How to catch a mink

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mink Trapping Basics, How to Catch More Mink !
Video: Mink Trapping Basics, How to Catch More Mink !


The use of hunting traps is an important element in maintaining balance in the wetland ecosystem. Traps help manage mink populations, which can breed very quickly. Despite the fact that the mink is easier to catch than other fur pests, it is still not easy. Minks are naturally inquisitive creatures and good hunters use this curiosity to catch them.


Method 1 of 6: Preparing to Set Traps

  1. 1 Study the migratory habits of the animals. Among other fur-bearing animals, minks travel the most, passing up to 16 km in one night. They usually follow a specific route. And, as a rule, they visit the same bodies of water every time they pass nearby. By studying the migratory habits of minks, you will thus simplify their capture.
  2. 2 Choose between lethal and live trap. With the help of a live trap, you can catch a mink alive. Lethal will kill the unlucky animal. When choosing a trap, you must decide whether you want to deal with a lively and orderly irritated mink or if you want the trap to do its dirty work.
    • Check local regulations regarding the use of lethal traps on minks.
  3. 3 Decide on the direction of the trap. The direction of the trap determines how you lure the mink into the trap. A common trend is to lure the mink into a dark hole with bait (pocket) or to catch the mink on its trail (hidden).
  4. 4 Choose a trap. Depending on the hunting environment, you will be given several different types of traps to choose from. Pressure traps are designed to allow the head, neck, or torso of the animal to enter the hole in the trap. Further, the trap will hold the mink by squeezing its jaws around its body. Traps, such as ring and oblong traps, are made up of steel tongs that grip the mink by the leg.
    • Use the double elongated trap No. 11, ring no. 1.5 or single spring trap No. 110. These traps are most effective in catching and killing minks.

Method 2 of 6: Using the Immersion Method

  1. 1 Use this method to get rid of trapped minks. The immersion technique is used to humanely kill a mink by drowning, so that the hunter does not have to do it himself. This is the most common way of killing minks in the traps of your direction. This method prevents the mink from floating up when trying to escape from the trap.
  2. 2 Use traps. The mink is unlikely to break out of the trap. Since the trap limits the freedom of movement of the mink, it is ideal for the diving method.
  3. 3 Set a trap. Place the trap in an appropriate location based on the direction you choose.
  4. 4 Attach the retractable retainer to the end of the trap chain. Make sure that there is nothing in the way of the latch from sliding freely down the wire. Retractable locks prevent the mink from returning to the shore.As soon as the mink realizes that it cannot climb higher up the slope, it will head towards deep water. The catches will follow the mink and prevent it from emerging.
  5. 5 Place the anchor deep under the water. The anchor should be deep enough to completely submerge the burrow. Use a heavy object such as a stone or stake as an anchor. Insert the anchor into a stream or riverbed so that it lies firmly and securely there. It must be heavy enough that the mink cannot move it and free it.
    • On average, the stake should be in the water at a depth of 30-45 cm.
  6. 6 Wrap the wire around the anchor. Make sure the wire is wrapped tightly around the armature and that it does not unwind when the trap slams.
  7. 7 Pull the wire to the shore. Attach the sliding latch to the wire. Make sure it points in the right direction. The retainer should slide down the wire towards the deep water.
  8. 8 Tie the free end of the wire to the stake. Drive a stake on the shore next to your trap. Make sure the wire is taut.

Method 3 of 6: Create a Pocket Trap

  1. 1 Use this set to lure a mink into your trap. This set is designed to lure minks into traps using bait. Pocket traps are based on a small hole or pocket dug on the river bank.
  2. 2 Find a suitable shore. The shore should be straight in height and depth. It should also be steep so that the mink cannot go around your trap from above and pick up the bait.
  3. 3 Dig a pocket on the side of the river. The bottom of the pocket should be 5 cm below the water level. Extend the pocket 30-60 cm into the slope so that it is at an angle to the top level of the soil. The pocket diameter should be between 12 and 15 cm.
    • Use a shovel or landing spatula to easily dig out a pocket.
  4. 4 Place a large branch or small tree trunk over your pocket. Press down on the branch with something heavy. This will also prevent the mink from climbing over the pocket and grabbing the bait.
  5. 5 Put the bait. Both fresh fish and muskrat carcasses can serve as bait. Place the bait deep in the hole. Stick the bait with a small stick and press it against the side of the pocket so that the mink goes behind the bait to the farthest corner of the hole.
    • Fish oil or raccoon glands can also be used as bait.
  6. 6 Set a trap. It should be located at the entrance to the burrow. By setting a trap at the entrance, you thereby guarantee the capture of the mink, if she nevertheless decides not to go deep into the hole. Use either a crushing trap or a trap. If you have chosen a trap, set it up so that it instantly drowns the burrow.
    • If you are in an area where dogs visit, do not use raccoon meat and glands as bait. Place the trap at the farthest point in the pocket. Make sure the pocket is under cover of low hanging branches or sprawling tree roots. This way, dogs will not fall into your trap.
  7. 7 Get rid of the smell. Minks are, of course, curious animals, but also cautious. Minks have a highly developed sense of smell and will not be trapped if they smell your scent. In order for the trap to work, you must get rid of any human odor on it. Pour mink urine around the trap to remove human odor.

