Ways to Improve Self-Study Skills

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Self-study tips that make learning EFFORTLESS
Video: Self-study tips that make learning EFFORTLESS


There are many ways to prepare for exams or homework. Good study habits are a must for those who want high results in their courses.


Part 1 of 3: Creating the ideal learning angle

  1. Build a suitable learning environment. You need a place with little noise, lots of light, a clean, well-furnished place. Choose a quiet place to study if you don't want to be disturbed. This is very important and requires careful attention.

  2. Have everything you need before studying, like: pens, pencils, notebooks, liners, books, etc. to help with interruptions while studying.
  3. Avoid being distracted. If a family member distracts you, gently ask them to move away so you can continue with your work. However, if you have young children this is difficult to do. Remember to turn off all the television and radio. If you need background music while studying, you should choose classical music. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Study Planning

  1. Create a calm attitude. Be calm and patient with yourself. No one can learn everything right away.
  2. Get enough sleep. It's not a good idea to stay up late to study. Lack of sleep makes it difficult for you to concentrate and reduce your ability to remember what you have learned ..

  3. Make a schedule. Every student is expected to schedule class, assignments, and other important dates. In it, you have to set aside time for studying and doing projects. That way, you won't get stuck finishing your project at the last minute or cramming your knowledge the night before the exam.
    • You also need to make time for extracurricular activities such as playing sports. In fact, the more detailed your schedule, the more efficiently you will complete your assignment.
  4. Take notes during class. You can even take notes while studying. Taking notes is easier when you abbreviate common words, choose to write down important information (and / or keywords), use clear titles to organize information and represent them with drawings / diagrams. Highlight or underline the main ideas of your learning material.
  5. School groups. This way you can test each other and learn from other members.
  6. Take regular breaks. Take a walk, ride a bike or play with family. With regular breaks, you will not be stressed during homework and feel excited to return to work later. Listen to music to relax your mind. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Building good study habits

  1. Let's start with the hardest exercise. For example, if you have to do math homework, math, English and Spanish, start with chemistry and finish in English. Doing a difficult subject first will clear your mind.
  2. Develop effective memory skills. You can make lists of things to remember, such as recipes. The use of info cards is great for memorizing large amounts of information of the same genre.
  3. Develop critical thinking skills. As you advance, you will be given longer and more complex reading exercises. Poor reading skills or the inability to filter out important information will make you feel that the exercise is burdensome and affect your overall learning performance.
    • You need to read it deliberately to get important information. If you have limited reading skills, you need to find ways to improve; otherwise the results of the subjects will be affected.
  4. Focus on areas that need the most attention. Spend a lot of time on difficult problems.
  5. Improve exam strategy. Poor test results do not always mean that you do not understand or lack knowledge. Maybe you understand the lesson but not doing well.
    • An effective test strategy includes: learning which materials to prioritize during the exam study; prepare a few days before the exam instead of just one night; coping with stress during the exam; and allocate time so that all sections of the test are completed.
  6. Ask yourself questions. Ask questions that emphasize the lesson content such as who, what, why, how, when, where. Ask yourself questions while reading or studying. Answering these questions will help you to understand the material thoroughly, and aid in memorizing it as the process will impress you. What's striking is more meaningful and therefore easier to remember.
  7. Get help. When you're stuck, don't give up –– see someone for support; don't keep it to yourself. advertisement


  • Eat one hour before class. Your brain does not function as well when you are hungry.
  • Do homework before setting aside time for extracurricular activities.
  • When working in groups, don't lose focus.
  • Stretching during breaks will energize your body and / or mind.
  • What you learn fastest is the one you care about most. So pay attention to what you find most difficult.
  • Reading over and over will help you improve your memory.
  • Keep the door closed to avoid outside noise.
  • Study seriously but remember to take frequent breaks, especially when you're stressed. Take a break for 5-10 minutes after each class.
  • Do not stay in school while in the room. You will find it easy to fall asleep and not be able to complete the exercise.
  • Eating mint candy, mint-flavored gum or even just smelling mint will help clear your mind, improve your memory, which is crucial when learning.
  • Meditating 15-20 minutes before you study will help you become calm.
  • When studying, focus on avoiding distractions from other tasks.


  • If you experience eye strain or headache, pause from doing the exercise and move on to something else.
  • Remember not to jump to your feet with water! Studying the night before the exam (provided you have taken the time to study before) is just a good way to memorize and make sure you know everything by heart.