Ways to Feel Beautiful

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Ways To Feel Beautiful
Video: 15 Ways To Feel Beautiful


The best beauty secret is knowing that you've always been beautiful before! Though sometimes it's hard to admit your beauty when you aren't feel I'm beautiful. Here are a few things you can do to remind yourself that you are beautiful, and that everyone is beautiful in one way or another.


Part 1 of 3: Taking Action to Feel Beautiful

  1. Keep a journal about your positives. Start a gratitude journal that emphasizes appreciation for what makes you love yourself the most. By thinking practically about the good qualities, both internal and external, you will keep this in mind more clearly. That way, every time you experience a moment of self-doubt or face a harsh criticism from someone, everything you are most proud of about yourself will appear out of hand. Consider the following tips to make your gratitude journal really work:
    • Do not do everything through the speaker. Journaling is more effective if you make the definitive decision to become more satisfied and grateful for your positive traits.
    • Focus on quality over quantity. Journal in detail about a few important things, rather than making a superficial list of all the features. Do your best to create your own personalized list.
    • Consider specific circumstances and relationships that are positively influenced by these traits to see how they benefit you in everyday life.
    • Ponder what life would be like if you suddenly didn't have the positive traits. This makes it easier for you to be grateful for life.

  2. Acknowledge your relationship. If you persist in liking and agreeing, you will always see yourself in the same positive direction as your loved one sees you. Likewise, if you spend a lot of time with critical and annoying people, you will find yourself leaning on their critical and harsh standards. If you've always been crammed with the idea that you're unattractive or worthless, ask yourself if someone in your life would approve of this thought.
    • Make sure you have a great support network from friends and loved ones. There is nothing more effective than social support to make you feel strong, talented, and beautiful.

  3. Decorate the house with lovely objects. This means decorating the room with some beautiful scenery you'd find in magazines or posters, or displaying lovely souvenirs and souvenirs around. When everything around looks impressive, you will also feel beautiful. Remember to fill the space with what friend arguably beautiful, rather than following the latest design and decoration trends.
    • A harmonious lighting arrangement, like a white round bulb, helps create a soft and subtle light feel, making you and everything around you look more attractive.
    • Consider setting up lighting equipment. The light hits your face from many different directions, making it hard to see the lines and corners of your face. So, for example, you should replace the overhead lighting in the bathroom with the light on either side of the mirror.

  4. Start each day with an affirmation. Put all of the positive traits you see in yourself into action by using them to boost your confidence each morning. Remind yourself of what you contribute to the world, in as personal and vivid detail as possible. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that the quality (eg, shining smile, compassionate lifestyle) is something you want to share. At first you may feel silly and even self-centered, but you will get used to being kind and encouraging, and at the same time experience the benefits of being your best friend. self.
    • In addition, try to write down the confidence boosting agent on note paper, on a magnet attached on the refrigerator, or even on the bathroom mirror with eyeliner.
    • Putting these small notes where they are most visible will help you stay in tune with optimistic thinking.
  5. Pay attention to your posture. The right posture not only sends the message to others that we are confident and talented, but also transmits a positive message to ourselves. This is because your mind is constantly communicating with your body about how you are feeling. When you stand up straight and look ahead, instead of looking at the floor, your brain receives signals that you really feel confident about yourself and ready to face the world (literally). People who sit upright, rather than slouch, tend to be more confident in what they say and do.
    • Try to keep your shoulders straight and puff your chest forward slightly. Doing so will make you look more confident, taller, and even slimmer.
  6. Listen to music often. Music plays an important role in helping you to appreciate the natural beauty of life, and it is even thought to predate language and influence your sense of connection and direction. Around the world. Listen to all kinds of music that helps your brain circulate, that's pop, rock, jazz, or country music. Maintaining a habit of listening to music will help boost your mood and lead to thoughts that appreciate beauty.
  7. Have a lovely pet. Pets serve two purposes for making you feel beautiful. First, you have to spend a lot of time around this smiling and cheerful creature. That way, they could be perfect for traveling around. In addition, your pet is a reliable companion that will help you feel loved and valued without the need for a human relationship.
    • Make sure you only keep a pet if you can afford to take care of it actively. Pets need daily responsibility and attention, and the benefits of keeping them are endless.

