How to write a test paper perfectly

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Exam skills: 6 tips to help you with writing exams
Video: Exam skills: 6 tips to help you with writing exams


Examination can throw even the most confident student off balance. However, nothing beats the feeling when you find out that a test job has been done perfectly. Of course, you need to work hard to achieve this result. In addition, being calm and considerate can positively influence your assessment.Above all, however, it is necessary to develop useful learning skills.


Part 1 of 3: Completing the Test Successfully

  1. 1 Gather your courage and set yourself up for success. If you are confident that you can get a positive rating, you will surely succeed. Even if you think you won't be able to write your test well, try to convince yourself otherwise. Just tell yourself, "I'll do it!" Of course, you have not yet achieved success, but this attitude can help you achieve your goals.
    • Take a piece of paper and write a positive statement: "I will get a high rating!"
    • Make yourself smile before the test. Studies show that when you force yourself to smile, your mood will automatically rise.
    • Try to think of something funny, such as imagine your teacher teaching a lesson in a cartoon costume, or falling over slipping on a banana peel.
  2. 2 Breathe deeply before and during the test. Thanks to this, you can relax. Deep breathing increases the oxygen level in the blood. Adequate oxygen levels promote mental clarity and increase thinking speed. In this case, there are more chances to get a high mark on the test work.
    • Inhale air through your nose for 10 seconds.
    • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
    • Repeat several times.
  3. 3 Review all the tasks of the test before starting to complete it. Take a moment to look at how many items are in the test, and if it is divided into thematic sections. Thanks to this, you will have a general understanding of the test work and will be able to properly allocate time. This will also help prevent unpleasant surprises that may appear a few minutes before the end of the lesson.
  4. 4 Read the questions and assignments of the test. Study each question carefully before attempting to answer it. Read each question twice, if time permits. If you need to choose the correct answer among several offered, carefully read the entire question before reading the proposed answers.
  5. 5 Answer the questions in order. Don't waste time looking for easy questions. Just answer them one by one. If you come across a question you don't know the answer to, skip it and move on to the next one. Come back later to the questions you did not answer, if time permits, of course.
    • If you are nervous, answer easy questions first to calm down and feel more confident.
    • If you miss a question, check the box so you can come back to it later if you have enough time.
  6. 6 Decide on the first answer. You can check it again later. If you come back to this question several times, you will most likely choose the wrong answer due to self-doubt. Some quizzes can contain trick questions, and if you think about these questions for a long time, your chances of success will be greatly reduced.
  7. 7 Find the answer to a difficult question using the elimination method. Usually one or two answers are wrong. Therefore, you can confidently exclude them. Now you need to choose the correct answer from two options. Read them carefully and choose the one that suits you.
    • Approaching the task, which provides for the choice of the correct answer option among several offered, you should not ask yourself: "Which option is correct?" Instead, ask, "Which options are wrong?" Eliminate all the wrong options until you have one correct one.
  8. 8 Check the answers when you finish the test item completely. Try to leave some time to review all the work. Check if you missed any question. When in doubt about an answer, pick it at random.And what if you're lucky - it's worth a try.
    • In addition, checking the test will help you find mistakes that you may have made.
    • You may recall information that you can include in your answer.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing for the date of the test

  1. 1 Get a good night's sleep before the test. If you think night cramming is what you need now, you are wrong. In fact, by depriving yourself of the necessary sleep, be prepared for the fact that your brain will not work at full capacity. Therefore, it is better to close the book, and with it your eyes.
    • Sleep at least eight hours before testing.
    • If you are nervous and find it difficult to fall asleep, do something before bed that will help you relax (for example, take a bath or listen to music).
    • If you are still having trouble falling asleep, try doing something that will help you distract yourself from obsessive thoughts about an upcoming test, such as reading a book for fun.
  2. 2 Eat before the test. If you are hungry, it will be difficult for you to concentrate. Be sure to have breakfast. Also, don't forget about subsequent meals.
    • Include protein and carbohydrate-rich foods in your meals. This meal will give you the energy you need for a long time. Sweetened oatmeal with nuts and raisins and yogurt, toast, and omelet are great choices.
    • If you have to write your test at lunchtime or later, be sure to grab a snack at lunchtime, such as a sandwich or salad.
    • If you are writing a test between meals and you feel like you might get hungry, you better have something to eat. For example, eat a mixture of several types of nuts.
  3. 3 Prepare all the accessories required for the test. Ask your teacher in advance what you need and put all the supplies in your backpack in the evening. You may need the following supplies: pens, pencils, calculator, note paper, and so on.
    • If you are using flashcards with text and pictures (for learning a foreign language) or similar teaching materials, prepare them too. If you have 5-10 minutes of free time, you will be able to review the necessary material. For example, you can use this material when you are on the bus, waiting for a friend, or during recess.

Part 3 of 3: Developing Good Learning Skills

  1. 1 Start preparing long before the expected date of the test.. Don't put off your preparation until the last day. If you think that you will be able to learn all the material the night before the test or even in the morning just before this lesson, be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to remember the necessary material, because you will experience a lot of stress. Start preparing for the test as soon as you know about it. As a rule, the teacher warns students in advance, usually several days in advance, and sometimes even several weeks in advance, about the upcoming test.
  2. 2 Create a study schedule with enough time to prepare for the test. In your schedule, mark the dates of the tests and allow adequate preparation time. It is best to set aside no more than two hours of preparation at a time. Remember to take short breaks from time to time.
    • When studying material from a textbook or some other information, do not limit yourself to highlighting the main points. Take notes and ask yourself questions. This will set you up for the upcoming test.
  3. 3 Prepare in an appropriate environment. Your preparation should take place in a place where nothing and no one will distract you, for example, people, TV or telephone. You need to fully focus on the material you are studying! In addition, your workplace should be comfortable enough. However, don't overdo it, you sat down to study, not rest.Your workplace should include a comfortable table and chair.
    • You can try to prepare for the test in the reading room of the library, cafe, or even in the kitchen, if it is not too noisy.
  4. 4 Find a friend with whom you can prepare for the test together. Try preparing for a test with a friend in your class or preparing for a test in the same subject. You will be able to ask each other questions. If one of you does not understand the material, the other will be able to explain it. However, when choosing a partner, remember that he should be in the same way as you are in the mood for study, and not for a fun pastime.
    • You can also organize a group to prepare for the test of several people.
    • If you are unable to find a preparation partner, ask a family member or friend to ask you questions related to the material being studied.
    • You can also find a companion taught by a teacher who teaches you.
  5. 5 be careful on lessons. By listening carefully to the teacher, it will be easier for you to understand the lesson material. Be sure to ask questions that arise during the lesson. Resist the temptation to take a nap during class. Otherwise, you can skip information about what tasks will be in the test.
    • Take notes in the lesson.
    • Remove your phone and other items that might distract you.
    • Participate in the lesson if the teacher allows you to ask questions or give your opinion.
  6. 6 Complete all practice activities. Some of them may be in the book, while others may be posted on the site. The teacher can include some tasks in the test. Ask your teacher for additional study guides or practice assignments.
    • By completing tasks similar to those that will be in the test, you will be able to better prepare for it. In addition, this way you can understand the content and structure of the upcoming verification work.