Ways to Cook Salmon Fillets

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Food Lab: How to Make Pan-Fried Salmon Fillets With Crispy Skin
Video: The Food Lab: How to Make Pan-Fried Salmon Fillets With Crispy Skin


  • You can use a glass dish coated with foil instead of a plastic bag.
  • Marinate the anise. Put the salmon in the brine and close the top of the bag. Turn the bag a few times so the marinade is evenly spread over the fish.
    • If you are using a glass dish, turn the fillet over several times to allow the marinade to cover, then cover with a lid or foil.
  • Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Place the salmon fillet bag and the chilled water in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    • Like other fish, salmon is not as dense as red meat and poultry. Therefore, salmon does not need to be marinated for too long to absorb spices.
    • Remove the salmon from the refrigerator at least 10 minutes before preparing it. This step will help increase the temperature for the fish to cook more evenly.
  • Method 2 of 6: Baking the oven

    1. Put the salmon fillet on a baking tray. If the salmon has skin, place the skin face down.
      • Arrange the slices of salmon in one layer and evenly spaced.
    2. Bake for 15 minutes. Place the baking tray in the middle of the oven and bake until the fish is done.
      • The fish is cooked when you can easily beat the top layer with a fork. The fish meat in the middle should be cloudy.
    3. Enjoy fish as you like. Salmon fillets can be eaten right away from the oven or cooled. advertisement

    Method 3 of 6: Bake the Oven in Fire Mode on

    1. Put the salmon on a baking tray. Place the salmon on the grill with the baking tray, skin face down.
      • Arrange the slices of salmon in one layer and evenly spaced.
      • If you want, you can spray the anti-stick solution on the grill before adding the salmon. This step is not necessary for fatty meats. However, because the amount of fish fat drops during processing is not much, the non-stick solution will significantly reduce the amount of fish sticking to the baking sheet.
    2. Bake on heat for 10-12 minutes. Place the baking tray 15 cm above the oven and grill until the fish is done.
      • The fish is cooked when you can easily beat the top layer with a fork. The fish meat in the middle should be cloudy.
      • The salmon can be turned over once while baking to give the fish an even brown color on the outside. This step is unnecessary and the salmon is also difficult to turn over, so the fish can easily crumble.

    3. Enjoy. Grilled salmon can be enjoyed while it's still hot or left to cool. advertisement

    Method 4 of 6: Grill

    1. Pack salmon fillet in foil. Place each salmon fillet in the center of the foil. Fold both sides of paper and roll tightly. Squeeze the protruding foil.
      • Place the salmon fillets on the non-stick side if using non-stick foil.
    2. Roll the salmon on the grill and bake for 14-16 minutes. Use a heat-resistant scraper or spatula to turn the fish over once every 7-8 minutes.
      • Since the foil is very hot, it will be difficult to test the maturity of the fish. You should wait until you remove the fish from the grill. If it is difficult to use a fork to remove the flesh of the fish on the outside or the center is not cloudy, fold the foil and cook until cooked.
    3. Let cool before serving. Remove the fish from the grill and leave in foil at room temperature for about 5 minutes and enjoy. advertisement

    Method 5 of 6: Applying Pan

    1. Heat the pan under high heat. The pan should be hot, but it must not smoke.
      • If you want, you can spray the anti-stick solution on the pan or add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the pan before heating. However, this step is not necessary if you have marinated fish or applied olive oil on the fish.
    2. Put the fish in the pan. Fry the fish for 3 minutes then turn it over and sauté for another 3-4 minutes.
      • Use a fish spatula. Do not use a grabbing tool as this will cause the fish to crumble.
      • The fish is cooked when you can easily beat the top layer with a fork. The fish meat in the middle should be cloudy.
    3. Let the fish cool down before eating. After you remove the fish, let the fish sit at room temperature for about 5 minutes before serving. advertisement

    Method 6 of 6: Blanch

    1. Bring the water to a boil over the heat. Pour water into the deep pot. Heat over medium heat until the water simmers.
      • If you want, add the salt when the water is boiling. You can add chopped scallions and a few stalks of cumin, rosemary or herbs to the water. Compared to marinade, this is the more popular method to increase the flavor of poached salmon.
    2. Put the salmon fillet in the pot. Place the fish's skin face down. Cover and blanch for 5-10 minutes.
      • If you can easily deflect the top layer with a fork and the middle of the fish is opaque, the fish is done.
    3. Enjoy while the fish is still warm. Remove the fish from the pot of water and let it cool for 3-5 minutes before serving. advertisement


    • When cooking salmon over low heat or sautéed, you can avoid using the marinade and simply sprinkle fresh herbs, such as celery, basil, and cumin over the fish.
    • If desired, you can prepare it to add a marinade and use it as a dipping sauce or topping sauce. When used as a topping sauce, during grilling, pan-frying or over-baking, you can spread the sauce over the fish. To use as a dipping sauce, cook the marinade over an open flame until the water is dry and thickened.
    • Test your favorite marinade ingredients by combining different oils, acidic ingredients, and spices. Acidic ingredients include vinegar and lemon juice, while spices can be used either dry or wet. For example, you can make a marinade with soy sauce, rice vinegar, olive oil, and brown sugar. Or you can use Vinaigrette sauce made from vinegar, cooking oil and spices.

    What you need

    • Plastic bag can be sealed, 4 liter capacity or glass dish
    • Non-stick foil
    • Non-stick spray solution
    • Baking tray
    • Baking tray on fire
    • Furnace bar
    • Phoi
    • Pan
    • Plate