Ways to Clean Your Bedroom

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


For everyone, cleaning up a cluttered room is a real challenge. Sometimes small actions like throwing clothes and books indiscriminately will pile up as high as Mount Everest. However, the cleaning job isn't always equally difficult. Just perform the following steps, your task will become much simpler.


Part 1 of 5: Mental Preparation

  1. Play music with fun tunes. Before embarking on the task, choose an album or a collection of your favorite music to help you feel better. Fast-paced music increases inspiration during the cleaning process. Avoid soft and relaxing music. Choose music that will help motivate you instead of bringing back boredom and boredom. You can also listen to the radio (radio) while you do your work.

  2. In case listening to music doesn't keep you focused, listen to audiobooks, movies, videos or podcasts (similar to radio but with a more novel approach). Be careful in choosing the genre you want to listen to to avoid a distraction while cleaning up!
    • Natural sounds like flowing waterfall, campfire, waves, showers, and wind blowing can serve as background sounds to keep you focused on your task.
    • Do not waste too much time converting tracks or albums. Instead, you should set iPod to shuffle mode (shuffle) to speed up the cleaning process faster.

  3. Provide room light when cleaning starts. Open all your curtains to let natural light in. You can also open the window to allow better air circulation. When the sun's rays hit the room, it gives you vitality and energy to do your job.
    • In case when cleaning at night, turn on all the lights in the room. This will help you avoid drowsiness and sleepiness.

  4. Make a list of all areas, shelves, and other items that need cleaning. This step is optional, but it's still a good idea! Checking the list before getting to work is more motivating. In addition, you can also set a specified time to complete each task. Thus the cleaning time will be shortened.
  5. Set up a break time. It is a good idea to take some time to eat and be active. However, you should not focus too much on the break and forget about your unfinished work! Select the time needed to rest. The best time to pause work is after you've finished the job instead of unfinished it. For example, you could take a break after you've cleaned under your bed and before you start organizing your room.
    • Don't take a break while you're on the job. Use this to motivate you to do more!
  6. Reward yourself. You can choose a small gift for yourself after completing the job. It could be hanging out with friends, watching a movie with family, or enjoying a huge ice cream. Offer motivational rewards that will help you perform the task faster! However, do not choose a gift so attractive that you just want to get it done without doing the job thoroughly.
  7. Turn quests into games if you need more motivation. In case you can't push yourself to get started with cleaning, play a little game. You can try to see how many objects you can organize within ten minutes. Try to set a "score" record. Treat yourself to a few candies or a five-minute break.
    • You can choose a different method instead of playing the game. If you can't come up with the idea of ​​a game and need motivation, you can imagine a scene in which your character is cleaning the room. This method will help you better focus on that imaginary scene while cleaning up!

Part 2 of 5: Floor Cleaning

  1. Prepare the carton and / or bag to use. You will use them to store unused furniture. Such items should not be disposed of unless damaged. Instead, you can donate to the nursery or another charity.
  2. Clean up furniture in bed and rearrange it. Cleaning your bed will give you a feeling of accomplishment. Plus you'll have room to fold your clothes and rest. Imagine the bed is a clean, fragrant island in the chaotic ocean. Tidy up all the belongings on the bed to put in a corner of the room. Unscrew the bed holder and flip the bottom of the mattress upwards. This will increase the life of your mattress. Plus you will feel more comfortable lying on a mattress that has not been used much. Then lay new sheets and blankets on top of the mattress.
    • Spend more time rearranging your bed. Fix the sheet so that the corners hug the bottom of the mattress tightly. Fold blankets and curtains neatly. Gently shake the pillow. Put dirty bedding in a basket or washing machine.
  3. Arrange furniture in a suitable location. First you need to clean the objects on the floor. This way you can comfortably move around without getting caught in your legs. There is no need to clean the items, just put them back. Start with large items, like books and pillows, and then move on to smaller items, like pencils and other stationery.
    • First you should put the largest objects in one place. Just need to arrange a few things and you will see a much improved space. Continue with bulky furniture until some small items such as change and pencils are left.
    • Avoid distractions while cleaning things. You can find old photo albums from many years ago, but don't look at them while cleaning. If you want, you can view them after completing the quest as a small gift for yourself.
  4. Arrange bedroom reasonably. You should place frequently used items where they are easy to access and lesser used items in difficult to reach places. We often have a habit of throwing things away after using them if they are nearby and easy to obtain. Also, do not load things too much as it will take time and effort to find them.
  5. Pick up the clean clothes that are scattered around the room. Fold it and store it in the closet or hang it on a hook. Fold your clothes neatly and avoid wrinkling.
    • Place the storage basket right outside the bedroom. The best place to place the basket is in the hallway. Put all dirty clothes in the basket. Don't take them to the laundry until you are done cleaning your bedroom (as you may later find a dirty sock lying somewhere and need to be washed again).
  6. Remove dirty dishes from the room. If there are viscous liquid left in your cups and glasses, take them down the sink immediately to prevent liquid from spilling onto the floor.
    • In the event that furniture is found in another room, put them in a separate box and take them away after you are done cleaning your room.

