How to discolor acne scars

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!
Video: How to Get Rid Rid of Acne Scars Completely!


Acne itself is an unpleasant phenomenon, so it is more than unfair that they leave bright scars after them, as a reminder of exactly where the rash was. Don't worry, acne scars will go away, and there are many things you can do to speed up the process, such as buying products from the pharmacy, trying home remedies, or seeking medical attention. Read on for details.


Method 1 of 3: Home Remedies

  1. 1 Use lemon juice. It is one of the best treatments for acne scars. All you need is fresh lemon or freshly squeezed lemon juice, which must be mixed with a glass of water and applied to the scarred area on your face for three to four minutes. Do this every day to remove dead skin cells and new skin to grow.
    • You can also soak a cloth in the mixture and apply it to your skin.
    • Be sure to moisturize your skin after applying lemon juice, as citrus juices irritate dry skin.
  2. 2 Use honey. Honey can be used not only to heal scars but also to treat acne itself. This gentle remedy reduces redness and irritation. Honey has antibacterial properties that help get rid of acne scars and dark spots. It moisturizes and leaves the skin soft. Apply some honey directly to the scars at night and wash off in the morning.
  3. 3 Use rosehip oil. Rosehip oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that help maintain skin elasticity and health. While the use of rosehip oil on fresh blackheads is still being researched, its effectiveness for acne scars and other forms of scars and skin blemishes has been proven. With regular use, marks and scars will fade and become less visible over time. Just rub the oil gently into the affected area once or twice a day.
  4. 4 Use baking soda. Soda is another remedy for lightening acne scars. Just mix baking soda with water to form a paste, then apply to your face as a mask. This will not only remove dead skin cells, but it will make your scars less visible over time.
  5. 5 Use coconut oil. Due to its vitamin E content and lauric, caprylic and nylon acids, coconut oil is an excellent cream for reducing acne scars. Coconut oil also helps prevent new scars from forming. To discolor acne scars, rub coconut oil into the affected area at least once a day, preferably 2-4 times a day.
  6. 6 Use aloe vera. This cosmetic is known for its healing properties and can be used to gently but effectively get rid of acne scars over time. There are many aloe vera-infused beauty products available, but it is best to purchase an aloe plant.
    • To use the plant, tear open the leaf and apply the gel-like contents directly to the skin. Let it dry and then let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash off with water and a mild cleanser. Try to do this every day.
  7. 7 Use an ice cube. This method is best for new or inflamed scars, as the ice will reduce the swelling of the blood vessels. Over time, ice will also reduce the appearance of scars and minor discoloration.
    • Wrap an ice cube in a piece of cloth and rub over the inflamed areas for 10-15 minutes a day.
  8. 8 Make an aspirin mask. Aspirin has effective anti-inflammatory properties and contains a form of salicylic acid, which is used in many acne treatments. An aspirin mask can be used to soften the skin and reduce discoloration.
    • To make a mask, crush 4-5 aspirin tablets into powder, then mix the powder with natural yogurt or pure aloe gel.Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse off with warm water, pat dry and moisturize.
  9. 9 Use olive oil. This is another great product packed with natural healing properties for lightening acne scars. Just rub the oil into your scars several times a day.
  10. 10 Use vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil has incredible moisturizing properties and is an effective treatment for acne scars. Apply pure vitamin E oil to your skin 2-3 times a day and you should see results in about 2 weeks.

