How to Have an Wise Chat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Wise chat Tutorial
Video: Wise chat Tutorial


Most people want to be wise in all conversations. Even so, very few people have innate intelligence. With a few tips and practice, however, anyone can become a wiser diplomat.


Part 1 of 3: Establishing Relationships

  1. Focus on an effective conversation before having a wise conversation. Before you can become knowledgeable, you need to improve your "communication alertness". No matter how smart you are, getting too caught up in a conversation with a humorous story or a joke can turn you over. Practice the diplomat's "Observe-Ask-Questions-Answer" method.
    • Start a conversation by making it clear that you're really interested in this conversation. In social situations, it is most important to show yourself as approachable through nonverbal gestures, like open body language and smiling.
    • Develop professional conversation by wisely telling gossip. Every conversation needs a topic to start. Start with innocuous questions or comment on things around you to get a conversation going. Are you outside? How's the weather? Are you at a party? What kind of food is being served?
    • If you're talking to a stranger, switch from gossip to intro and let the conversation evolve from there.

  2. Make a question. To find out what makes the person you are talking with interesting, you need to learn more about them.
    • Most people are happy to talk about themselves, let them have a chance to talk about themselves. Avoid asking "yes" or "no" questions. Instead, ask open-ended questions. For example, when someone tells you about their profession, ask them what they like about the job. When in doubt, ask the question "Why?"
    • Let the other person know that you are interested in what they say by maintaining eye contact and using exclamations like "Really?" "Really?" and "Oh yeah". Avoid interrupting the person even if you have something you want to say.

  3. Pay attention. Often, if you are trying too hard to be wiser, you will listen lethargically because you are trying to think of what your next comment should be. To be truly wise, though, you need to pay close attention to what the other person is saying. Listen carefully to what they say.
    • Don't interrupt. Even if what is being said to you by the person that triggers an idea, don't interrupt, wait for a natural silence in the conversation. Even though those are the best comments, when given with this kind of interruption becomes extremely rude.
    • Pay attention to the rhythm of the conversation. Whether or not a person talks wisely will depend on timing. Listen carefully to understand what the other person is saying so you know when to comment. If you miss that moment, then the responses won't work at all.

  4. Find common ground. As you get to know more about the person you are talking to, you can begin to decide what the two of you have in common and what might be the most plausible topic of conversation.
    • Think about whether you've had any experiences related to the other person's interests. At the right time, bring the experience into conversation.
    • Sometimes all that conversation needs is an experience. For example, if the person you're talking to likes to go fishing but you've only gone fishing once, think about the minor mistakes you made that could make the other person interesting.
    • Know who your audience is.The British author Somerset Maugham once said that "to quote ... is a substitute for witness." In fact, cultural references - from books, movies, TV, politics, and so on - can be a shortcut to the actual act of witnessing. However, to make sure your quotes work, you need to know who your audience is.
    • For example, if you were talking to someone from the Boomerang generation, quoting Trịnh Công Sơn's lyrics in the conversation would be more effective when referring to a My Tam song.

Part 2 of 3: Investing in wit

  1. Learn small gossip. Everyone likes to hear funny stories. But it is difficult to make people laugh with a vague or confusing story. Instead, prepare some vibrant, meaningful stories to tell at parties or social events.
    • Think of the funny or strange stories in your life. Those stories should be the ones that give the conversation a boost.
    • Consider who the audience is for your stories. If your goal is to show wisdom in a conversation related to accounting topics, then accounting stories will be appropriate. However, if you are looking for witty stories to tell anywhere, stories about shared experiences, like school or parents, pets, kids are the most relevant topics because many people can have the same experience.

  2. Make them funny. The same story can be too confusing, boring or humorous. To make sure your stories make people laugh, you need to elaborate on them.
    • To determine what makes the story funny, look for the humorous phrases and over-selective rhymes used by comedians like Xuan Bac.
    • Start planning your own story. Please try to remember details. Reviewing your story is exciting, clear and funny enough. Then remember and pay attention to the intonation of the story so that it becomes humorous when you tell it to be as funny as reading on paper.

  3. Play with letters. There are a number of factors that make the conversation more witty than the clever pun. Even if you're not good at pun, you can still improve with practice.
    • Be aware of your vocabulary. Puns are heavily dependent on having a wide vocabulary. Check out vocabulary-building books, smartphone apps and games like crossword puzzles to improve your vocabulary.
    • Understand what pun you're using. Driving speech ("Eat potatoes in the morning" instead of "Eat to eat"), speech defects ("flamingo dance" instead of "flamenco dance"), slang ("The horse kicks the rock horse"), and combination words ("Chrismukkah," combination of "Christmas" and "Hanukkah") can be put into conversation if you can use them skillfully.
    • Learn more about good puns. Everyone from the great poet Nguyen Du to Xuan Bac or Son Tung M-TP uses puns in their works and performances. Always think about your audience, research good puns on puns to help you understand how to use them yourself.

Part 3 of 3: Investing in Communication

  1. Relax and be yourself. People often want to be knowledgeable because they think they're not good diplomats. But the lack of self-confidence is the enemy of wit.
    • The way of conveying is the point that sets the difference between a funny commentary and a pointless statement. If you act nervous or shy, you won't be able to make a witty comment.
    • It's important to remember that your perceptions of yourself are often inaccurate. You may not be as ridiculous as you might imagine, and by letting yourself feel insecure, you actually block your ability to be witty.
  2. Build confidence by practicing. The paradox is that the way to overcome feeling insecure in a conversation is by having more chat!
    • The bottom line is to be willing to engage in less important conversations (like having a good time with a bartender while waiting for a drink) as much as possible when it's time to talk to people who have a lot to do with you. (like talking to a colleague you are asking about) you will become wiser.
  3. If necessary, (temporarily) practice online. If face-to-face communication makes you feel stressful, try practicing telling stories, puns, and other witty story-telling skills you just learned on social media.
    • Give yourself the opportunity to invest in your own wisdom, when you have more time to think you will build the confidence to feel more comfortable interacting with others face-to-face.
  4. Stop when you've really come far. Once you have become confident, you can continue to develop your wit, when there is no need to make the effort to be wise, you also know when to stop trying to act. erudite.
    • The great poet Shakespeare once said that "Being concise is the key to wisdom." When you believe that you are wise enough, you will feel no need to try to make every wise comment - endeavor to Being knowledgeable has turned into a barrier that can frustrate or upset the other person.
    • Likewise, as you become more confident in your wisdom, you will learn when to end. It's best to end the conversation with a good impression.