Part 3 of 5: Arranging Furniture in Hidden Corner

  1. Clean items under the bed. Push all furniture out of the dark corner. You will be amazed to see them piled up in large piles, many of which are things you think have lost or forgotten their presence.
    • Divide into separate groups: rubbish, donations, secondhand store resale, items given to siblings (if any) or friends, furniture in a different location, and furniture in your own room. friend. It is easier if you first sort things into 2 groups (things to keep and throw away), and then sort 'throw away things' into small groups. In addition, you should also classify garbage into two types of recyclable or not.In addition, it is also necessary to clean hidden corners of the interior of the room such as desks, wardrobes, small tables, nightstands or bookshelves.
  2. Arrange piles of furniture in pieces, but leave the 'stuff to keep' pile. If items are piled too much, you need to divide them into small groups (clothes, shoes, books, etc.) before disposing of anything.
    • The first is garbage disposal. Throw non-recyclable waste in the bin, followed by recyclable waste in the recycling bin.
    • Now it's time to classify 'in another position'. If the items belong somewhere else in the house, put them back in the old place. If it belongs to another house, bring it back to a location you can remember.
    • Next is for 'gifted' items to siblings / friends. Bring the items to the siblings immediately (if you live with them, otherwise, group them together 'friends'). Place the group of 'friends' furniture somewhere else easy to remember.
    • Pick up donations and put them for sale in two separate bags.
  3. Gather items that need to be kept. Start by separating items (clothes, shoes, books, etc.) and placing them where appropriate. Don't continue to arrange those items too carefully or you will lose momentum. For example, placing all of the books on the same position as a bookshelf, but not rearranging the shelves. Continue moving other belongings - stuffed animals, photos, purses, shoes and more - until they are cleared.
    • Small tasks like these give you a sense of accomplishment. Not getting things organized at first can be frustrating and frustrating, and you can break it up into small, easy-to-handle chunks to increase your motivation to get your cleaning done.
    • When you find items that do not belong anywhere in the house, you can donate them, or arrange suitable storage. A room with less clutter is much better. If you do not have a need, ask your parents if there is room to store those items.

  4. Organize your wardrobe. Take all of the supplies out and load up the ones you find under the bed. Throw away or give away things you don't use. After you've cleaned the closet and kept the necessary items, put the shoes back in the closet, hang your clothes on hooks, and stow the furniture on the shelves (if the closet has a shelf).
    • You can retry items that have been forgotten for a long time. If they don't fit, or you don't like them anymore, pack in 'give away' items to make room for the clothes you love.
    • In case you don't have enough space to store shoes, you can buy shoe racks and tidy them up.

  5. Take out all the clothes in the closet and fold them neatly. The sorting of clothes plays a pretty important role during cleaning. Stowed clothes will help create more space for the closet and make opening and closing easier. Divide each type of clothing into a separate drawer.
    • Again, try items that you forgot or thought no longer fit. If you don't like it, or they don't fit your body, give it to someone else or resell it to a second hand store.
    • On the top drawer you can hold your underwear and socks, the next drawer for shirts, and your pants and skirts in the last.
    • Arrange the wardrobe according to your own habits. If you often open the last compartment to get your underwear, put them all in that drawer.

  6. Clean up any piles of furniture that you previously sorted. Once you've divided into separate groups, you can start stacking one at a time. You should only move one stack at a time; For example, you will feel more satisfied after you have sorted out all your clothes, and will be more motivated to continue cleaning.
    • First you need to throw away all the trash in the room. Get a large garbage bag and empty it. Do not throw it away until you have cleaned the entire room, as during cleaning you will find a lot of trash to throw away.
    • Dealing with gifts given to others. Put the items you want to give to your siblings in a box and leave them outside of the bedroom. While cleaning you can add a few other objects to the bin, so do not rush them away. However, you can make the room more airy by moving the furniture outside. If you have a few items of clothing or something to give to someone else, you can use the recipient's name paper and stick it on the item.
    • Keep essential items in the room. Fold clothes, stack books on shelves, toys in boxes, etc.

Part 4 of 5: Arranging Furniture in a Room

  1. Classification of books and magazines. Even the books or magazines on the floor needed to be neatly organized. Put the big books at the bottom and the small books on the top. If you have a bookshelf then clean it up.
    • Arrange storage shelves so that it is beautiful. If you just throw the furniture on the shelf or table without folding it, it will make the room quite cluttered.
    • You can individually label each shelf and / or organize the books alphabetically. It doesn't matter which way you clean it, as long as your room looks good.

  2. Arrange items on the table. You can buy a pen holder at the stationery store. This will help you organize your pens, glue, scissors, and quill in one place.
    • Clean up the desk drawers. Sort the papers and keep the necessary documents and papers for recycling. You can buy the envelope and put the papers in the appropriate envelope (you can also label each envelope like ‘Schoolwork ',‘ Painting ’, etc.)
    • If you do not have an envelope, use a stapler or stapler to keep the paper from being lost. You can also use elastic bands to tie small objects together.
    • If you don't like the pen holder, you can put the pens in a plastic bag so they won't roll down the desk drawer.

