How to Gradually get out of the habit of watching porn and masturbating

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How To Stop Masturbating (Today) 7 Practical Tips To Stop a Masturbation Habit | Dr. Doug Weiss
Video: How To Stop Masturbating (Today) 7 Practical Tips To Stop a Masturbation Habit | Dr. Doug Weiss


You may feel embarrassed about masturbation, but it's actually normal human behavior. Likewise, it's normal to be curious and enjoy the stimulation of porn. However, you may also want to quit these habits if you find them harmful. If you are ready to give up, start changing your habits. Plus, replace black film and masturbation with activities to distract them from them. As you practice this process, build a healthy mindset about your desire to watch black movies and masturbate.


Method 1 of 3: Changing habits

  1. Choose new habits to take the place of adult movies and masturbation. It's difficult to break a habit, but it's easier to replace them with something else. Try to choose a habit that is related to the one you want to quit. Then identify ways to incorporate these new habits into your schedule to replace old habits.
    • For example, you can replace masturbation with drawing, because drawing relaxes you and keeps your hands busy. Keep drawing tools by your bedside to facilitate bonding and forming new habits.
    • Similarly, you can replace watching porn by watching TV shows with someone. Plan ahead to watch TV together.

  2. Eliminate any stimuli that make you want to watch a black movie or masturbate. Think about things related to those habits, like erotic posters or tissue boxes. Stimulations can lure you back on the path. So when you notice a stimulus, remove it from your life to make it easier to quit the old habit.
    • For example, you might leave forums or websites that contain a lot of pornography that makes you feel tempted.
    • Likewise, it's best to remove all the provocative posters, adult magazines, and other items you use to masturbate in your room.
    • Install a computer-safe search filter to make it harder to access porn.

  3. Set up a timeline to gradually eliminate these habits. First, set a deadline to quit habits at the same time, say 2-3 months starting now. Then divide your time into 4 phases. During the first phase, limit it to once a day. Then cut it down to 4 times / week in phase 2 and 2 times / week in phase 3. Finally, at stage 4 only masturbate or watch adult movies once a week.
    • For example, say you want to give up old habits in 2 months. Then each phase lasts 2 weeks. During 1-2 weeks, you can only masturbate or watch porn movies once a day. In weeks 3-4, cut down to 4 times / week. Week 5-6, limited to 2 times / week. Finally, masturbate and watch adult movies 1 time / week for 7-8 weeks.

  4. Make a list of the reasons why you want to give up to stay motivated. Changing habits takes a lot of motivation. A good way to keep pace is to create visual reminders for yourself. Write down the reasons why it is so important to let go of the habit, then post them in a prominent place.
    • For example, you might want to keep the list on your phone, near your computer, and on your bedside table. This will help remind yourself to avoid temptation.
    • Your reasons may be: "I feel disconnected from my girlfriend", "I masturbate / watch too much movie", or "I worry about being addicted".

    Advice: You may find it necessary to give up because you think pornography and masturbation are morally wrong, from personal or religious reasons. If you feel that way, then you can understand why you want to change. At the same time, try not to judge yourself because everyone experiences these things.

Method 2 of 3: Replace porn and masturbation

  1. Start a new hobby to distract yourself from desires. Choose an interesting hobby that really interests you. Watching black movies and masturbating are both fun activities, so your new hobby should have the same effect. For example, try things like:
    • Join a sports and entertainment team.
    • Arts creativity.
    • Learn an instrument.
    • Knitting.
    • Assembling arduino.
    • Assemble fighting robots.
    • Join martial arts class.
  2. Satisfy yourself with pleasurable things. When you masturbate or watch adult movies, your body releases dopamine, the hormone that makes you want to do more. This hormone is also released when you perform pleasurable activities like eating and shopping. That means you can also reduce your urge to masturbate by treating yourself to other pleasures such as your favorite food, listening to your favorite music group, taking a bath, and going shopping.
    • Enjoy a variety of other visual activities, not just one. For example, Monday you eat candy, Tuesday go game, Wednesday buy yourself a book, Thursday listen to your favorite band, Friday hang out with friends, Saturday go out for dinner, and Owner Japan is playing a favorite game.

    Warning: Don't use alcohol or drugs to quell the urge to masturbate and watch porn, which will only make things worse.

  3. Do exercise 30 minutes a day to release energy. You may find that watching porn and taking a selfie is satisfying because they help you relax. Fortunately exercise feels the same way. Start doing cardio every day to help release excess energy. Choose an activity you enjoy for more excitement.
    • Practice brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or take a dance class. You might consider joining a sports team or going to the gym.
  4. Meditate to calm down and overcome temptation. Meditation can help you relax and practice mindfulness, helping to overcome desire. For a simple meditation, sit or stand comfortably. Then focus on your breathing. As your mind wanders, pull them back to your breath. Do the meditation for at least 10 minutes.
    • You can find meditation tutorials online or use apps like Headspace, Insight Timer, or Calm.

Method 3 of 3: Build healthy thinking

  1. Realize that masturbation is completely normal and healthy. Whether you feel embarrassed or guilty, your body will naturally want to masturbate. It helps you relax, release stress, and support sexual health. Understand that nothing is wrong. Decide to give up masturbation and adult movies only if you think it is the right decision for you personally.
    • You may want to talk to your doctor about your concerns about masturbation and porn.
  2. Avoid punishing yourself when you are tempted. Temptation is everywhere, and there is a possibility that sometimes you can't resist it. Don't blame yourself for this. You're doing your best already, so acknowledge that you're working hard. Then go back on the roadmap with your quitting routine.
    • Everyone has a chance to fall, don't feel guilty.
    • If you want to give up, then you will succeed only if you persistently follow the regime.
  3. Talk to your partner about your relationship's personal needs. You may feel ashamed, but it's important in a relationship to be honest. Tell your significant other about your masturbation habits and watching porn. Explain what you want in a relationship, if any. Then listen to your ex's needs so you can both work it out and compromise.
    • Say, “I have a habit of watching porn and masturbating every night before bed. I really want to stop this because I feel it is hurting our relationship. I want us to try some other way while together. Do you want to try something new? "
  4. See a therapist if masturbation and porn are really affecting your life. If you find it difficult to give up completely, that's okay. You may need more strategies to give up. Fortunately, a therapist can help determine why you are getting into these habits. They will then work out psychological strategies to help you cope with the temptation.
    • Look online for a therapist or ask your doctor for advice.
    • If you feel guilty or ashamed of masturbation, a therapist can help you overcome these feelings. Remember, your desires are completely normal.


  • Masturbation does not cause any health problems. In fact, it also helps you reduce stress and improve your sexual health. The reason for giving up masturbation is because you think it matters.
  • If you are tempted, it's okay. When that happens, rethink why you were in trouble, then try back on a path to change.


  • If you masturbate or watch porn so much that it affects your life, then it's best to see a therapist to help you get through it. Although nothing is wrong with these activities, it is still a problem if they interfere with your life.