Method 4 of 6: Use a Hidden Trap

  1. 1 Use this kit to catch a mink on its trail. This set is installed along the migration routes of the mink. The mink will accidentally step on the trap while traveling through the area at night. Unlike the pocket set, the hidden trap does not use decoys.
  2. 2 Choose a trail that is noticeable at night. Look for footprints, droppings, and other signs of mink movement across the area. For a wet hidden trap, scan an area near a riverbank, under a sloping log, around a cliff, or at the edge of water. For a dry hidden trap, look for an overland mink trail.
    • The overland trail is quite difficult to notice.Find it by looking for crumpled grass, the smell of mink, or traces of it.
  3. 3 Dig a shallow hole. Place the trap in the hole and press firmly to the ground. Cover it lightly with leaves, grass, and earth. If the trap is wet, push it into the water while holding it on the surface of the water.
    • As a dry hidden trap, the No. 110.
    • For a wet trap, the No. 1.5.
  4. 4 Hide the trap so that the mink will fall into it. You can hide the trap by lightly sprinkling it with vegetation from the ground. It is important to make the area appear pristine.
  5. 5 Limit the path of the mink. Use rocks and sticks to restrict the mink's path to your trap. Then the mink is guaranteed to fall into the set trap.
    • Look for natural narrow passages along the mink path. This will increase the likelihood that the mink will pass through your trap.
  6. 6 Get rid of the smell. Minks are, of course, curious animals, but also cautious. Minks have a highly developed sense of smell. In order for it to work, you must get rid of any human odor on the trap. Pour mink urine around the trap to remove human odor.

Method 5 of 6: Using a Live Trap

  1. 1 If you plan to catch and get rid of the mink with your own hands, then use a live trap. This method will help you avoid killing non-target animals like dogs. To catch a mink, you will need a cage or live trap.
  2. 2 Find a suitable place. Unlike the spots in the other kits, you need to find a spot where the mink won't sink. Look for traces of the mink.
    • Place the trap away from open areas. This will prevent theft, vandalism and suffering of the animal.
  3. 3 Dig a hole. Make sure it is dark and deep. Minks are inquisitive creatures, and the pit will definitely attract them. The pit must be large enough to accommodate the cage.
    • You can also set up a cage in an existing burrow or pit. If you are catching a mink near your home, place the cage in a dark place, such as a basement.
  4. 4 Secure the cage. To maintain stability, shove the cage deeper into the ground or partially cover it. Consider placing an anchor (some kind of stone) inside the cage so that it doesn't tip over or misfire when the mink enters it.
    • You can also use stakes and pegs to attach the trap to the ground.
  5. 5 Disguise the cage. Cover the cage with nearby vegetation and debris (twigs and leaves) to make it appear like a burrow. Cover the base of the cage with dirt, leaves, twigs, and other debris to hide the pedal. If you can, wrap the cage in something dark, like a blanket.
  6. 6 Set a trap. Activate it several times to make sure it works. Slide a pen or pencil through the walls of the cage and press down on the pedal to trigger the trap. If you want the doors to close faster, place small stones or weights on the top of the door.
  7. 7 Place the bait in the trap. Take fresh fish or dead muskrat. Place it at the far end of the cage.
    • You can also use fish oil or raccoon glands as bait.
  8. 8 Check the trap the next morning. Minks are nocturnal creatures, so it's best to check the trap in the morning. Check the cage daily. It will also help keep people from discovering the trap. It will also keep the mink from light and heat throughout the day.

Method 6 of 6: Getting rid of the mink

  1. 1 Instead of firearms, take a pneumatic one. Keep your pistol ready before you pull the mink out of the trap and try to hold it. Do not load the weapon until the animal is immobilized. Only remove the safety lock when you are ready to fire.
  2. 2 Immobilize the mink. Using two plywood boards, press the mink firmly against the wall or roof of the cage.The mink must be stationary for you to take an accurate, humane fatal shot.
  3. 3 Take aim. Move the muzzle of the rifle a couple of centimeters away from the mink's head. Keep the barrel perpendicular to the animal's skull.
    • Do not aim the muzzle at the center of the mink's skull, as this part is very strong.
  4. 4 Shoot the mink. One shot will be enough to fish a mink. If a second shot is needed, fire it as quickly and as carefully as possible, targeting the brainstem at the intersection of the skull and neck.
  5. 5 Confirm death. You will know that the mink is dead when it collapses unconscious. Other signs of death are tonic body spasms (involuntary muscle contraction) or relaxation. If a mink has an unchanging, glassy facial expression and lack of corneal reflexes, this means that it is dead.
    • After one minute, convulsions may occur.
  6. 6 Unload the rifle and put it on safety. After confirming the death of the animal, unload the gun and put it on safety.
  7. 7 Get rid of the mink. Check your local animal control laws and regulations to find out how to dispose of the body.


  • A good trap camouflage will not only fool the mink, but also prevent thieves from discovering it.
  • Check your local mink regulations. Minks are protected in many countries, and hunting for them is open only during certain seasons. However, if the mink damages your property, there are provisions to regulate the problem. Check government regulations before using a lethal method out of season.
  • Do the necessary housework to stop the minks from harming your property and wildlife. Block off any openings larger than 1 inch. Use wood or pewter and line the chicken yard and vents with nets.
  • If you set a trap near a place where other animals (dogs, for example) are, then use a live trap so as not to accidentally harm or kill another animal.
  • The hunter must be able to create different sets based on different environmental conditions. Experiment with different sets until you're sure.
  • A mink can also be killed by stepping on its chest and stopping its heart. To simplify the task, hit the mink in the nose with a stick to temporarily stun it.
  • Check traps daily.
  • Contact local game managers or foresters to inquire about available hunting courses.

What do you need

  • Double elongated trap No. 11, ring no. 1.5 or single spring trap No. 110.
  • Cage if you plan to catch a mink alive
  • A shovel or scoop for a pocket set
  • A stake or heavy stone as an anchor
  • The wire
  • Fresh fish or muskrat carcass for bait
  • Bait in the form of fish oil or raccoon glands
  • Air gun if you are going to kill a mink with your own hands
  • Plywood boards for immobilizing mink
  • Mink urine to hide your smell