Ways to Improve Your Sex Life

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What is sexual health, and how can I improve my sex life? | Ohio State Medical Center
Video: What is sexual health, and how can I improve my sex life? | Ohio State Medical Center


Sex is not just about personal needs, but also an opportunity to bond with others. But sometimes certain distractions interfere with your ability to be close to your partner. It could be work, school, or children taking up all of the day. Whatever the reason, "sex" is often something that is forgotten in a relationship. However, you shouldn't let everyday life interfere with your libido. Refreshing and adding fun to sex is not difficult if you communicate openly with your partner and you both spice up your sex life and spend time with your partner. in bed (and elsewhere).


Method 1 of 3: Nurturing Passion

  1. Explore your own body. If you want to feel comfortable and close to your partner, then you should do this with yourself first. You can hold your body and feelings together tightly. Feel free to explore and express your feelings. Find out how you like touch, what excites you, and how your body responds to different triggers. In addition, you can also explore your body with your ex.
    • The vibrator assists women in understanding their own sexual responses as well as showing the partner what they like.

  2. Relax before you enter the game. There are several techniques you can use to relax yourself before you get in touch with your partner.This helps to not put too much emphasis on whether I do well or not. Instead, enjoy every second of this good time. Take a deep breath, and relentlessly relax tense muscles.
    • Relax with your partner. Take a deep breath together and relax your body and mind.
    • If you feel anxious about your sex skills, you can check out the article "How to Fix Anxiety about Sexual Skills".

  3. Focus on foreplay. Sometimes sex is no different from a pre-scripted movie, like two parties doing a scene from A to B to C quickly. Instead, slow down and focus on the excitement before you step in. The foreplay made both of them equally excited.
    • Massage your body before having sex and take time to explore each other's bodies before continuing to fall in love. You can prolong the most important part of the rain and make it as enjoyable as possible. Play soft music and enjoy a romantic evening. Remember this is not a race and take your time.
    • Focus on inspiring and inspiring your partner. Then you can indulge in the pleasure that your ex can bring.
    • Many women feel most euphoric when the clitoris is stimulated during foreplay.
  4. Take it easy. You shouldn't "fall in love" in a hurry and then end quickly. On the contrary, the two of you should slow down and fully enjoy your time together. Feel the pleasure of being petted, and then repeat with your partner. Enjoy a moment of cuddling and being cuddled. You can initiate normal touching behaviors before sexually stroking. Feel your partner's body and slowly.
    • Practice focusing on perception. This step helps to build trust and intimacy in slow intervals (20-40 minutes), and relieves anxiety about your own skills. Each side takes turns doing some reinforcement contact with the other half. First, you normally stroke your partner on the upper body, arms, and legs. Then stroke sensitive areas such as around the chest / nipples and inner thighs, but do not touch the genitals. Finally, you can touch points of irritation including genitals or mild irritation. Then you can both join the game if you want.
  5. Freedom to get close. One of the reasons that make the sexual life boring is the relationship over a fixed period of time. Maybe you only "love" in the morning, or on special days when you are off work, school or your children are not at home. You can make sex more salty by having sex at unexpected times, in unusual ways, or in unfamiliar locations. Furthermore, you shouldn't hesitate to masturbate; This is a healthy behavior in a relationship.
  6. Explore your sexuality. You can use toys and costumes in your bedroom to make love more enjoyable and more fun for both of you. How you "spoil" is optional. As long as the two parties are honestly communicating, there's nothing wrong with having sex.
    • Increase excitement by playing a role. The two can wear costumes and call each other by different names.
    • Blindfolds are the easiest way to turn the focus on unexpected and different touch. If you like, you can temporarily put aside your vision.
    • Some couples with long-term relationships want to regain their original feelings when they are new during periods when they don't spend enough time together. The two can plan their own appointments at the bar that the two used to hang out with and pretend they don't know each other. Re-experience everything that happened on the first date when the two of you haven't met, then pretend you don't know anything about your partner's sexual preferences. Continue with that flow of emotion.