Method 2 of 3: Medicines

  1. 1 Try over-the-counter creams. There are hundreds of products available to relieve redness and discoloration of scars. They are usually marketed as lightening agents or scar creams. Look for creams with active ingredients such as kojic acid, licorice extract, arbutin, mulberry extract and vitamin C. These ingredients exfoliate the skin, removing the colorless top layers and leaving the skin smooth and supple.
    • If you can, buy a product called hydroquinone, which is an extremely effective skin lightening agent. Unfortunately, this product has been banned in the European and Asian markets due to its association with cancer risk. Some hydroquinone products are still sold over the counter in the United States, however, you need a prescription to purchase a product with a concentration greater than 2%.
  2. 2 See a dermatologist. If over-the-counter products don't work for you, see a dermatologist who can prescribe stronger medicated creams. You can also discuss with him alternative treatments for acne scars, such as laser treatments or chemical peels.
  3. 3 Try laser resurfacing. During this treatment, the damaged and hyperpigmented upper layers of the skin are removed, leaving the lower layers smooth and elastic. This treatment does not even need to be carried out in the hospital, the dermatologist can do laser resurfacing right in his office.
    • You may feel mild pain from the laser, but doctors usually do local anesthesia, so it's not all bad.
    • Treatment can take up to an hour and may require several sessions, depending on the severity of the scar.
  4. 4 Try fabric filler. If your acne scars are deep, tissue fillers can work wonders. Tissue fillers such as hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin right in the dermatologist's office, and the results are immediately visible. Unfortunately, the results of this treatment are not permanent, so if you like it, you will have to return to the dermatologist's office every few months!
    • Silicone microdroplets are a new type of filler that actually stimulates collagen production, allowing the skin to regenerate on its own. You will need multiple shots for the remedy to work, but the results are permanent.
  5. 5 Get a chemical peel. Chemical peels are concentrated acidic solutions that exfoliate the outer layer of the skin, revealing a softer, smoother base layer. It is an effective remedy for lightening acne scars, evening out skin tone, improving fine wrinkles and treating sun damage. Chemical peels are performed in the office of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.
  6. 6 Try dermabrasion. This treatment reduces scars by removing the top layer of skin with a rotating wire brush. This procedure is quite harsh and it can take up to three weeks for the skin to heal. But after that, you will have a new layer of beautiful, fresh, smooth skin.
  7. 7 If all else fails, try surgery. If all other treatments have failed, talk with your dermatologist to remove the scars by surgery. Surgery is the riskiest option and involves anesthesia.Also, these procedures are often very expensive, so consider this option only if the scars are very deep or large.
    • Most often, surgical intervention means the individual removal of each scar, but sometimes the surgeon needs to separate the fibrous tissue, and this causes subcutaneous scars.
    • It will take time for the skin to heal after surgery. You may also need sanding to smooth the top layer of your skin.

Method 3 of 3: Skin Care

  1. 1 Use sunscreen daily. Exposure to sunlight can darken scars and slow down the healing process. This is because ultraviolet rays stimulate the growth of pigment-producing cells in the skin, resulting in further discoloration. To avoid this, you must apply sunscreen every day, summer and winter.
    • Before heading outside, apply a broad spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunscreen that contains zinc oxide. Reapply after swimming, sweating, or 2 hours in the sun.
  2. 2 Exfoliate your skin daily. It will help to discolor acne scars naturally, removing layers of old, damaged skin and exposing new, fresh skin. You can exfoliate your face with a special product or simply with a washcloth. However, be careful when choosing exfoliation products, especially if you have sensitive skin, as some exfoliators can dry out your skin, leading to further redness and irritation.
    • Try an over-the-counter exfoliator with AHA or BHA active ingredients, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties and can help with discoloration.
  3. 3 Use gentle skin care products. It's tempting to try out abrasive scrubs and all sorts of annoying treatments in a desperate attempt to get rid of your acne blemishes, but irritation will do more harm and weaken your skin's ability to heal itself. Use gentle products that suit your skin type.
  4. 4 Do not squeeze or pick. Scars are made up mostly of collagen, which is a self-healing agent. When squeezing and picking pimples, bacteria from the pus penetrate deep into the skin and damage natural collagen. It also leads to skin damage and inflammation, which delays the healing process. Don't squeeze or pick pimples and collagen scars will go away on their own.
  5. 5 Stay hydrated. Drinking water will not get rid of acne scars, but it does go a long way for healthy skin and speeds up the natural process of skin rejuvenation. Try to drink 1 to 2 liters of water a day and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


  • Always test new skin products on a small area of ​​your skin to make sure they won't cause an allergic reaction.