How to peel plums

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Peel Plums
Video: How to Peel Plums


Peeled plums are widely used in cooking for pies, jams, cakes and baby food. If you try to peel a plum just by peeling it off the fruit, your hands will be stained with sticky juice after a few minutes. To avoid this, blanch the plums in boiling water and then place them in ice water, or simply peel them off with a knife. These simple ways will allow you to quickly peel plums and get a fragrant pulp for further culinary experiments.


Method 1 of 2: Blanch the plums

  1. 1 Place a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil. You will need a fairly large pot to hold all the plums. Fill a pot halfway with water and set it on high heat - it takes about 10 minutes for the water to boil.
    • Cover the pot with a lid to help the water boil faster.
  2. 2 Take a large bowl, pour cold water into it and add ice cubes. Take water and ice in a 1: 1 ratio. You will have a chilled water bath for draining.
  3. 3 Make a cross cut at the end of each plum. Use a vegetable knife to make an “X” cut at the end of the plum (on the opposite side of where the plum is attached to the stem). Try to keep each incision about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. This will help you peel the skin off the drain easily and neatly.
    • You don't need to make deep cuts - just enough for the knife to cut through the skin of the plum.
  4. 4 Blanch the plums in boiling water for 45 seconds. Place the plums gently in a pot of boiling water. It is very important that the plums remain in the water for no longer than 45 seconds, otherwise the pulp will lose its elasticity and the plums will begin to boil.
    • Be careful when working with hot water or you may burn yourself.
  5. 5 Submerge the plums in ice water for five minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer plums from a boiling pot to ice water.The ice cold water will help separate the skin from the plum pulp. Make sure all plums are completely submerged in cold water.
    • If the prepared water is not enough to cover all the plums, prepare an extra container of ice water for the extra fruit and transfer some of the plums there.
  6. 6 Remove the skin from the drain. Place your finger under the edge of one of the skin segments at the cruciform incision and pull on the edge. You can easily peel off the entire segment in a single strip. Peel off the remaining skin segments - you should have a completely cleaned plum.
    • If there are still small pieces of skin on the plum, carefully cut them off with a sharp vegetable knife.
  7. 7 Cut the plums in half lengthways. Carefully cut the plum with a vegetable knife until the blade hits the bone. Along the natural groove on the surface of the plum, cut the fruit around its entire circumference. You should end up with two identical halves.
    • If you don't have a special vegetable knife, use a regular, sharp kitchen knife.
  8. 8 Turn the plum halves in opposite directions to separate the flesh from the seeds. Grasp the plum halves with both hands. Gently twist the halves in opposite directions until one of them separates from the bone.
  9. 9 Remove the pit with a spoon. Insert a dessert spoon under the pit and then gently press down on the spoon handle to remove the pit. If the pit is firmly in the pulp and you are unable to remove it, try inserting a spoon on the opposite side of the pit and loosen its grip on the pulp.

Method 2 of 2: Use a knife

  1. 1 Cut the plum into halves and remove the pit. Place the plum on a cutting board and carefully cut the plum all the way around. Remove the pit with a teaspoon.
  2. 2 Cut each plum half in half. Cut each half of the plum lengthwise into two pieces - one plum will make four wedges. This will make it easier to peel off the skin.
    • If you have very large plums, each half can be divided into three, not two.
  3. 3 Peel off each wedge. Press the edge of the skin against a cutting board and gently run the knife as close to the surface of the skin as possible to separate it from the pulp.
    • Use the peeled skins for composting or add to smoothies.

What do you need

For blanching plums

  • Pan
  • Large bowl
  • Vegetable knife
  • Skimmer
  • Ice
  • Dessert spoon

If you peel off the skin with a knife

  • Knife
  • Cutting board