Ways to Have Hope

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways to Find Hope in Hopeless Times | Wajahat Ali | TED
Video: 3 Ways to Find Hope in Hopeless Times | Wajahat Ali | TED


Do you often find yourself struggling to realize any meaning or purpose in everyday activities? Want to get rid of bad habits, but can't find the motivation to change? Hope seems to be a vague word and perhaps has little or no relevance to your life, but to some extent it means seeing the possibilities or opportunities inherent in life, Maybe the prediction about the future helps you to get rid of boredom and boredom in life. Take the steps below to continue the journey of exploring many possibilities in everyday life situations.


Method 1 of 4: Visualizing life

  1. Think about your ideal life. People often struggle to hope for a better tomorrow because they don't know what it will be like. Before you hope, it's important that you find the lifestyle you crave most. Take some time to think about your ideal life and what it would include.
    • Ask yourself, "If I wake up tomorrow and have the right to choose any life, what would that life be like?" Imagine as much detail as possible. What does your house look like? What will your friends be like? What activities will you participate in?
    • It can be helpful to write down your fantasies about that life as you can examine them and discuss them later.

  2. Compare your ideal vision with your present life circumstances. Once you've found the way you want to live in an ideal world, compare it with your current life circumstances. This can help you see if areas of your life are right for your vision or if you're on the right track.
    • For example, if you envision yourself losing 20 pounds, you need to consider what you are doing right now in order to achieve that goal. Are you eating healthy foods? Are you in control of your portion sizes? Do you exercise regularly? What do you need to do to get closer to that goal?
    • As you reflect on your life, consider your present circumstances. Is there any aspect of that ideal life already in your life?

  3. Consider whether these are realistic or unrealistic expectations for life. To have hope, it's important to make sure you have realistic vision. If your vision is unrealistic, it will leave you feeling hopeless. You need to consider your vision of your life and try to determine its reality. If not, you may need to make some adjustments to make your vision workable.
    • For example, imagine yourself becoming a millionaire, but you don't know what work you have to do to get it going. In this case, you should consider starting with a goal that is more appropriate to your current life conditions.

  4. Set a goal for yourself. Having a goal to work towards is one of the best ways to have hope. After you have developed a vision for your life, take time to set goals. Write about your goals and work hard to achieve them. To improve your chances of reaching your goals, make sure you set goals in a SMART approach. This acronym represents:
    • Specific - Specific. The targeted goal must be specific rather than general and ambiguous.
    • Measurable - Measurable. The goal is quantifiable (can be measured numerically).
    • Action Oriented - Towards action. A goal is something you can actively exercise and control.
    • Realistic - Realistic. A goal is something that you can actually achieve with the resources you have available
    • Time Bound - Time constraints. Goals must have a start and end time or a deadline to follow

Method 2 of 4: Developing hope

  1. Acknowledge your strengths. Some people lack hope because they feel they have no talent. If you're feeling hopeless, try making a list of all of your strengths and accomplishments. Read through the list and congratulate yourself on the positive traits. Praising yourself from time to time will give you more hope for your future.
  2. Nurture supportive relationships. Connect with supportive and capable people as much as possible. Try to interact with people who make you comfortable and encourage you to develop your capabilities.Having a support network from friends will help you move toward your interests and goals. Finding hope is easier if you live in a strongly supported community instead of all alone.
    • Observe the activities and attitudes of those around you. See if they can be a role model for what you want to achieve. Also, consider how the people around you act and make you feel.
  3. Participate in many interesting activities. Doing things you love to do can also help you develop hope. By doing activities that make you happy every day, you will have a greater sense of goals. If you're not sure which activity makes you happiest, try something new to discover. Take a class at your local college, try a new sport, learn a new skill, or pursue a new hobby.
  4. Attend the event. Attending a community event is a great way to foster hope towards the future. It could be an event at the local community or even the online community, but what is needed in this start-up is to build relationships with others through a common goal or project. Creating relationships with like-minded people can help you overcome feeling out of place that can potentially cause feelings of hopelessness.
    • Get involved in your local politics or online discussion forums about some of the world issues that interest you. The more you join, the easier it will be.
    • Try volunteering. Research has shown that volunteering has many benefits for your mental and physical health.
  5. Put yourself in more diverse situations. Staying in your comfort zone will make you feel hopeless and depressed. However, putting yourself in an unpleasant situation can help you overcome your feelings of despair and negative emotions. Getting out of your comfort zone is essential to change the way you think and learn to reach the world with more hope.
    • Find the activities in your life that put you in between two areas of feeling a little uncomfortable and overwhelming. This will often be the best time to form and develop your hope. For example, you might try hanging out with coworkers after work instead of going straight home as usual.
  6. Keep track of your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Journaling can help you understand why you are feeling hopeless and is also a great way to reduce stress. To start journaling, you need to choose a comfortable place and set aside about 20 minutes a day to write. Start by writing about how you feel, what you are thinking, or whatever you want. You can also use a journal to record your progress towards your goal.
    • Try keeping a gratitude journal. Every night, think about 3 things you're grateful for and write them down. Practicing this every day will help you develop a hopeful vision, helping you sleep better and in better health.
  7. Take care of yourself. Exercise, eat nutritious food, get plenty of rest, and relax. Doing these things will help you develop hope. By taking good care of yourself, you will send signals to your mind that you deserve to be happy and be treated well. Make sure that you are devoting enough time to meeting your basic needs for exercise, food, sleep, and relaxation.
    • Exercise regularly. Try 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day.
    • Eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and protein.
    • Sleep 7-9 hours a day.
    • Take at least 15 minutes a day to relax. Practice yoga, deep breathing, or meditate.
    • Drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Method 3 of 4: Dealing with anxiety and despair

