How to grow a beard

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard
Video: What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard


If you really want to grow a luxurious beard, first, you should accept the fact that this will take a certain amount of time. In fact, the most important (and unchanging) factor that determines the rate at which a beard grows is heredity. However, there are steps you can take that may speed up the process a little. Care for your growing beard, live a healthy lifestyle, and consult your doctor if you need additional measures. And above all, be patient!


Method 1 of 3: Facial and Beard Care

  1. 1 Be patient and let your facial hair grow back. The rate at which a beard grows and its thickness is primarily determined by heredity, and there is little that can be done about it. While there are steps you can take to keep your beard growing and speed it up a bit, you have to accept that it will take some time to grow.
    • Some people believe that trimming beards on a regular basis will speed up beard growth, although this has not been proven.
    • Shaving often before you grow a beard may help stimulate hair follicles and accelerate hair growth, but there is no scientific evidence for this.
    • So, if you decide to grow a beard, just let your hair grow freely!
  2. 2 Wash your face twice a day to unblock hair follicles. Moisten your face with warm water. If you haven't started growing a beard yet, apply a mild facial cleanser to your skin. If the beard has already begun to break through, wash your facial hair (and only hair) with a mild shampoo. Rinse off cleanser and / or shampoo with clean cool water, then pat dry your face with a soft towel. Do this daily morning and evening.
    • Regular washing will help remove dirt and grease from your hair follicles, making it easier for hair to grow.
    • To test if the cleanser is gentle enough for your skin, apply a little to your chin and leave it there for 10 minutes. If there are no signs of a reaction (redness or irritation), you can try washing with this product.
  3. 3 Massage your face twice a day to stimulate the follicles. Press firmly enough but painlessly onto your face with your fingertips, then massage the skin in small circular motions over the beard area. Massage for about 10 minutes twice a day.

    Advice: regular facial massage helps stimulate hair follicles and accelerate beard growth. Plus, he's just plain cuddly!

  4. 4 Once a week exfoliate your face. When doing this, wash as you would normally with a mild cleanser or shampoo, but wash it off with lukewarm water and leave your skin moist. Then gently apply the scrub all over your face (including hairy areas), rinse completely with clean water and pat dry with a towel.
    • Exfoliating will help remove dead skin cells that may be preventing hair follicles from reaching their full growth potential.
    • Before using an exfoliator for the entire face, check if it is suitable for your skin. Apply a small amount on your chin and leave it on for 5-10 minutes. If it doesn’t cause burning or irritation, you can use it all over your face.
  5. 5 Treat growing hair with an oil or beard emollient. While you should be wary of any advertised beard stimulant, beard oils and softeners can actually do some good. With their help, you can soften and moisturize your beard, which may speed up its growth a little.
    • Avoid using beard oil if your skin is prone to acne, as it can make it worse.
    • Regardless of whether beard products will affect the rate of hair growth, they will in any case make the beard more beautiful and neat.

    Advice: Whenever possible, choose beard products that include eucalyptus. There is some evidence that eucalyptus can actually stimulate hair growth.

  6. 6 Try home remedies to stimulate beard growth. As with most other home remedies, their effectiveness is questionable. However, they won't do any harm, so consider using one (or more) of the following:
    • Make a liquid paste with 1 tablespoon (15 ml) fresh lime juice and 1 tablespoon (15 grams) ground cinnamon. Apply it in a thin layer to your beard, leave it on for 20-30 minutes, then wash it off with your regular face cleanser. Use the paste 1-2 times a day, but stop if you notice irritation.
    • Mix 3 tablespoons (45 grams) of dried mustard leaves with 60 milliliters of amla oil to make a smooth paste. Apply the paste in a thin layer to your beard and let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and wash with your usual facial cleanser. Refrigerate the remaining paste and use it once a day for 2-3 days.

    Marlon rivas

    Professional Barber Marlon Rivas is a barber and owner of MGX Professional Men’s Grooming, a barbershop in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also the founder of, an online scheduling service for barbershops and beauty salons. Has over 15 years of experience as a men's hairdresser and hairdressing business manager.

    Marlon rivas
    Professional men's hairdresser

    Let your beard grow freely for a couple of weeks before trying any methods. After a close shave, you will have short stubble in the evening.Let this hair grow back for a week and you will see that it grows in irregular patches. In two weeks, the empty areas will be filled, and the entire growth phase will take four weeks. Hair growth has several stages, and a full cycle usually lasts four weeks, so don't be discouraged ahead of time.

