Ways to Cure Neck Pain

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Ease Neck Pain at Home
Video: How to Ease Neck Pain at Home


  • Shower. Flush your neck with warm water for at least 4-5 minutes. Keep your neck straight and do not rotate your neck when the water is flushed.
  • Soak in bath salt. Bath salts help increase circulation, reduce muscle tension and relieve stress. Use different bath salts for increased pain relief.
    • Epsom salts can be used when taking a warm bath. Epsom salts are made from magnesium and sulfate, which are a remedy for many health problems and help relax the mind. Magnesium helps regulate the activity of many enzymes as well as boosts serotonin levels in the brain.

  • Apply a hot pack. Place a heating pad on your neck for a few minutes to stimulate blood circulation in your neck.
  • Apply a cold pack. Place a cold pack or wrap something in the refrigerator with a towel and place it on the sore neck area. Cold compresses are more effective at relieving pain than hot compresses.
  • Apply balm oil to your neck. Balm is available in different forms: herbal, analgesic (analgesic) or rubefacient (promotes blood circulation). You have to know exactly what kind of balm you are using.
    • Balms such as IcyHot or Namman (herbal oils from Thailand) help create heat or increase heat on the skin. IcyHot oil helps relieve pain by causing it to be cold, then heated to dispel the pain. Massage or rub with balm oils are similar to help relieve neck pain.

  • If the neck pain is too severe, a neck brace is essential. You should only use a brace if your neck is unstable and the pain is severe. For a home neck brace, curl up a towel and wrap it around your neck so that the lower part of the skull sits next to the towel. Sit in a comfortable position.
    • If the pain is too severe, Get help. If you have been in an accident, are sick or think you have suffered a sudden neck jerk injury, see your doctor for a proper medical neck brace.
  • Massage. If you experience persistent neck pain, consult your doctor before doing any massage. You can go to the nearest spa for a massage. While a salon massage is expensive, it will be more effective.
    • Acupuncture Can help treat chronic neck pain. Even so, trials over the past decade have shown that acupuncture is not as effective as placebo treatment. Both acupuncture and massage put strong pressure on the muscles, but if you want to put more pressure on the muscles, acupuncture may be more suitable.
    • Hydrotherapy, or water treatments are also very effective. Water therapy can be done at home under the shower and is also considered one of the forms of massages. Flush the sore area with warm water for 3-4 minutes. Turn the water into cold mode, then continue rinsing your neck for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat as many times as needed.
    • Massage in many types oil or rubbing alcohol. Essential oils such as lavender, green tea or lemongrass oil, besides stimulating the smell, have medicinal properties.Like balm oil, rubbing alcohol provides pain relief by means of a hot and cold mechanism.
  • Part 2 of 2: Preventing Neck Pain

    1. Sleep properly. A lot of people experience dislocation or neck pain due to improper sleeping position. The following tips will help you avoid a curl.
      • Close the door before bed to keep warm. Especially in the summer, many people have the habit of opening their bedroom windows while sleeping. When the door is opened, the sudden drop in temperature at night will cause cold air to overflow, causing neck muscles to stiffen and cramp. So if you want to be cold, turn on the fan instead of opening the windows.
      • Sleep with your head, but don't get too high. People who love to sleep on their backs should use at least one pillow to avoid a dislocation when turning their head 90 degrees to get air.
        • The person sleeping on their back should not be too high on pillows as this will create sharp angles, making the neck and shoulders uncomfortable throughout the night.
      • Take precautions after doing things you don't normally do. A lot of people report that they often experience neck pain after doing something out of the ordinary like gardening, doing new exercises, porters and moving. If you've done something that puts your neck at risk, massage and do different movements to make your neck more flexible. In addition, you should also take a hot shower before bed.
    2. Make sure your workplace is scientifically organized. If you have to work hours at a desk, make sure the work environment is designed with rest in mind. If you schedule time to relax your tendons, you will never lose your neck.
      • Place your feet straight on the floor. This usually depends on the height of the seat. So, please adjust the height of the chair accordingly to avoid neck pain.
      • Change your posture continuously. Sitting in the same position for too long is not healthy. So, change your posture by sitting up straight, then switch to sitting back and maybe sitting with your back sometimes.
      • Get up from time to time. Take a 5 minute walk around every hour. Looking up at the sky, chatting with colleagues, humming a favorite tune or doing anything to get up after sitting for hours.
        • Consider using a standing desk. You should consider using a standing desk or a desk in combination with the treadmill.
    3. Meditate. Try to meditate, forget about your busy daily life, and turn to your inner thoughts. Meditation helps you release emotional stress, which can be helpful in preventing neck pain. The exercise below only takes 3 minutes and is suitable for all subjects.
      • Focus on being aware of what's going on around you for 1 minute. Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and contemplate them.
      • For the next 1 minute, focus on breathing. Notice which part of your body is most likely to feel your breath.
      • For the last minute, contemplate things that lie beyond your immediate perception: from head to finger, toes, hair and even outside of the body if possible.
    4. Relieve the fatigue and stress in life. Stress has a lot to do with your health, and even hurt your body. So, find natural and healthy ways to relieve stress in your life:
      • Exercise regularly. Try swimming, running, cycling, rock climbing or all kinds of sports that excite and revitalize you. This way, the body will be stronger and the mind will be more relaxed.
      • There should be no negative habits. Don't torture yourself but acknowledge what's going on and take control of it, and find reasons to love yourself more.


    • To prevent neck pain, when you sleep, keep your head right. Neck pain is often caused by sleeping in the wrong position and a lot of pillows cause tension in the neck muscles.
    • Have someone else rub your neck to help dispel the pain.
    • When using a handheld device, such as an iPhone, you should hold the device at face level and tilt your head slightly behind your shoulders.
    • Tilt your head so your chin touches your chest for 30 seconds to stretch your neck muscles.
    • Pillows are the right size for sleeping.
    • When reading or working on a computer, keep your head straight and refrain from bowing.
    • If none of the above does work, see your doctor to find out what your problem is.
    • Roll your neck on the recovery roller to relieve muscle tension.
    • Take an NSAID (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) like lbuprofen for pain relief.
    • Consult specialists such as a chiropractor, chiropractor, chiropractor, and physiotherapist.
    • Limit neck rotation as too much rotation can make pain worse.


    • Do not bend over while reading or looking at small objects as this will cause neck pain and back pain.
    • Avoid sleeping on a couch, chair, or other inappropriate places to relax your neck.
    • Do not shake or push your neck, as these can ease the pain at first, but will make the pain worse later.