How to take care of royal orchid

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Orchid Care for Beginners - What to do after Phalaenopsis blooms fall? Cutting spike & aftercare
Video: Orchid Care for Beginners - What to do after Phalaenopsis blooms fall? Cutting spike & aftercare


Orchids are beautiful flowers that require the growers to take care of them, but in general they are very sturdy. Create an open environment with moderate temperature and humidity to help the plant grow well. In addition, you also need to water and provide nutrients to the plant weekly, while ensuring the plant receives plenty of sunlight.


Part 1 of 3: Creating a healthy environment for your plants

  1. Plant royal orchids in small pots. The roots of royal orchids do not spread, so they will do well in small spaces. You should choose a pot that is no more than 2.5 cm wider than the root of the plant. Don't plant orchids in large pots or directly in the ground, as they prefer consistency in a narrower space.

  2. Use soil-free media. Orchids do not grow well in conventional soil. You should buy a specialized rack for orchids at a plant store or online. In addition, you can also choose other growing media such as pine bark, coir or moss.
    • Many ready-mixed orchid media contain charcoal for agricultural use.

  3. Maintain a cool to moderately warm environment. Phalaenopsis grows best in climates between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. At night, plants can withstand temperatures down to 13 -16 degrees Celsius. It is best to plant indoors. where the temperature can be monitored and adjusted, especially during extreme weather seasons such as summer and winter.
    • If you are taking the plant outdoors in moderately warm weather, keep it in direct sunlight and bring it indoors when the temperature drops at night.
    • Note that temperatures in windowsills or near windows may be warmer or colder than other areas of the house.

  4. Create an open space for air to circulate around the tree. Adequate air circulation around the plant can help prevent problems such as fungal and insect infestation. You should place the orchid in a place where nothing is within its circumference. Leave a minimum of 13 cm of space around the plants to give them enough air.
    • Place a small fan near the plant to improve ventilation when the air becomes stuffy.
    • When watering your plants, make sure the water doesn't stay on the ground.
  5. Provide natural light for your plants or use plant lights to simulate natural light. Orchids need lots of light to thrive. You should place the plant near a partially shaded window to avoid direct sunlight, which can harm the plant. If you don't have natural light, you can place the plant under the light of the plant light for 14-16 hours during the day to simulate sunlight.
    • When installing a planting light, it is recommended that you use a warm white light bulb and a cool light bulb mounted under the reflector.
    • Planting lamps are available at hardware stores or online.
    • You should install the light about 20 cm above the tree.

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of trees

  1. Water the plants weekly and allow the topsoil to dry completely between waterings. Lan Hoang Thao is more resistant to drought and water storage than waterlogging. You should water your plants every 1-2 weeks. Allow the top layer of soil 2.5 cm to dry completely before watering again.
    • Some varieties have water-storing sheaves, which means they may not need watering for 2 weeks.
    • It is better to water the orchids in the morning so that the leaves can dry out before night falls.
  2. Apply a dilute fertilizer designed for orchids once a week. Buy a balanced fertilizer specifically for orchids to fertilize your plants. Dilute the fertilizer with water at a 4: 1 ratio to regularly fertilize the plants once a week according to the instructions.
    • Alternatively, you can fertilize the plant with an undiluted fertilizer once a month.
  3. Maintain an environment with at least 50% humidity for orchids. Humidity 50 - 70% is ideal for orchids. You can increase humidity by placing a humidifier near the plant. Another way to increase the humidity is to place a tray of shallow water near the plant to increase the humidity around it.
    • Do not place the plant in the water tray, as the water can slowly rot the plant's roots.
  4. Cut off the flowers to stimulate the orchid regrowth. After the flowers on the plant are gone, use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the stem. Cut slightly diagonally just above where the stalk grows. This will allow new shoots to grow during the plant's next growth period.
    • If you don't prune your orchid after it has died, it may stop flowering.

Part 3 of 3: Handling common problems

  1. Increase the humidity in the room if the leaves are dry. If you find dead or dead leaves on the plant, gently remove them with your hand. If the whole branch is dry, you can use sharp scissors to cut off the branch at the base. Increase the humidity in your room with a humidifier to prevent leaf drying.
    • The brown tips of the leaves are also a sign of dryness.
  2. Move the orchid to a less sunny position if you notice the leaves turn yellow. Yellow leaves are often a sign of sunburn or heat shock in orchids. If you notice these symptoms, move the plant to a cooler area where there is less direct sunlight. Water the plants or increase the humidity around the plants to cope with dry plants.
  3. Get rid of aphids on orchids with rubbing alcohol. Cotton aphids are one of the main pests of orchid plants. When you find tiny insects only about 0.5 - 0.8 mm long, you need to handle immediately to minimize damage to plants. Dip a cotton ball in alcohol and rub it over the surface of the plant to kill bed bugs.
    • After 1-2 days, you need to do another treatment to remove the yellow spots on the plant, which is a newly hatched cotton aphid.
    • Do not use other types of alcohol such as ethanol or methanol to avoid damaging the plant.