Ways to Win a Food Contest

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Win a Food Challenge - FoodChallenges.com
Video: How To Win a Food Challenge - FoodChallenges.com


Food competitions often give you the chance to win cash prizes and enjoy a hearty meal. The form of competition in food competitions is very diverse. You will be competing for spicy food, eating fast, eating a lot or a combination of many elements. To pass the competition and win the tournament, you will need to prepare for a few weeks or months before playing. You need to follow a different training plan before the competition and apply the right strategy during the match. That way, you will receive a gold medal soon!


Part 1 of 3: Doing the long preparation process

  1. Get advice from your doctor to make sure you can take part in the competition. Participating in a eating contest can negatively affect your digestive system and health. In addition, you also need to exercise regularly to stay healthy while training for the competition. See your doctor for advice on your possible participation in the competition.

  2. Select a contest. Go online and use your favorite search engine to find the closest contest, or in the nearest major city. Choose a contest in which you will get to eat your favorite food, as this will make the training and competition easier. Decide whether you want to play in terms of speed and quantity, or other factor.
    • Most conferences require you to try to eat as much as you can in a given amount of time. This means you'll need to practice to eat as much food as possible.
    • Some other competitions will only ask you to eat super spicy chicken wings.
    • Make sure it is a contest that you are allowed to take part in. Some competitions are for "amateurs", and they will not allow professional players to participate. That means if you win a prize in a food contest, you will not be allowed to participate.

  3. Learn the rules of the contest to practice properly. Participants often adopt multiple strategies to win, but some strategies will not be accepted in some competitions. Check the information on the contest website or call to inquire about specific strategies and requirements, including the following:
    • Wet food means you "dip" the food in the liquid before putting it in your mouth. This makes it easier to chew and swallow hard foods.
    • Be free while eating, allowing you to do anything to eat faster.
    • Picnic eating, which means you need to eat the way you are supposed to eat the dish. You cannot dip or mash foods to make balls or separate portions of dishes (such as sausages and sandwiches).

  4. Develop a strategy for the competition. Once you know the rules, make a plan based on the rules. Write down all the different elements of the meal you are going to eat, and think about how to handle each. Decide which part of the contest is easiest and hardest for you based on your current eating habits.
    • For example, if you know that your mouth is dry when you eat a lot of bread, stuffing a lot of bread in your mouth will be difficult. Therefore, you need to plan to overcome this while exercising and follow a strategy of drinking more water when eating bread.
  5. Increase jaw bone strength by chewing faster. As soon as you register for the contest, you will begin your long training process. Chew tall candies whenever possible. When you eat, you need to chew faster. These exercises will increase the strength of the jawbone.
  6. Learn to swallow larger pieces of food to speed up. The first is training with water. Drink a large gulp of water, tilt your head back, and let gravity help you swallow. Then increase the amount of water until the mouth is full, and try to swallow this water. Practice every day.
    • Once you get used to drinking water, you will switch to exercising with soft foods like rice and quinoa. After that, you can eat more difficult foods like meat. Work out at a slow pace at this stage to avoid choking.
    • Never practice without someone else's presence. Because if you have a problem, you need help quickly.
  7. Exercise with foods high in fiber, low in calories. If your eating competition will score you based on how much food is consumed, you need to make your stomach bigger. First, practicing eating large amounts of high-fiber, low-calorie foods helps you feel full quickly.
    • The amount of food will depend on your body and the competition you enter. For example, some of the participants will exercise by eating a few pounds of cooked cabbage or living in one go.
    • High-fiber foods will make you feel full faster and longer. This will make exercising one food more difficult than the other, as you will also have to work against feeling full.
    • You can also exercise with fruits like grapes and watermelon, or steamed vegetables.
    • Although some participants also practiced by drinking lots of water or milk at a time, it was very dangerous to your health. Let's train with cabbage.