Method 2 of 3: Chat with a Partner

  1. Let the other half know what you like. The safest, most effective, and fastest way to improve your sex life is to have open communication with your partner. You can tell your partner what action excites or distracts you. Discuss some of your limits and aspirations about having sex. You should tell all the things your partner needs to know to make your sex life as satisfying as possible.
    • You shouldn't just focus on your partner's wrongdoings, but instead focus on fulfilling your wishes. Use sentences that begin with the pronoun "I / you", such as "I / you like you / you caress" or "You feel more comfortable waiting for that."
    • If you find it difficult or embarrassing to talk about “having sex” with your partner, you can both write it down and talk to each other at the same time, or turn off the lights and talk in the dark.
    • Talking helps build trust and intimacy. While direct acting is often sexier, communicating during the beginning of a relationship will help keep you from being embarrassed and build the confidence needed to have a healthy sex life. .
    • Don't act when you're not ready. You should consult with your partner in advance.
  2. Specific exchange. When it comes to sex, we are often shy and can't come up with specific content that is useful. You should discuss as much detail as possible so that he or she doesn't have to spend time thinking about what you want to say.
    • Instead of saying "I want to have more sex" or "I want to" love "in a different way, you should tell the other partner how much you want to be with the person and how you want to Increase intimacy with your partner. Then discuss specific things you want to do with your partner, or details that you want to change.
    • Do not deceive anything. Otherwise, it will damage trust and intimacy in the relationship. Instead, be open to your desires and be straightforward about what is or isn't working.
  3. Be honest about any changes in your body. Both men and women undergo physical changes that affect their sex life.
    • In the event that menopause changes your libido, make it clear to your partner instead of letting him or her think that you are no longer interested in having sex.
    • If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your female partner as well as your doctor. This can be easily cured and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
  4. Do activities that bring pleasure together. You may ignore the fact that you have a higher sexual desire than your partner, but you may not have had the most complete love with your partner. You should both discuss what you like your partner to do. This is followed by discussions of new or unfamiliar things. The goal of the conversation is to ensure that you both experience pleasure together.
    • Join the discussion without judgment and don't hesitate; You should feel free to discuss sensitive topics with your partner.
  5. Share with your partner about your wishes. You can talk about scenes that you often imagine and get you excited about. Write it down on paper if you feel shy then discuss it with your partner. If something arises during a conversation, like watching television or reading a magazine, you can ask, "What do you think about this?" Be honest and open with the person. In addition, telling each other incredible things can help your sex life become more new.
    • The brain is the most sensitive of the human genitalia. The sharing of vivid fantasies does not necessarily mean having to be real, but in a relationship of mutual trust and openness, it opens the way to discovering one's sexual instincts. and help make your sexual life new, impromptu, and fun.
  6. Engage with your partner. Before you connect sexually, you can try to bond in other ways. Each couple will have different approaches, so it's important to use a way of connecting meaningful to both. The two sides can learn how the connection makes sense, then apply before entering the game. Closeness can involve mental connections, experiences, and emotions. Perceptions of intimacy and trust need to be built on to a strong foundation.
    • Connect emotions through heart-borne dialogue, share feelings and show empathy.
    • Connect intellectually by discussing topics of interest to you.
    • Connect physically with your partner by sitting across from each other and making eye contact. This may seem silly or you might feel vulnerable, but keep this up and down until you're both ready to move on.

Method 3 of 3: Make time for Romance

  1. Plan to do "sex". You might think that having sex in advance isn't at all romantic at all, or that love is more complete when it happens, but you can give it a try. If you always use the excuse of "busy" then you won't be able to give priority to "sex".
    • Take a day of the week to bond with your partner. Throughout the day, you can create excitement and pressure so that "sex" is what you both expect.
  2. Travel together. Even a weekend trip can help get rid of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes work, school, or children interfere with your sex drive inadvertently. You can break your routine by eliminating all distractions and allowing yourself to focus on your partner and relationship.
    • If needed, you can hire a babysitter (or pet sitter) and take a small tour. You can both go camping in the woods or go to a nice little lodge in the suburbs.
    • Don't have money to travel? Both can travel at home by turning off computers, telephones, and televisions, and spending time close to each other.
  3. Prepare a romantic space. Light candles, buy silk sheets, and make the bed your own paradise. Form positive associations in the bedroom and get rid of things that aren't fun, like heaps of clothes, work papers, or toys.
  4. Initiate "sex" with partners. If you've been passive talking about sensitive things for a while, you should give it a try. If you are always the one who proposes sex, you can talk to that person and say that you don't want to be like the pushover in your relationship. You and your partner need to know everything and make sure you are both satisfied with what is going on.
  5. Be emotionally and physically close. Sex life isn't just about activities in bed. If the two are not emotionally close, spend time together and get to know each other, then the relationship will not be complete and the relationship will be too. You both need to talk and spend time together, as well as take good care of your relationship.
    • You should relax at ease with your partner when sharing your hopes, fears, dreams, and desires. Experience weakness by being open to and accepted by your partner.
  6. Find a mentor. If fear of intimacy or anxiety is having a big effect on your relationship, you should see a therapist. Your therapist can help you find ways to be intimate with your partner, deal with your anxiety, and communicate more effectively. Each person can go to the counselor individually or together, or both ways.
    • The therapist will find ways to overcome problems that interfere with intimacy, such as past sexual abuse, emotional problems, and can help shape attitudes. safe and positive towards sex.
    • For more information, you can refer to the article "How to Find a Sexual Therapist".


  • Don't let rumors related to someone else's sex life get in the way of your sex life.
  • Keep in mind that sex isn't just about satisfying your partner. Don't have sex when you feel it's just a duty. This is a pleasure that you both have a right to enjoy.
  • You should know that "sex" is not just about getting on top.
  • If you are considering using fortification products, especially medications, creams, and sprays, then you should research their safety and effectiveness first.


  • Pornographic movies are not The function of expressing the needs of women when having sex. Ask your partner what she likes / dislikes.