Ways to Save a dying Goldfish

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Save a Dying Goldfish??
Video: How to Save a Dying Goldfish??


If you keep goldfish and love them just like any other pet, it would be sad to see them dying. There are many causes of goldfish death, from illness to depression. However, if you apply the treatment steps early, you can save the dying goldfish, and it can even entertain you for another 10-20 years.


Part 1 of 3: Problem Assessment

  1. Isolate the sick goldfish. If a goldfish becomes sick, it is important that you separate it from other goldfish to avoid spreading any potential diseases. If you only have one goldfish, leave it in the tank.
    • When transferring sick goldfish to a “hospital” tank, you should move the fish in a plastic bag and wrap it in a paper bag so that your goldfish does not get stressed.
    • You may need to pour water from your old tank to the new one when moving your fish, but if the water is the cause of your fish's illness this could make the situation worse. If you are using new water, simply put a plastic bag of fish in the water for 15-20 minutes to adjust the temperature in the water and not shock the fish.

  2. Check water quality. Signs of dying goldfish can usually be easily resuscitated by adjusting to the water. Maintaining water quality is essential to keeping fish healthy, happy - and alive.
    • You can purchase an aquarium water tester at most pet stores.
    • The aquarium water tester can help you detect problems in the water, such as high ammonia levels.
    • Make sure the water temperature is in the range 10-21 degrees Celsius.
    • Check the concentration of acids in the water. Most fish species do well in neutral water, with a pH of approximately 7.
    • If the acidity level in the water is too high, you can purchase a neutralizer that can be found at many pet stores.
    • Check the oxygen level to make sure the dissolved oxygen is above 70%.

  3. Clean the tank and change the water. Goldfish produce a lot of waste, so the water in the aquarium can quickly become dirty and accumulate ammonia or bacteria and algae. You can save your fish immediately just by rinsing the tank and changing the water.
    • Place the fish in a separate tank while cleaning the tank and changing the water.
    • You should clean the tank once a week to prevent bacteria from forming.
    • Remove 15% of the water, remove all gravel and remove all algae in the tank.
    • Do not put any chemicals in the water. Simply washing off gravel and using volatile chemicals to scrub the walls of the tank is enough. Only small amounts of chemicals or soap can kill fish.
    • Fill the tank with clean tap water. Add more chlorine to new water to remove chlorine.

  4. Check out goldfish. After you've cleaned the tank and changed the water, observe the fish for a few days to see if this will save the fish. This will help you determine what is causing the fish or causing illness.
    • You may see immediate results, such as lack of oxygen in the water, or it may take a few days for the goldfish to adjust to the new water in the tank.
    • Wait a day or two before trying other treatments to make sure you don't treat the disease the goldfish doesn't have, as this can be harmful to the fish.

