How to spot ghosts in your home

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Have you ever wondered if your house may be haunted? Maybe you heard a strange noise or felt someone's presence nearby, although you were alone in the house? It's time to solve this mystery. Ghosts are hard to spot, but heightened senses and the right steps can help you identify traces of their presence and understand what keeps them in your home.


Part 1 of 3: Communicating with ghosts

  1. 1 Ask the ghost what he needs. If you suspect that beings from the other world are visiting your home, try talking to them directly. Ask the ghost who he is, what he wants, and why he lives in your house. While the ghost will likely not want to talk to you, you may be able to detect evidence of its presence in other ways, such as doors opening and closing by themselves, or changes in environment that indicate its purpose.
    • Try asking the ghost the following questions: "What is your name?", "Why are you here?", "What do you want?" and "What did you die for?"
    • Before asking questions, make sure you can figure out a possible answer.
  2. 2 Try to communicate with the ghost world using Ouija boards. Although many consider the Ouija board to be a ridiculous toy and an empty gimmick, it has long been used to communicate with parallel worlds. Ask a friend to help you connect with ghosts. First, you and your friend should place your hands on a wooden plank. Then you should ask the ghost a question and wait for him to answer. If you feel the board start to move, it could mean that the ghost wants to tell you something.
    • The ghost can answer yes or no by moving the board over the appropriate words, and for more specific answers, use individual letters on the board.
    • Take this seriously. Do not try to joke or move the board yourself and ask your friend not to do this, as otherwise you will not be able to know when the ghost will actually reach you.
  3. 3 Have a seance. If you seriously think there is a ghost in your home, try a seance. During such a session, the souls of the dead are called in order to talk with living people. For this, it is necessary to gather those who believe in this method around a person who is receptive to spiritual energy. A seance is a more formal way of communicating with ghosts than simply trying to talk to them. These sessions are most effective when conducted by an experienced medium.
    • Dim the lights, clasp your hands, and sit quietly while waiting for the ghost.
    • For the session to be effective, ask the skeptics to leave the room. Mediums claim that the skeptics' negative attitude distracts them, and the spirits refuse to communicate in such an atmosphere.
  4. 4 Interpret disturbing dreams. Sometimes ghosts appear in a dream, when the wall between our world and the other world becomes most permeable. If you have vivid disturbing dreams, write them down and note your feelings. Meeting strangers in a dream or receiving encrypted messages may indicate that a ghost is trying to contact you.
    • If a dream confuses you, consult with an experienced medium. Among other things, mediums can decipher and interpret dreams.

Part 2 of 3: Evidence of the Presence of Ghosts

  1. 1 Pay attention to strange incidents. Take a closer look at the extraordinary events that are happening around you. It can be anything: from a strange movement seen out of the corner of your eye, or an extraneous whisper when you are alone, to turning on and off household appliances on your own. When trying to identify signs of the presence of a ghost, first of all, you should listen to your feelings and intuition.
    • Take a close look at what you see, hear, and feel around you to identify possible paranormal phenomena.
    • Don't be fooled by any kind of knocking or noise as a sign of the presence of a ghost. It could be a simple creak of floorboards, a draft, a pet noise, or a figment of your imagination.
  2. 2 Take pictures of different parts of the house. Take a photo of every room in the house once every few days. Do this in such a way that as much space as possible gets into the photo. According to some theories, ghosts are a form of residual energy that, under the right conditions, can be captured by a camera.
    • Look for signs in your photos such as strange lights and glowing, dark spots, blurry streaks that look like smoke or fumes.
    • To prevent common shooting defects from misleading you, make sure that the camera lenses are clean and that there is no glare in the room.
    • Pay special attention to those rooms where strange things happen most often.
  3. 3 Set up a video camera to detect the movement of the ghost. As with photography, ghosts can also be identified through video filming. Place the video camera in the place of the house where you expect the ghost to appear. With video, you can shoot 24-30 frames per second, which increases the likelihood of detecting a ghost when you look closely at the shooting.
    • Pay attention to anything unusual in the video, especially if there are any strange signs of moving objects or movement.
    • A ghost can only appear on video for a fraction of a second. With careful study, you should often stop the video or view individual fragments frame by frame.
  4. 4 Record hidden voices. When questioning a possible ghost, turn on the recorder and then scroll through the recording to see if it contains sounds you haven't heard. Ghostly voices can appear on the recording - this is the so-called electronic voice phenomenon. Typically, these voices are heard at very low frequencies, that is, they are not distinguishable by the human ear, but they can be detected using audio equipment.
    • Because of these frequencies, you may have to turn your equipment up to hear the recorded voices.
    • Write down words and phrases that you can hear well. With some luck, you can decipher the message and find out the reasons for the ghost's concern.
  5. 5 Contact paranormal researchers. If you feel that something strange is happening around you, consider consulting with paranormal researchers. As a rule, these are enthusiasts who study such phenomena and are well acquainted with their history, folklore, scientific data and myths.They will be able to use the appropriate equipment and other necessary resources and conduct expertise that will allow you to clarify the mysterious phenomenon.
    • Describe the mysterious phenomena to specialists in as much detail as possible so that they can determine what should be done in your case.
    • Working with a professional can help you reduce your fear of unusual things. A good paranormal researcher can figure out the best ways to get along with the ghost.