Part 2 of 3: Using The Right Method to Take Care of Yourself

  1. Dynamic. Besides benefits like weight loss, exercise also helps reduce symptoms of depression and the risk of heart disease. This means that regular exercise will help you feel good, energized, and secure with your well-being. If you're having trouble finding the motivation to get started, try starting small by adding brisk walking exercises to your list of workouts for the week. Then, you can gradually increase the amount of cardio or weight training to the level your lifestyle allows.
    • Try exercising in ways that increase your flexibility. With this method, you will learn how to see your body in a progressive and flexible way.
  2. Smile. Have you ever enjoyed a morning that is so indescribably happy? For example, do you find yourself smiling at people at the grocery store in the morning? These experiences can really change the way you see yourself, as well as how others see you. When compared to non-smiling individuals, individuals tend to smile, show off their bright white teeth, often perceived as being honest, socially active, and even better by others. Even if you don't want to smile. A smile will make you feel and look happier!
    • Remember that taking good care of your teeth is a great way to increase your confidence when you smile. Brush and floss regularly, and reduce the risk of tooth decay by rinsing your mouth after eating or drinking sugary foods.
  3. Do what you are proficient at. Spending as much time as possible doing things that will help you realize how talented and capable you are. A sense of accomplishment is part of creating beauty that stems from achievement. This may be obvious, but sometimes an area we are truly proficient in gets out of hand if work or school responsibilities force us to separate from inherent talent.
    • For example, if writing skills are your strong point, compose poetry and prose in your spare time. If you're good at sports, join a team that usually plays on the weekends for a healthy game.
  4. Healthy eating. Remember that healthy eating is not the same as diet. Diet tends to be temporary and does not last long. Eating healthy requires habits, like adding more fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains to your shopping list, and cooking in moderation. If you crave foods high in fat, sugar, and salt, consider cutting them down appropriately.
    • Because balance is so important, treating yourself is also part of healthy eating. If sometimes you can't resist the ice cream cone or the cream pie, don't completely curb your cravings - just eat in moderation.
    • Treating yourself helps you remember that the way you treat yourself is an important part of your self-confidence that makes you stand out more than ever.
  5. Learn relaxation techniques. When you are comfortable, people will react positively, and that makes you feel attractive and present to others. Think about it - when you see someone confident in their skin, you have no choice but to use relaxation techniques. Here are a few practices that can help reduce the stress you often put in your body:
    • Methods of Continuous Muscle Relaxation
    • Yoga
    • Breathe purposefully
  6. Comfortable with your outfit. If you feel uncomfortable with what you are wearing, you will begin to have an anti-body relationship; in other words, a negative body image. Forcing yourself into clothes that don't fit will make you feel too fat or too thin to wear the things you want.
    • Especially for women, attire can change self-perception for the better, increasing self-confidence related to emotional control, social skills, and inter-tasks. related to work.

Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Perspective to Feel Beautiful

  1. Have a realistic thought about true beauty. The interesting thing about beauty is that we place so much emphasis on it that we no longer realize that, on average, attractive people are not happier than others. Remember that feelings of optimism, hope, relationship satisfaction, and a sense of meaning and purpose in life are the factors that influence happiness the most. This means that when things are considered, there are many more important factors that can impact happiness and a life filled with joy, rather than appearance.
  2. Change negative conversations with yourself. It is very common that you can go for a day-long walk with a "small voice" of criticism in your head and unsafe thinking patterns, like how puffed your cheeks are or you look clumsy How to go home. However, one great thing about this small voice is that you can put different ways of thinking into conversation. Replace the negative thoughts in your head with neutral thoughts about the same thing; For example, focusing on the ruddiness around the cheeks rather than size.
    • Going further, try to challenge this small voice by answering it in silence with the things you like best about yourself. Tell him why others find you attractive - maybe you have sexy lips or have a talent for jokes.
    • You will learn how to recognize that your physical features and personality are what makes you more attractive.
  3. Accept Yourself. Accepting looks can be no easy task, especially if you find yourself fearful of criticism from others and preoccupied with what you are "supposed to" look like. Think about the traits you like and dislike about yourself, and try to understand that, whatever your point of view, the harmony of all the traits makes you yourself. Take pride in yourself and your appearance, regardless of whether it's up to the usual standards or not.
    • Stop judging yourself by not focusing on your appearance. Isolate yourself from the mirror! People who view themselves negatively tend to exaggerate their personality traits and flaws, and focusing on oneself often results in more self-criticism.
  4. Actual confirmation. Stop comparing yourself to others and what you think they have. When you see a supermodel or celebrity that makes you unable to hold back comparing yourself to them, try to think that they are genetically predominant genetics is the beauty standard to follow. often set unworkable beauty standards, so it is more imperative than ever to find your signature beauty.
    • Make an effort to focus on the achievements rather than the deficiencies. This means taking the time to think carefully about what traits you consider your strengths.
    • Even if you are tempted to compare yourself to others, try appreciating them instead of being jealous. There will always be a surprise in that difference, and think how boring life would be if everyone had the same talent.
    • Besides, when you compare yourself to others, you are actually comparing the beauty inside with appearance other people. This means you are disappointing yourself - that is, you will learn more about yourself, especially some unpleasant facts that should be kept private.
  5. Learn to accept praise. Part of feeling beautiful is letting others take a positive view of you. Sometimes, it can be surprising or even confusing to hear a compliment and then show others that the compliment makes you uncomfortable. In a hurry, we often respond to compliments by saying "Yeah ..." or "That's not true". At the very least, you should respond with a positive acknowledgment, like saying "Thank you". Remember that timing is always important.
    • If you react too long, the acknowledgment will be confusing, and reacting too soon will cause the other party to be interrupted.
    • Or, enthusiastically acknowledge the compliment by adding details or use it to initiate a new conversation. You can also share generosity by offering positive feedback to the other person.
  6. Appreciate your progress. Occasionally, it will be difficult to realize how much progress you have made; in the past, it seems that you have deserved the effort to grow and mature. Maybe your skin has cleared up acne since adulthood, or you may increase your confidence from a new job or a relationship opportunity. Look back at old photos and yearbook. Take a moment to laugh at the moment how clumsy you look and compare to the present, and appreciate how you've progressed from there. advertisement


  • Remember, someone who is attractive but doesn't pay attention to you doesn't mean you're not pretty.
  • Don't be afraid to look in the mirror for as long as you want and smile at yourself and be proud of who you are.


  • Do not try to lose weight by taking unhealthy medications or fasting. If you want to lose weight, do it with healthy methods like exercising and eating properly. Being thinner doesn't necessarily mean you will look beautiful - just like you are healthy.