeps you awake throughout the day. Breakfast being eaten the wrong way or worse, not eating breakfast makes the body stagnant and tired all day. No matter how busy you are, take time to enjoy a healthy, well-rounded breakfast. Try the following dishes:
    • Yogurt, fruit and granola.
    • Green leafy vegetables like spinach (spinach), kale or celery. These vegetables can be blended with smoothies.
    • Eggs and ham or lean turkey. These foods provide essential proteins for the body to develop and repair damaged tissues and cells; Besides, they also help your mind clearer throughout the day.
    • Oats, whole-grain breads, or healthy whole grains. Avoid sugary cereals as they increase your energy levels suddenly and gradually decrease.
    • Avoid foods soaked in fat, butter, or maple syrup. These foods are great for a weekend breakfast or special occasion, when you want to reward yourself, want to relax a little and don't need to be too alert.

Part 2 of 3: Stay awake throughout the day

  1. Stimulate the senses. Your senses are not stimulated yet, your mind is also not stimulated and fall asleep. If you want to stay awake, be sure to find ways to irritate your eyes, ears, and even the nose throughout the day. Here are a few ways to stimulate your senses, even when you are at home, at work or at school:
    • Keep your mouth active by sucking on mint candy or chewing gum. This is a great tip when you get tired of going to work in the morning or leaving work in the afternoon.
    • Create light. Turn on as much light as possible if you work in a position where the lights are adjustable. Or better yet, sit by a window to get natural light. Sitting in direct sunlight makes you feel tired, but sitting close to the sun will awaken your senses.
    • Awaken your hearing by sniffing peppermint oil. You can carry a jar of peppermint oil with you.
    • Awaken your eyesight by taking a break and adjusting your vision when eyes are tired from looking at an object for a long time.
    • Listening to music. Jazz, hip-hop or light rock music can keep you awake. If you can, try listening to a radio talk show to awaken your senses, as you need to actively listen attentively.
  2. Stay active. Stimulate the body is an equally important step compared to sensory stimulation. When your body is in motion, your mind is also alert. So wherever you are (even when sitting at your desk all day), you need to find a way to get your body moving. Try the tips below:
    • Gently pull down the earlobe.
    • Pinch in sensitive positions. body composition that does not have too much fat, such as in the forearms or below the knees.
    • Stretch your wrists by pulling your finger backwards.
    • Shoulder rotation and neck rotation.
    • If you feel like you are slowly falling asleep, you can try biting your tongue lightly.
  3. Do exercise. You may think that exercising makes you more tired, but it actually has the opposite effect if you do it in moderation. Exercise improves your overall energy levels and makes you feel better. Morning and afternoon exercise is best because that's when you need to increase your energy levels; If you practice late at night, your adrenaline levels will rise and make it difficult to sleep well. Here are some helpful exercises:
    • Jog around the neighborhood in the morning. Breathing fresh air into your lungs is the best way to keep you awake.
    • Join a morning yoga class. This is a great way to help clear your mind, improve your breathing and get ready for the day.
    • Take part in a team sport like soccer, volleyball, or basketball. These sports keep the body and mind energized.
    • Take 20 minutes of walking at least a few times a week whenever possible.
  4. If you can't exercise, try mild physical activity. Even if you don't have enough time to exercise enough, you can keep your body awake by devoting some time to some basic physical activities throughout the day. Just 5-10 minutes of exercise is also a way to wake the body. Here are some light intensity physical activities to try:
    • Walk if possible. When going to school, you should walk to school instead of taking the bus if the school is not too far away, or take the furthest route to class if you do not worry about being late. If you go to work, you can walk along the corridor or cross the street to the coffee shop.
    • Avoid taking the elevator if possible. Take the stairs to increase your heart rate.
    • If you sit at your desk all day, get up and stretch from time to time.
  5. Maintain a healthy diet. A healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day, but it's important to include a nutritious lunch and dinner as well. Eating healthy foods keeps your body energized and energized, while unhealthy foods will make your body slack and sleepy. Try these healthy eating tips to avoid feeling tired:
    • Don't forget to snack when you're tired or slightly hungry. Bring some healthy snacks to avoid buying unhealthy snacks.Some healthy snacks include almonds, cashews, celery sticks, peanut butter. Fruit is always a great snack and is easy to take wherever you go.
    • Eat 3 healthy, balanced meals throughout the day. Make time for a few snacks so you don't overeat during meals.
    • Avoid heavy foods, starchy foods or foods high in fat and alcohol. These foods make you more tired and are bad for the digestive system.
    • Try some caffeine. When you need it, caffeine can help keep you awake. Try drinking a cup of tea or coffee, but not too much will cause your caffeine levels to spike.
    • Stay hydrated throughout the day. Water is essential for the rejuvenation of the body.
  6. Keep your mind active. When your mind is active, excited or creative, you will be less tired. To help focus your mind, always focus on things that are interesting instead of nodding or daydreaming. There are many ways to keep your mind moving.
    • Change of mission. You can feel dull doing something for hours, so take a break to have a snack, stand by a window or send a text message to a friend who hasn't talked for a while.
    • If you are at work, you can talk to a coworker during recess. This will make you both more alert, free to laugh and have a better time.
    • If you're in school, focus more on what your teacher is saying. Ask questions and answers to discuss and write down important things with a colorful pen so your notebook doesn't look too monotonous.

Part 3 of 3: Preparing for a good night's sleep

  1. Go to bed with a relaxed mind. To make sure you are not tired the next day, you need to go to bed when you feel excited and optimistic about tomorrow. Going to bed when you are upset or upset will make it harder for you to fall asleep. Here are a few tips:
    • Do not go to bed while angry. If you are angry about arguing with someone, no matter how big or small it is, try to work it out before you go to bed.
    • Think about at least two things you would expect for the next day. Going to bed when you feel positive can help you get excited when you wake up.
    • Imagine you waking up smoothly. It sounds silly, but visualize yourself turning off your alarm clock, waking up, stretching, and getting out of bed. After so many fantasies, that scene will become your instinct every morning.
  2. Have healthy sleep habits. A healthy bedtime routine is just as important as a morning wake up routine. Getting to bed properly is an important step in not feeling tired. After you have determined which habits are most effective, you should use them regularly to get your body used to it. For example:
    • Go to bed and wake up on time. While it may seem difficult to do when you have a busy schedule, it is the easiest way to ensure you're not tired. Having a habit of sleeping 7 hours a night regularly is much better than sleeping 5-6 hours and then getting 10 hours of sleep the next day because that will only make your body lose balance.
    • Avoid spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, chocolate or caffeine long before bed to avoid sobering. Cut back on caffeine in the afternoon if you really want to fall asleep.
    • Take a few extra small steps to make it easier to wake up. Pre-order your coffee maker or get dressed for tomorrow.


  • Avoid energy drinks. Although it keeps you awake for 1-2 hours, energy drinks leave you awake suddenly and tired without being able to sleep.
  • Do not skipping meals. Skipping meals will definitely make you tired.
  • If you feel tired during the day, you can take a nap to recharge and be more alert. Remember not to nap for more than 20 minutes to avoid further fatigue.
  • Go to bed early.
  • Try looking forward to the end of the day.
  • Sleeping more or less than usual will make sleep unbalanced and make you more tired.
  • Stay active throughout the day.
  • A cold shower can help you stay awake right away.
  • Don't use devices like cell phones an hour before bed because they keep your mind awake. Instead of using your phone, try reading.


  • Do not drive when you feel sleepy.
  • Insufficient sleep adversely affects the immune system and the body in general.