Part 2 of 3: Practice before the competition

  1. Find out what technique works for you through practice. Try a variety of strategies, such as dipping in water, tilting your head back to swallow, or eating small pieces that you can swallow without chewing. Choose the way that works best for you.
    • Remember to follow the competition rules during all practice sessions.
  2. Practice eating the same foods as in the competition two weeks prior. Use the contest website or phone to find out the exact food brands and recipes for the type of food you will eat. Then prepare the same meal. However, do not eat the same amount of food as in the competition.
    • This will help you anticipate any problems you will encounter with your meals.
    • You should do this at least once, and a few more times if you feel the need to prepare more.
  3. Start gastric enlargement a week before the competition. During the first few days of that week, you will eat one more big meal for the day, while the other meals will remain the same. On the fourth or fifth day, you should only eat two large meals.
    • The actual size of the meal will depend on you and your familiar portion sizes. The general rule of thumb is to eat twice as much as you would normally eat.
    • During the first few days, you should eat only snacks in the morning and eat a lot at noon. After that, there will be a regular sized dinner.
    • On the weekends, have a big meal mid-morning and mid-noon.
  4. Eat a "huge" meal about 22 hours before the contest. A "huge" meal means eating as much as the body can bear in one go. Choose low-calorie, high-fiber foods for this meal. Make sure to eat this meal at least 18 hours before the contest.
    • Prepare a variety of vegetables and eat them over and over until you feel discomfort. However, don't go over the line and make you sick.
    • This is the last real meal you should eat before the competition.
  5. Drink water and get enough sleep the evening before the competition. Drink a little water an hour after a "huge" meal to help you digest. Try to get plenty of sleep to feel refreshed on the morning of your exam.
  6. Avoid hard foods on the morning of the test. Get up a few hours before the competition starts to get physically active. Drink a large glass of water and eat a soft breakfast about an hour after waking up.
    • Soft foods like protein smoothies or yogurt.
    • If the competition is late in the afternoon or evening, you can add some slightly hard foods for breakfast, such as eggs or cereal.
    • You also need to exercise before the competition, as this will increase hunger. However, do not exercise vigorously as the body does not have much energy to exercise. Try a brisk walk or gentle jog for about 20 minutes.

Part 3 of 3: Apply strategy in the competition

  1. Use a stopwatch to keep track of time. The contest judge will definitely help you keep track of time. Occasionally they also let participants know how much time is left. Even so, it's best to have your own watch. Place the watch in a place that is easy to see while eating.
  2. Ensure compliance with regulations. Remind yourself of the rules before the competition starts. Don't go against the rules, as this will automatically disqualify you from most competitions.
  3. Listen to music to focus. Bring headphones and music equipment as long as it does not go against the rules of the contest. You can create a playlist that keeps you focused. Make sure to put your songs up at the bottom of the list as you will need extra support.
    • If you need ideas in song selection, search the internet for the keyword "music keeps you focused during the food competition". Music used for exercise is also effective.
  4. Eat more protein rich foods first. Treat meats while still warm, fresh and delicious. Meat was also part of the indigestible food in the contest; therefore, it is important to consume all the meat as soon as possible.
  5. Then switch to starchy foods. When you've finished your meat, switch to starchy foods (such as bread and chips). This food group combines well with the liquid, you can drink more water for easier digestion.
  6. Eat quickly at the beginning but calm down. Take advantage of the energies at the start of the contest to eat quickly. As the initial energy source gradually decreases, you will switch to a more even speed. Maintain this pace until the end of the competition. You need to eat all the dishes when the contest is over!
  7. Add new flavors with many different drinks to help you "fight". Usually competitions allow you to choose a drink. Choose a glass of filtered water, water that tastes but doesn't fizzy, and water has both flavors and fizzy drinks. For taste buds to stay active during the competition, drink water first, then non-carbonated drinks, and finally carbonated water.
  8. Jump up and down to swallow faster. If you are allowed to get up and move, do this to give you extra support. However, make sure this does not affect the speed at which food is taken and bitten.
    • Only do this if it feels effective during the exercise.
  9. Press in the stomach to push the food lower. If you feel very full, gently press your stomach. This way, you can push the food lower to eat more. advertisement


  • To win a food contest, you need to be confident that you can do it! Your will is very important.
  • Seriously considering your limits, you definitely don't want to be in danger!


  • Don't sign up for more than one or two contests per month.You should also work out with low calorie foods when possible, and make sure to maintain a regular fitness plan.