How to cook lower thigh meat

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Some of the Best Steaks Come From the Beef Leg — Prime Time
Video: Some of the Best Steaks Come From the Beef Leg — Prime Time


Great cuts of beef are usually expensive, while cheaper cuts are often chewy and less flavorful. The lower thigh meat is from the back half of the cow so it's chewy. However, lower thigh meat is a great choice for a healthy meal as it is very lean. If you know how to cook lower thigh meat, you can handle the tough meat problem. The secret to tender meat is to cook it at low heat for a long time.

  • Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
  • Processing time: 3-7 hours
  • Total time: 4-8 hours


  1. Peeling fat. Peel off excess fat from the outside of the lower thigh meat. Some people like to keep fat for more flavor, but usually you will add enough spices without fat. Use a sharp knife to squeeze more sugar out of the meat.

  2. Consider marinating. Marinate meat for hours before preparing it to break the chewy texture, making the meat softer. However, this step is completely optional and you can skip it if you don't have enough time.
    • Marines usually contain an oil (for example olive oil), an acidic substance (such as Balsamic vinegar or lemon juice) and a mixture of spices and herbs. You can make your own marinade or buy it from the supermarket.
    • The meat should be placed in a frozen plastic bag and then poured over the marinade. Then, seal the bag tightly and keep in the refrigerator overnight or for a few hours before preparing.

  3. Fry the meat. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the meat and heat a little oil in a cast iron pan or large pan. Then, sauté the lower thigh meat to even brown the sides.
    • Before pan-frying, you can apply spices such as crushed garlic, chopped fresh herbs and seasoning powder to the surface for added flavor. Use a combination of spices according to personal preference.
    • Pan-frying is an important step in creating an attractive brown color, because in addition to its flavor enhancement, the natural sugars in the herbs and spices will brown the surface of the meat.

  4. Cook the lower thigh meat in a large saucepan, cast iron pan or stew pot. Any method will create the perfect tender cut of meat, so you can choose the most convenient option.
    • Regardless of which utensil you choose to prepare, you will need to place a layer of chopped onions in the bottom of the pot / pan and place the meat on top.
    • Add water to the pot to cover 1/3 of the meat. You can use filtered water, beef broth, vegetable broth, alcohol (wine, beer, whiskey or cider) or a combination of these ingredients.
  5. Tunnel under low flame for a few hours. The most important thing to remember when preparing lower thigh meat is to cook under low heat for a long time. This secret helps to melt the fat layer and break down the connective tissue inside the meat, giving it a delicious and tender taste. Cooking under high heat for a shorter time will make the meat chewy and drier.
    • Cast iron pot: If you are cooking in a cast iron pot, you need to heat the pot to 150 degrees C and cook the meat slowly for 3-4 hours, depending on weight. A piece of meat that weighs 1.3-1.8 kg usually needs to cook in about 4 hours. Meat is cooked when the internal temperature reaches 75 to 80 degrees Celsius.
    • Stewed pot: If you cook the lower thigh meat in a steamer (slow cooker), it will usually take about 7 hours on the "low" setting. Although freshly cooked beef is preferred, a quick stew will not have enough time to break the connective tissue in the meat and soften it. So it's best to stew the lower thigh meat until well done.
    • Cook on a fire: If you cook the lower thigh meat on a fire, use a heavy bottom pot to simmer, slowly under low heat. Make sure to put the lid on the pot for the meat to be delicious and moist.
  6. Add vegetables. Some people like to add vegetables to the pot when they start cooking, but doing so will make the vegetables soft and overcooked. As such, it is best to add the vegetables near the end of the cooking process to make sure the vegetables are perfectly cooked.
    • Roots such as potatoes, carrots, turnips, parsnips and beets can all be combined with the lower thigh meat as they often absorb the flavor of the meat broth. However, you can add softer veggies like mushrooms, chickpeas or other beans (shorter preparation time).
    • Add the vegetables to the pot when the meat is almost done. You can check it by sticking a skewer or fork into the meat. Fully cooked meat can be easily skewered or broken through.
  7. Remove the meat from the pot and prepare the broth in the pot. After being cooked perfectly, the meat should reach an internal temperature of 70 degrees C and easily come off when pressed lightly with a fork.
    • Remove the meat from the pot, cover it with foil, and set aside for 10-15 minutes. Use a spoon with a hole to remove the vegetables from the pot, place in a bowl, and set aside.
    • Pour the broth in the saucepan into a small saucepan. Some pieces of meat will secrete a lot of water, while others will only release enough water to be sprinkled on the meat. Simmer the gravy under low heat. If you want to thicken the sauce, you can add some cornstarch. If you want to dilute, you can add a little beef broth, wine or water.
  8. Place the lower thigh meat on the table. Cut the meat into slices or use a separate plate. Enjoy with a side dish of vegetables and sprinkle the gravy on top.
    • You can enjoy the ham with your favorite side dish, such as mashed potatoes, white radish, potato cake or mustard greens.
    • To complete the dish, you can sprinkle in some chopped fresh herbs, such as parsley, rosemary or thyme.


  • Leave the carrot and potato peels in place. These tubers can lose a lot of nutrients if they are peeled.
  • If you don't like the over-the-counter soup seasoning, sprinkle some thyme, Oregano leaves, salt, and pepper and place a few fresh rosemary sprigs on top of the meat.
  • Use red wine instead of all or part of filtered water or broth for a richer, more perfect taste.