How to accept that you are not beautiful

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
I’m Not Pretty Enough...
Video: I’m Not Pretty Enough...


The pressure to always look pretty is quite strong, even a toddler feels stress over it. You may feel that you are not beautiful from time to time, or maybe you feel like this often. Either way, not feeling beautiful is no reason to refuse to be happy. Learn to acknowledge your lack of confidence, train to be attractive and love yourself.


Part 1 of 3: Examine yourself

  1. Facing standards of beauty. The way you see yourself is shaped by pressure has nothing to do with reality. Beauty standards are very contradictory and are constantly changing. They tend to reflect power imbalances - racism, age discrimination, and sexism. When you have negative thoughts about your appearance, ask yourself: what makes you feel that way? Am I forcing myself to conform to unhealthy standards?
    • Watching too much TV also makes people hope to change their looks.
    • Understand that some of the features used in advertising have little or no relation to what makes real-life appeal.
    • Photographs have been adjusted so that the photographer looks smoother and more balanced. If someone doesn't have wrinkles, excess fat, or asymmetry in real life, they'll look terrifying.
    • You should know that different beauties are valued by different standards. Fashion models, for example, are often quite thin to not distract the outfit.

  2. Search for a typical person. Everyone's appearance is different. You should look for a pretty person who looks like you. It can be difficult to see yourself when you are surrounded by people who are not like you. Remember the parable of the ugly duck: it is not that he became beautiful when he grew up - but that he was underestimated when he was a child. If you want, find models that have similarities with you so you don't have to change anything!
    • Collect pictures of beautiful people with similar traits to you. Look for pictures of people with hair, body shape, skin, eyes, nose, and mouth like you.
    • See pictures in magazines, in museum catalogs, and on the internet.
    • Find pictures of people from the country where your ancestors were hometown.
    • Search for pictures of beautiful people from different eras. You will find that standards of beauty change constantly, and never be unique, not even within one country or in a year.
    • Hang a photo in your room.
    • Dressed up as one of the most beautiful famous idols to the makeup party.

  3. Accept a compliment. When someone compliments your beauty, you should believe that they are completely honest with their own views. You don't have to think that you have to look pretty in order for others to see it. Say "thank you" and give the person a compliment.
    • When someone likes you, you should trust this.
    • People with low self-esteem often refuse to ask for a date because they have difficulty accepting the offer. Please agree!
    • Ask what your favorite part of your date is about you. You will be surprised to learn what makes them attracted to them.
    • Be sure to let them know what makes you love them! Sincere, kind compliments are also very charming.

Part 2 of 3: Eliminating negativity

  1. Express your feelings. When negative thoughts and feelings reach you, name them. When you find yourself in pain, ask yourself "why did I suddenly feel so bad?", Then look for a trigger, such as being bombarded with advertising, angry with friends, hungry or tired. Finally, state your feelings. Recognize thoughts like "I'm ugly!", "I have to lose weight", or "Only beautiful people are happy."
    • You don't have to fight against them. Just be clear about them and ignore them.
    • If they don't disappear, ask them to go away. "Hey people-just-beautiful-new-happy-feel, go away. I'm tired, and you show up only when I'm tired. However, I'm about to rest and I am. Don't want you to bother me with your nonsense ".
    • You need to love yourself before you try to change anything. Accept your appearance as well as how you feel. If you try to change or "fix" yourself without first thinking about your human values, you won't be able to improve.
    • Ask yourself, "Do I deserve to be happy? Is my human nature important?"
    • If you can answer yes to every question, you are on the right track.
  2. Ignore the jealous person. When others insult you or try to change you, stop contacting them or ignore them. No happy, healthy, or steady person wants to insult others. Instead of insulting them or getting upset, end the interaction briefly. You could say something like "kid", or "look at yourself".
    • Don't blame yourself by taking the insult seriously, but allow yourself to feel sadness if you want to.Just remind yourself that you are upset that someone was treating you unkindly, and want to make you insecure. Please state your feelings.
    • Get rid of so-called "friends" that are only trying to make you feel bad about yourself. You should maintain a friendship with someone who is supportive and kind.
    • Don't get upset when someone gives advice about beauty treatments. Instead, consider making friends with someone who seems knowledgeable about hairstyles, makeup, and other beauty topics. Maybe you will enjoy learning about them and you will become even more confident because you have new knowledge about the beauty field.
  3. Use love language to describe yourself. When you start to criticize yourself, stop. You should treat yourself in the same way that you would treat your best friend. Would you call that person "the ugly" or criticize them? Do you constantly think about the person's appearance?
    • Write yourself a letter and describe yourself in a way that a good friend would. Stop when you are writing about something that seems insincere or forced. Try to write down exactly how your loved one sees you.
    • Keep in mind that "ugly" is a word that is rarely used, except for unhappy teenagers or adults with unusual uneasiness. If you consider yourself ugly, you will surprise everyone around you and be annoyed.
    • Ask myself, do I consider any of my friends ugly?
    • Unless you're feeling bad about yourself, you'll be less likely to think of others as ugly.
  4. Seek help from others. If you are truly frustrated about yourself, if you cannot accept the feelings you are having, you should seek professional help. You can see your doctor or a mental health professional when you have thoughts of harming yourself. If you feel discouraged, avoid activities you enjoy, are too nervous about socializing or doing your job, seek help.
    • See your doctor if your body image doesn't match what people tell you to, or if you spend more than a few minutes a day thinking about how you look.