  1. Identify symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (or PTSD). People with PTSD often experience frustration and other symptoms. Consider if you have PTSD and talk to a mental health professional if you suspect you have it. Here are some of the common types of PTSD and their respective symptoms:
    • Agitation: irritability, irritability, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, feeling panicked, always ready to attack or react.
    • Recurrent experiences: experiencing nightmares, invasive memories and flashbacks, experiencing the physical symptoms of a traumatic event, being sensitive to reminders of psychological trauma.
    • Speechlessness, paralysis: feeling disconnected or robotic, disinterested in people and active, feeling hopeless, isolated, and / or depressed, avoiding thoughts about people involved concerns with psychological trauma.
  2. Decode your worries about the future. Research has shown that having unrealistic expectations for yourself that, in a way, "false hope" can create anxiety. This anxiety makes it hard to see the opportunities available to you. Uncontrolled anxiety can also hinder your progress and make you feel less hopeful. To create realistic hope, as opposed to "false hope," you need to learn how to deal with anxiety.
    • Try a systematic desensitization approach. This will ease anxiety when a person experiences a depressing situation so that they can be more comfortable. Start by learning basic relaxation techniques, like deep breathing exercises or meditation. Then, apply those techniques to situations that make you uncomfortable. For example, if you start to feel anxious thinking about your plan for tomorrow, focus on your breathing and adjust it as you imagine possibilities for you.
    • When you become less anxious about situations that are slightly uncomfortable, challenge yourself to practice other relaxation techniques for situations that make you feel more anxious. Keep going until you've resolved the situation that worries you most.
  3. Notice if your lack of hope turns into despair that engulfs you. Nearly all people experience anxiety in certain situations or have short periods of sadness in their life. This can be a beneficial response to some unwanted things in life. But when that emotion begins to be attached to everything in the surroundings, it is a more serious sign, such as anxiety disorder or depression.
    • Try to identify a thought that has made you feel depressed by talking to someone about your feelings. Consider seeing a therapist or mental health counselor, or even a mental health support group.
    • When anxiety or depression is related to something or someone in your life, it is essential to make a complete change, like moving to a new place or simply staying away. who bothered you. You need to seek feedback from others in your community who you trust before making any decisions that will dramatically change your life.
  4. Consider seeing a mental health professional. If you are overly anxious, or just can't seem to get out of an unhealthy habit or pattern of thinking, see a therapist because they can help you get the right treatment. They will provide you with effective psychosocial support and / or technique to help you overcome your own obstacles. This can be very helpful if you are still frustrated with your life after many failures to change it. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Understanding hope

  1. Think about what hope means. Hope is the attitude you work hard every day to achieve. It is not a permanent state of mind. One definition of hope used by psychologists is “a positive dynamic state based on an interactive sense of success, (a) the agent (goal-oriented energy). and (b) the pathway (planning to achieve the goal) ”. Hope is the result of doing things that bring us satisfaction and help us reach our goals.
  2. Understand that you need to continue to improve your attitude every day. Don't think that one day you'll suddenly become hopeful, like there's a switch and you simply switch on or off. Becoming hopeful requires you to keep improving your attitude every day. You need to go through this process once a day and focus your attention on the aspects of your life where you really have control over them.
    • For example, you have no hope of your ability to find a job. Do not cling to what you cannot control, such as someone calling you about an interview. Start thinking about what you can control, like how many jobs you applied for. Build daily hope through small goals by continuing to do the things you can control.
  3. Learn how to challenge negative thoughts instead of ignoring them. To have hope, it's important to convince yourself to deal with your negative thoughts and to stop letting them touch you. Learning to deal with difficult emotions when they arise instead of ignoring them, you can begin to understand why you are feeling those emotions. Understanding your emotions will help you deal with them in a constructive way, rather than allowing them to take control of you.
    • For example, if you realize that you sometimes feel hopeless about your progress in weight loss, think about what caused you to have that thought. Are you comparing yourself to others? Are you not losing weight as quickly as you expected? Try to find the source of your depressed feelings becoming aware of the causes of your negative thoughts.
  4. Realize that you need to be resilient in difficult situations. To cultivate hope, you need to learn how to act in stressful and unmotivated situations. Research shows that learning to feel more comfortable in threatening situations can actually reduce the risk associated with physical health problems and improve general psychological function.
    • A strong social support system and a sense of confidence in your abilities are essential to developing flexibility, success.


  • Don't be afraid to seek help if you're feeling hopeless. You don't have to deal with these feelings alone. Talk to a friend, teacher, counselor, or someone you trust.


  • Despair can be a symptom of depression or another mental health problem. Get help as soon as possible if you are feeling hopeless and the feeling doesn't seem to improve.
  • If you feel suicidal, get help right away! If you don't know where to contact, you can call 115 the hotline for medical emergencies. And you can also call the hotline 1900599830 to contact the Center for Psychological Crisis Prevention (PCP).