How to Groom Golden Retriever Dogs

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Show Grooming for Golden Retriever with #Hydra
Video: Show Grooming for Golden Retriever with #Hydra


  • To keep your golden dog's coat tidy, brush your dog's hair from head to toe at least once a week, if you can't brush every day. Dog hair will be less tangled and hair loss in your home will be reduced.
  • Cut away any tangles that cannot be brushed or removed. If you brush your dog every week, there are very few tangles. Cut tangles with sharp scissors to remove them, and be careful not to cut into the dog.
    • Before removing any tangled hair, you should try untangle it first. Keep the hair above the tangle close to the dog to protect the dog from being pulled. Using a brush or brush gently, begin to brush from above with the tangled bristles and then slowly brush deeper towards the skin.

  • Use a brush or comb to groom your Golden Retriever right after bathing. This will help straighten the hair and be a good start to hair care. You should consider brushing the inner bristles to remove as much bristles as possible, before thinning the bristles by pulling the bristles. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Grooming the Golden Retriever

    1. Avoid pruning the Golden Retriever's fur. The Golden Dog has a double coat, including the inner lining and the outer coat. The double coat helps to keep the dog at a comfortable body temperature in all seasons of the year. This dog keeps the air cool between coats on a hot day and keeps the air warm between the coats in the cold season. If you strip your dog's fur, he will lose this natural keep warm and cool mechanism.
      • You should not use an epilator to trim the Golden Retriever's hair. A pair of scissors and a combs are enough to trim the dog's fur.

    2. Trim the hairs of the Golden Retriever's feet and legs. You will want to trim the hair around your forefeet. The margins of the feet are often bristly, so they need to be trimmed with scissors. Next, trim the fur between the Golden toes. Use a comb and brush up the hair between the toes of the dog. Then cut the hair short across the back of the dog's paws, then brush it up and down the hair growth. The fur will fit over the cushion of the dog's feet.
      • The hair on the dog's paws should be short enough, approximately 1.3 cm in length, and brushed smoothly along the dog's paws.
      • Check the Golden Retriever's paw pads while you are pedicuring them. Use Vaseline lotion if you find cracks in your foot pads and decide if you need to trim your dog's toenails.

    3. Move to the lower leg. Use combs to trim the hair growing behind the calves of the dog. You don't need to trim all of the long hair that grows behind the dog's thighs, but keep the coat of equal length and symmetry. Focus on trimming the frizzy and curly hair.
      • The hair on the back of the calf should be longer than the hair on the front of the calf. The hair on the back of the calf should be a few centimeters long and a little fluffy, while the hair on the front should be straight and flat along the body.
    4. Trim the Golden Retriever's ear hair. Trim hair that grows in front and behind the ears. This action has important implications for the health of the dog's ears. Then, trim the hair on the ear, remove excess hair from the ears by pulling the comb teeth.
    5. Trim the tail feathers. Don't trim the tail too short. You should only prune the hair from the end of the tail to the tip of the tail, use the comb to make the tail look more natural. advertisement

    Method 3 of 3: Complete the Grooming Process for the Golden Retriever

    1. Clean the dog's eyes and ears. The Golden Retriever's grooming process won't be complete if you don't pay attention to these areas. You can use mineral oil and specialized sanitary cotton to take care of the dog's fur, be careful not to pour oil directly into the dog's eyes.
    2. Use dry shampoo to groom Golden Retriever if you don't want to bathe your dog. Rub the powder directly onto the dog's skin, leaving it on for at least 20 minutes. Then brush the dog's fur to remove the excess powder.
    3. Apply a tick and flea repellant to complete your Golden Retriever hair care. If you brush your Golden Retriever every month, this is the right time to apply a tick and flea repellant to your dog. Protecting the dog's fur from fleas not only keeps the dog healthy, but also makes the dog's coat free from scaly, clot-free clotting dust caused by flea bites. advertisement


    • When purchasing combs and bristles for the Golden Retriever, choose those with firm, hard bristles that are suitable for thick bristles to medium lengths.
    • The slicker brush is a useful tool when the Golden Retriever sheds hair, as the comb will retain any loose hairs.
    • Start caring for your dog's fur when he is young. This will familiarize your dog with different hair care methods.
    • Unless the hair of the dog is entangled with something, you should not shave the Golden Retriever's hair. The thick coat protects them from sunlight, flies, dust and other things that irritate the skin.
    • When grooming Golden, be sure to focus on a toy or a ball!
    • In the rainy season, after going for a walk, clean the dog's feet with warm water mixed with an antiseptic solution and dry with a towel. This action will help the Golden Retriever dog's legs be beautiful and healthy.


    • Use a dose of anti-tick and flea medication that is appropriate for the age and weight of the Golden Retriever dog.
    • When caring for a dog's coat, take plenty of time to trim your toenails. If you cut too closely the soft flesh under the Golden Retriever's claw will cause pain and bleeding from the nail.
    • Limit bathing the entire Golden Retriever dog unless absolutely necessary. Bathing your dog regularly will cause your dog's skin to dry and flake.

    What you need

    • Dog hair brush
    • Dog hair comb
    • Drag
    • Pull the comb teeth
    • Nail clippers for dogs
    • Dry shampoo for dogs
    • Dog hair shampoo
    • Towel
    • Mineral oil
    • Sanitary cotton balls
    • Anti-tick and flea medicine