Part 2 of 3: Save the goldfish's life

  1. Identify symptoms of dying goldfish. Many symptoms of disease can appear in goldfish. Identifying the symptoms early and correctly can help save your goldfish from dying.
    • The best time to check for signs of disease or death is before feeding.
    • Respiratory Disorders: Symptoms such as air gobbling, shortness of breath, lethargy on the water surface or on the bottom of the tank may indicate sick fish or poor water quality.
    • Parasites: Goldfish have a hungry nature, and if you notice it is anorexia or thinner, it is a sign of parasites inside the fish.
    • Fish bubble disease: Fish swimming upright, swimming upside down or rubbing on surfaces are signs of many problems, from fish bubble disease to inadequate diet.
    • Fungal infections: Symptoms such as folded or torn fins, discolored spots, lumps or nodules, bulging eyes, pale gills, or an enlarged abdomen may be signs of fungal disease.
    • Fin rot: This is one of the most common fungal infections of fish and has symptoms such as milky white areas on the fins or tail and ragged fins.
  2. Watch for symptoms in other fish. Once you've identified the symptoms of a dying goldfish, look to see if other fish have similar symptoms. This can help you determine what is the underlying cause of the goldfish disease.
  3. Remove the filter and treat the water. You can treat fungal infections and tail rot by removing the filter in the aquarium and treating the water. This can help you save the goldfish.
    • Remove the activated carbon filter in the aquarium and use medications like Maracyn-Two for fin rot or methylene blue for fungal infections.
    • If you're not sure if your fish has a fungal infection or tail rot, don't take these medications. Using chemicals to fix a problem that doesn't exist can seriously affect your goldfish.
  4. Treat water with heat and salt. If you notice that the fish has white spots on their body, it is likely that they are infected by the ich parasite, anchor worms, or lice. The method of using heat and salt can help treat disease and save goldfish.
    • Slowly raise the water temperature in the aquarium to 30 degrees C over a period of more than 48 hours to prevent the ich parasites from multiplying. Maintain the aquarium water at this temperature for 10 days.
    • Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for every 20 liters of water.
    • Change the aquarium water every few days.
    • Gradually reduce the water temperature in the tank to 18 degrees Celsius.
    • You can use the heat and salt method if there are healthy fish living in the tank. This can also help get rid of any parasites that infect healthy fish.
  5. Feed the fish with vegetables and low protein foods. Some fish may have bladder disease, which cannot be treated with water changes. Feeding your fish vegetables, such as frozen beans and low-protein foods, can help treat fish bladder disease.
    • Frozen beans are a good choice because they contain a lot of fiber and sink into the tank, so the goldfish don't have to go to the surface to eat.
    • Do not overfeed sick fish. Offer new food only when they have finished their last meal. If you don't do this correctly, you could cause problems with ammonia and worsen fish illnesses.
  6. Use tweezers to remove parasites. If you find that your goldfish has parasites like the anchor parasite, you can remove the parasite with tweezers. Remember to be gentle to prevent the fish from getting injured or dying.
    • Some parasites dig deep into the fish's body. You may need a combination of manual removal and antiparasitic drugs.
    • Be sure to grip the parasite as close to the wound on the fish as possible to ensure that all of the parasites are removed.
    • After about 1 minute, add the fish to the water to let the fish breathe.
    • It may take several weeks to get rid of the parasites in your aquarium.
    • Only use this method if you are sure the fish has worms or parasites, and you can hold the fish gently without killing it.
  7. Use commercial drugs to treat fish. If you are not sure what the fish is sick with, you can try commercial treatment for any disease. This can save the fish from disease or parasites.
    • You can buy fish remedies at most pet stores, even some large retail stores.
    • Note that medications for fish diseases are not controlled by government agencies, meaning they may not work or harm the fish. The best way to cure your fish is to know for sure what the disease is.
  8. Take the fish to the vet. Home treatments for fish may not be effective. In this case, take the fish to the vet. Your doctor can determine the cause of your goldfish dying symptoms and recommend a treatment plan.
    • Remember to transport fish in a plastic bag wrapped in a paper bag so that the fish does not get stressed.
    • Know that the vet may not be able to help you, and that the fish may die even with the care of a doctor.

Part 3 of 3: Prevention of disease for goldfish

  1. Understand that prevention is better than cure. Prevention of goldfish disease is the best way to save fish from death. From regular cleaning of the aquarium to feeding your goldfish a rich diet, the right care can help reduce the risk of death in your goldfish.
  2. Maintain water quality. Providing clean water for your fish is essential to keeping the fish alive. You need to ensure the right water temperature as well as the optimum oxygen level in the aquarium.
    • Goldfish grow well in water with a temperature of 10-25.5 degrees C. The cooler the water, the higher the oxygen level.
    • Goldfish release a lot of dirt, which increases the level of ammonia in the aquarium, thereby increasing the risk of disease or death.
    • Check the water weekly to ensure water quality.
  3. Clean the tank periodically. If you clean the tank regularly, not only will you maintain the water quality, but you can also eliminate bacteria or algae that can be harmful to your goldfish. Weekly cleaning of the tank can help prevent fish disease.
    • Change several liters of water weekly to remove chemicals.
    • Wash the gravel and scrub the walls of the tank to remove algae and lime that may build up.
    • Pruning overgrown aquatic plants.
    • Clean or replace the charcoal filter once a month.
    • Do not use chemicals or soap to wash the tank, this can kill the fish.
  4. Feed the goldfish a variety of foods. One of the best ways to prevent death of goldfish is to feed your fish a rich, balanced diet. Equally important is not overfeeding the goldfish, as this not only makes the fish sick but also affects the water quality.
    • You can feed your fish dry commercial flakes. These foods provide a balanced diet for the fish.
    • Feed the fish a variety of foods such as beans, marine shrimp, bloodworms, and worms.
    • You can feed the fish as a side dish by growing it in the corner of the tank to let the goldfish pee.
    • Do not overfeed the fish. Goldfish only need to eat one meal a day. Leftovers falling to the bottom of the tank can contaminate the water.
  5. Isolate the diseased goldfish from the rest. If only one goldfish is sick or showing signs of dying, separate the sick fish from healthy ones to prevent the disease from spreading.
    • It is also a good idea to use another tank called a “hospital tank” to take care of sick fish.
    • Only return the fish to the old tank when it is healthy.


  • Be prepared to say that you may not be able to save your goldfish.
  • If you are not sure what to do, contact your veterinarian immediately and describe the fish's condition.
  • Sometimes goldfish don't have enough oxygen to breathe. You can help by using filters and distilled water. NEVER USE WATER IN A WASHER!


  • Do not stock diseased fish with other fish to prevent the virus from spreading.