How to Accept Yourself as a Quiet and Cautious Person

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
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Video: How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen


For some reason, many people consider being calm and reserved as a negative personality. In fact, it's a good thing if you have this personality, or at least not bad. In fact, being calm and reserved can have a number of benefits. There are also a few ways you can come to accept yourself as a quiet and reserved person.


Method 1 of 3: Understand the Positives of Silence

  1. Make a list of the positives. Although society often favors extroversion and communication, that doesn't mean you don't have much value. List any positive effects of your quietness and privacy.
    • You can be a great listener.
    • You behave prudently and wisely.
    • You can be good at observing situations and people.
    • You can be considered humble.
    • You can be considered insightful.
    • What other advantages of quietness and privacy can you think of?

  2. Start logging. If you find it difficult to enumerate the positives of being quiet and discreet, make notes of how that personality has helped you.You can see that memories often tend to remember negative things, but this approach can help you find the positive things about your personality.
    • If you have a smartphone, make a few lines of notes and move on to the text, or you can jot down in the diary.
    • If you don't have a cell phone that can take notes when you go out, you should bring a paper and pen with you to write down your thoughts for the day before forgetting about the events.

  3. Read information about your personality. People have studied the power of quietness and secrecy. There are many sources of information that can give you a fresh and powerful view of yourself, such as:
    • Try reading Susan Cain's Quiet book: talking
    • Try reading about the evolutionary logic behind your personality. In some situations, the quiet person has an advantage over the extrovert, especially when the extrovert comes with risks (for example in an environment susceptible to disease, because sociability makes you exposed. with more sources of disease).
    • In other words, there is no "best" personality from a survival or success point of view, which is based on a complex set of factors, such as the individual's circumstances: http: / /

  4. Try to be comfortable with yourself. Once you realize that being quiet and discreet can also have many advantages, try to accept who you really are. Self-acceptance is also a positive point. Moreover, being happy with yourself is the most important thing. In fact, many people believe that being comfortable in yourself is more important than wearing someone else's cover. Here are a few tips you can try to make yourself more comfortable with yourself:
    • List your strengths.
    • Forgive yourself for your past mistakes. Remember that you can learn from your mistakes, but don't let them stop your progress in life.
    • Treat yourself well, and don't forget that perfection is not an attribute of the person; You will have the same quirks and mistakes as everyone else, and that's normal!
  5. Learn about successful introverts. There are many quiet and discreet people who have succeeded in their own way. Think about these characters:
    • Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft.
    • J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series.
    • Albert Einstein, one of the greatest physicists of all time.
    • Rosa Parks, a prominent civil rights activist.

Method 2 of 3: Find people with the same Personality

  1. Think about people you know. Ask yourself if you know someone who shares the same personality as you. Then you can try to get to know the person better. It is easier to recognize your personality if you are in the presence of similar people.
    • Perhaps you will have more in common with people who are also quiet and reserved like you than with extroverted and socializing people.
  2. Find a group of similar people. You can use the website to find people who are also quiet and private to interact with.
    • If there are no upcoming events happening in your neighborhood, you might consider hosting one!
  3. Participate in online forums. You will find that talking to people like you online can help you accept yourself as you are. When you see many people out of society like you, you will realize that your personality is normal and there is no need to be ashamed.
    • Try searching the keyword "forum for shy people" to find forums online.
  4. Create a support group. If you are struggling to accept yourself, consider forming a support group and enrolling similar people in the group.
    • You need to decide some things for your team. Consider where, when, and what the group name is.
    • You also need to promote the group. You can select members on online forums or post advertisements at bus stops in the city.

Method 3 of 3: Get Professional Help

  1. Find a mental health professional. Sometimes you just can't accept yourself no matter how hard you try. This is completely natural and normal; You can get help if you find a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychiatrist, licensed social health worker, licensed professional counselor, or therapist Marriage and family data, all of which can help solve your problem.
    • You can use the website: to find a psychologist
    • To find a mental health professional, try searching the internet for LPC + area code you live in, or LCSW + city name.
  2. Consult with your family doctor. Chances are you have serious social anxiety. In this case, you should probably ask your doctor about trying anti-anxiety medications.
    • You may have social anxiety disorder if social interactions actually cause you too much anxiety, fear, or confusion because you feel that others are underestimating you.
  3. List your symptoms. If you do decide to seek out medications and a mental health professional, there are a few things you should do to help make the most of it. You can start by recording your symptoms and what happened.
    • Oversupply rather than lack. Let the doctor determine which information is important and which is less relevant.
  4. List many questions. You may have many questions and you probably want your doctor's appointment to be the most effective. To do that, you need to be prepared by listing a few questions to ask your doctor during your visit. Some of the questions may include:
    • Ask about any medications you can take.
    • Ask about the pros and cons of the drug.
    • Ask about alternative medicine, such as lifestyle changes.
    • Ask about medication side effects.
    • Ask about the underlying cause of your social anxiety.