  3. Arrange items that need attention. Look around the room and look for any clutter. It's time to untangle your jewels, neatly arrange your shoes, re-frame your photos, and more. Focus on the little details that need to be done.
    • This is also a good time to upgrade the bedroom. Need a shoe shelf hanging in your closet or behind a door? Are you in need of a jewelry box to hold your necklace and necklace? Need more space for your clothes? Make a list of things you need to improve your room and set aside or pin it on a board (if any) to remind you to buy those essentials for the next day (or at the end of the day).

Part 5 of 5: Cleaning Surfaces in Room

  1. Remove dust from surfaces of all objects in the room. Wipe away dust from desks, wardrobes, bookshelves, and other surfaces with a washcloth. Dust out the dust before using a vacuum or sweeping it out because frequent dirt will fly up and stick on the floor. Open windows while cleaning dirt, especially if you are allergic to dirt.
    • If you do not have a dedicated cleaning cloth, you can use a regular cloth to remove all dirt. The disinfectant wipes do the same thing as they both wipe away dust and kill bacteria that grow on the surface of your room. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe dust off.
    • You also need to wipe off any dirt that is on objects on the table, closet, etc. Items such as picture frames, souvenirs, and anniversary cups will look better and shiny if they are not dusty.

  2. Vacuum the floor. Prepare a carrying bag in case it is almost full of dust. For the most dusty places you need to re-vacuum several times. If you want, you can spray deodorant on the carpet before vacuuming to give the room a mild fragrance.
    • If your room has no carpet, sweep the floor. Then wipe it off with floor cleaner.

  3. Clean windows and mirrors if present. Use Windex or another bleach and microfiber towels to avoid stains on windows. Window cleaning makes your room cleaner and more shiny.

  4. Clean other objects in the room. Polish the door handle with the cleaning solution. If you have ceiling fans in your room, you should wipe them with a damp cloth. Also need to use cloth to clean small grooves (if any.)
    • Wipe the spider webs from the ceiling.

  5. Complete small details. Pick up the remaining trash in the room. Take out the trash can. Throw away the collected garbage. Spray deodorant or hang a bag of dried lavender in the room for a mild scent.
    • Keep the giveaways in a recognizable spot to avoid forgetting to give them to someone else.
    • Arrange dishes or utensils in another room in their respective locations.

  6. Reward yourself! You can do what you love or relax in this clean, fragrant room! Go to the movies, enjoy some candies, play with your puppy - whatever you like, knowing that your room is clean and shiny.
    • Remember that if you get an item the next time you pick it up, put it back in its place. Every day should arrange a neat bed. These are clean habits that keep you from having to tidy up too much.


  • Clean up your bedroom once a week. Regular cleaning will make the room less cluttered and tidy (and take less time).
  • If you want, you can move around the room in a circle while cleaning. Start from the left and continue to the right.
  • Choose a room spray for your private space. A room with a fresh scent will be the driving force to help you regularly keep the room clean in proportion to that scent.
  • If you find the room quickly cluttered, then you should remove some unnecessary items. Resell, store, donate, or throw them away; reduce the number of supplies and simplify the cleaning of the room.
  • Take pictures of the room before and after cleaning. When you finish the mission, compare the pictures before and after the cleaning. You will see the amount of work done and have more motivation to keep the room clean and beautiful.
  • If you come across an item that you may need one day, ask yourself, "Have I used it in the last six months?" If the answer is 'No', put it in the gift box.
  • Divide the room in your room and set a time limit. For example, a particularly indiscriminate corner can take half an hour to clean while a less cluttered one can take only ten minutes. Then try to finish before the allotted time and reward yourself if you do it earlier than the scheduled time!
  • Make a commitment that you keep the room neat and hung on the wall. This helps to keep you motivated to keep the room clean.
  • Do not move all the furniture under the bed out and then do not know what to do with them. Have space for those items.
  • Cleaning the bed first will make your room look cleaner, and opening the window to let in fresh air.
  • Divide furniture into separate groups. Put the clothes in one corner, empty bottle under the bed in another corner, (etc.) then set a timer on the phone for 5-10 minutes and try setting each part before time runs out. If you still haven't completed the time after the time is up, go to the next section and start the timer again.
  • Prepare containers and label the items you want. For example, you can label a beauty salon name and bundle the items in a box for easy searching and not getting lost.


  • If there are rats, insects, or small creatures in the room, get them removed by an adult or other trusted person.
  • If you have never used a cleaning tool or a vacuum cleaner, ask a parent or guardian for help. Ask them for instructions on how to use the items, as they can be harmful if not used properly.
  • If you have a dust allergy or other irritation, you should take your allergy medicine before you start cleaning, or wear a dust mask.

What you need

  • Garbage bag
  • Door cleaner
  • Paper towels or cloths
  • Clothes basket or basket
  • Music with a cheerful rhythm (optional)
  • Dust wipes
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Brush or vacuum cleaner
  • Labels
  • Sterile towels