Method 2 of 3: Choosing a Beard-Growing Diet and Lifestyle

  1. 1 Eat more foods rich in vitamins B3, B5, B7, and B9. Some B vitamins promote hair growth, so increase your intake to help your beard grow a little faster and be thicker. Biotin (vitamin B7) is especially beneficial - you may also want to talk to your doctor about taking dietary supplements containing it.
    • Nuts are an excellent source of biotin (vitamin B7).
    • Vitamins B3 and B5 are found in chicken, beef, fish, dairy products, and avocados.
    • Vitamin B9 can be obtained from cereals, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
  2. 2 Increase your intake of vitamins A, C, and E. Like the B vitamins, each of these vitamins contributes to hair growth in one way or another. In addition, they are essential for overall health.
    • Eat carrots, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables for vitamin A.
    • Choose green peppers, tomatoes, and citrus fruits to provide your body with vitamin C.
    • Eat beans, nuts, and green leafy vegetables for vitamin E.
  3. 3 Eat a balanced diet to keep your beard healthy. Not only is it helpful to get important vitamins from your diet, but it is also beneficial to follow a healthy diet to provide other beneficial nutrients to your body. Think about it - what's good for your health will benefit your beard too!
    • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats (such as avocados and olive oil).
    • Reduce your intake of processed foods, excess salt and sugar, and unhealthy fats (these include saturated fats and trans fats found in processed foods).
    • Drink water to provide fluid to your body and hair follicles.
  4. 4 Follow expert advice on exercise and sleep. Just like eating right, getting enough exercise and healthy sleep is good for the overall health and health of your beard. Try to adhere to the following rules:
    • Get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic exercise. With moderate-intensity exercise, your heart rate and breathing increase so much that it becomes difficult to speak.
    • Do strength training for 30-60 minutes each 2-3 times a week.
    • Set aside about 8 hours each night for uninterrupted, healthy sleep.
  5. 5 Reduce your stress levelsto promote beard growth. You may have heard that stress can cause hair loss. In this case, it should come as no surprise to you that it can also slow down their growth. Thus, the less you worry about your beard, the better it will grow!
    • Find the stress relief techniques that work best for you. Try yoga, meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, walking in nature, listening to soothing music, chatting with friends, or reading an interesting book.
    • If you find it difficult to deal with stress, talk to your doctor or psychologist.
  6. 6 Quit smokingto promote overall health (and possibly beard health). There is no direct evidence that smoking has a negative effect on the beard. However, it is unhealthy for many reasons, so slower beard growth can be expected. Whether you're trying to grow a beard or not, try to quit smoking as soon as possible.
    • Nowadays, there are many aids and methods to help you quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about the method that works best for you (or a combination of several methods).
    • There is some evidence that smoking leads to earlier gray beards.

Method 3 of 3: Potential Medical Treatment

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor about testosterone and DHT levels. Testosterone can be divided into two types, which are often referred to as testosterone itself (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The DHT level affects the thickness of the beard, and the T level affects the thickness of her hair. Monitoring your T and DHT levels with a doctor's guidance may help you grow a beard.
    • Do not use testosterone-boosting pills, creams, injections, or other products without first consulting and approving your doctor. These products can have many unwanted side effects and ultimately prevent you from growing a beard.
    • Your doctor may recommend spending more time on regular strength training to naturally increase testosterone levels.
  2. 2 Talk to your doctor about applying minoxidil (Alerana, Generolon) to your face. This drug is widely used to slow down male pattern baldness. With proper treatment of the facial skin, it should stimulate the growth of the beard. However, although products containing minoxidil are usually sold over the counter, you should consult your doctor before using them on your face.
    • This method is probably better suited if the beard grows poorly in some places, and not in order to achieve its faster growth all over the face.
    • If you stop using the drug, the grown hair may fall out.
  3. 3 Talk to a professional about using microneedling to stimulate hair growth. In microneedling, facial skin is treated with a device that resembles a cleaning roller, except that instead of sticky paper, it has hundreds of tiny needles on it. Some people believe that injections with tiny needles stimulate hair follicles and accelerate beard growth.
    • Some dermatologists and plastic surgeons use microneedling for various skin problems such as acne. Check with a trusted professional before enrolling in a microneedling course or purchasing an appropriate device and using it at home.
    • If done correctly, this procedure should be safe and relatively painless. However, the device must be properly disinfected before each use according to the instructions supplied (usually soaked in alcohol).
  4. 4 Consider hair transplant as a last resort. If you just can't grow a beard, hair transplant may be your only remedy. As with scalp hair transplants, the doctor takes individual follicles from some areas of the body (such as the back or neck) and transplants them to others (such as the cheeks).
    • Hair transplant usually requires several sessions and is also quite expensive and time-consuming. It can take up to two years before you see the final result, and this method does not always work.
    • Hair transplant can correct gaps in the beard, but not accelerate its growth.


  • Remember, patience and perseverance are key. You may be able to speed up the growth of the beard somewhat, but heredity plays the main role in the growth of facial hair. See what kind of beards your male relatives have and see what you can expect.