Part 3 of 3: Getting Rid of Ghosts at Home

  1. 1 Understand that you are not in danger. Chances are, the ghost in your house doesn't want to harm you. During his lifetime, he was probably an ordinary person, like you. With this in mind, you may begin to calmly perceive his presence and stop wanting to get rid of him at all costs. The ghost may believe that this is still his home, and it is possible that the phenomena that frighten you indicate only his desire to prolong his usual existence.
    • Ghosts rarely harm people. As a rule, their activity is almost invisible.
    • If you believe in the existence of ghosts, then you probably know that they are present almost everywhere. Therefore, it shouldn't come as a big surprise to you if one or two ghosts show up in your home.
  2. 2 Fumigate the house with sage. Burning sage leaves is believed to help purify the air in the home and get rid of negative and evil influences. This method is useful if you suspect that an evil ghost lives in your house. Take a bunch of dried white sage, light it so that it smolders, and walk with it through all the rooms, thinking about how to bring peace and prosperity to your home. Sage smoke will help calm a restless ghost and calm you down.
    • Sage has long been used as a medicine and is believed by many to protect both body and soul.
    • Use sage with holy water: ask the priest to consecrate your home and sprinkle it with holy water.
  3. 3 Try to convince the otherworldly creature to leave. During a seance or one-man conversation, gently request that the ghost leave your home. It is believed that ghosts are often tied to a certain place by some unfinished business. Try to dissuade the otherworldly creature and inform that he no longer needs to stay in your house. Perhaps the ghost will understand you and leave your home alone.
    • In a sympathetic but firm tone, ask the ghost to leave your home. Use arguments such as "this is my home now and you have nothing else to do here" or "don't be afraid to leave this place, you don't have to stay here."
    • To establish a connection with a ghost and further communication with him, it may be useful to know some of the details of his past life.
    • Try not to communicate in a hostile tone. An angry ghost may try to take revenge on you.
  4. 4 Use an exorcism. If you are annoyed by nasty, evil, or destructive ghosts, your patience may run out. In this case, an exorcism may be required, that is, the expulsion of ghosts. Find a cleric who is experienced in the matter and ask him to visit your home to investigate for ghosts. An experienced exorcist will determine the spells and rituals that will be required to drive out the ghosts.
    • As a rule, exorcists belong to the Orthodox or Catholic Church, where they undergo special training in casting out demons, although you can turn to representatives of other faiths, for example, a shaman.
    • You may be asked to either leave the house or stay in it during the exorcism session, depending on the specific methods of exorcism.


  • Study the history of your home to understand what ghosts might have lodged within its walls.
  • Speak to ghosts in a gentle, respectful tone.Disrespectful and rude handling of a ghost can attract negative energy towards you.
  • Be patient. Ghosts very rarely answer questions addressed to them. Their energy can increase at a certain time or under favorable conditions. Do not lose hope and be prepared for the ghost to manifest itself in one way or another.
  • Those who are especially susceptible to the influence of otherworldly forces should "ground" their energy before opening a channel of communication with these forces. In other words, you need to clear your mind, suppress fear and perceive the presence of ghosts as something neutral in an emotional sense.
  • When attempting to record evidence of the presence of a ghost, make sure the camera, camcorder, or voice recorder is turned on and has sufficient tape or free memory to record.


  • Be careful when using the Ouija board. Some mediums believe that this board and other means of communication with the other world serve as a gateway through which a ghost or other intangible being can enter your body.
  • Do not taunt dark ghosts or invite them into your home, even as a joke. Whether you believe in the existence of ghosts or not, there are certain forces that you shouldn't mess with.
  • Exorcism is serious. He is taken seriously by the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Before granting permission to visit your home and study on site, officials will review your application to determine if it is a hoax or hoax.
  • Use an Electronic Voice Phenomenon Recorder to make out the words of the ghost. This may seem like a very simple measure to you, but if the ghost misbehaves, ask the priest to visit your home and sprinkle it with holy water.