Part 3 of 3: Feeling better

  1. Determine your own passion. Maybe you will feel better about life and about yourself if you can do something that you really love. Take a moment to think about your passions. Write down your thoughts so you can read them again and use them to develop talent. Some good writing activities to help you define your passions include:
    • Think about what you wanted to do as a kid. What did you like to do when you were a kid? Do you like to play softball? Draw a picture? Dance? Or join another activity? Write about something that you remember loved as a child.
    • Make a list of people you respect. Try to make a list of all the people you admire the most. Write about the aspects you admire about them and how you can transform them into your passions.
    • Imagine what you would do if you knew you would succeed. Take a minute to imagine that you are sure to be successful in every job you choose. What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? Please write down the answer.
  2. Nurturing talent. Once you know what makes you happy, you should find a way to do it more often. It can be as simple as turning a passion into a hobby or as complicated as changing a career.
    • If your passion is hard to do, like acting, you can join a local club or take a class to pave the way for your aspirations.
    • Pay attention to your feelings when using talent. You must be aware of a light, happy feeling. This will help you confirm that you are truly passionate about the activity. If you feel heavy or uncomfortable, reassess.
  3. Appreciate your charisma. Beauty and attraction are not the same. Attraction is the power to attract others. Ordinary beauty can contribute to an attractive person. However, many other qualities are what shapes the attraction.
    • Intelligence, kindness, confidence, health, and a sense of humor are all charismatic agents.
    • People with realistic self-image, people who focus on their emotions, and people who take good care of themselves are charismatic.
  4. Use attraction from looks. Aside from personal strength, there are quite a few other charms that you can use. The way you walk, stay calm, smile, and laugh are all powerful charms. You should walk gracefully, and keep your posture comfortable. Stand up straight when possible.
    • A smile is one of the most engaging gestures you can do. When entering a room, smile at everyone in the room. Make eye contact when smiling.
    • Red is quite attractive. For some reason, a little bit of red added to your outfit can attract positive attention. Even a red handbag or sneakers can make a difference.
    • Light makeup. Gentle makeup will help you become more beautiful, too much makeup will reduce your charm. Humans often react to natural looks, so make sure you wear makeup for a bit of retouching, not for cover-ups.
  5. Look as beautiful as possible. You will be in your best shape when you are always well thoughtful. Take a shower regularly, and choose dignified clothes. Consult the dealer and remember to measure to make sure the clothes you choose aren't too tight or too loose. Wear clean clothes that are the right color for you. Choose a style that speaks to who you are: for example, if you love a certain type of music, you can wear clothing that is related to this style.
    • Even if you wake up feeling hopeless, dress as if you feel great. This will help you.
    • You don't have to spend a lot of money on clothes.
    • Wearing an outfit emphasizes the parts you feel are pretty on the body, but should not hide any other parts. Your body has its place.
    • Find a hair care routine, skincare routine, and style you love. Each of your days should be a joy, not a task.
  6. Health care. Sleep, eat, and exercise according to a routine. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and teenagers 9-11. Fatigue will cause you to gain weight and have health problems.
    • Eat and drink regularly, but you should eat a variety of foods. They will provide the nutrients you need. Eat fruits and vegetables every day, as well as lean proteins, such as eggs, skinless chicken, beans, and complex carbohydrates like pasta and whole wheat bread, and brown rice.
    • Exercise regularly. Adults should spend 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise per week.
  7. Be careful of signs of eating disorders. An eating disorder is a very dangerous medical condition. If there are signs of this problem, you should seek immediate medical help.
    • Anorexia is a common eating disorder. Some of the signs include limiting your intake, constantly thinking about what you eat, feeling guilty about eating, or feeling fat even when others don't. Excessive exercise is also a possible symptom.
    • Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes you to overeat and then vomit, exercise, or use a laxative to force yourself to get rid of those calories. If you are obsessed with your weight, feel guilty for eating, feel that you cannot control what you eat, or overeat, see your doctor to determine anorexia.
    • Binge eating has been linked to an eating disorder.If you overeat but do not induce vomiting, you should seek medical attention.
    • Seeking real beauty in you! Finding the best, both inside and out, helps a lot! Make eye contact. Are your eyes more than one color? Think about your top 3 personality traits. Write down everything you love about yourself (which has at least one feature) and post it somewhere you will see every day to remind yourself how great you really are!