How to have a girlfriend if you are a lesbian

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO MEET GIRLS (Lesbian Edition)
Video: HOW TO MEET GIRLS (Lesbian Edition)


Dating is an anxious challenge. For lesbians (lesbian), this will be more difficult because they do not know the sexual orientation of the other person. Fortunately, however, there are many ways you can meet other lesbian in today's society. Even in places where being openly lesbian is dangerous, online dating services and tips below will help you find the person of your dreams.


Part 1 of 3: Meet other lesbians

  1. Attend LGBT + events. If you live in a place that does not discriminate against LGBT +, search online for networking activities in the LGBT + community. From Pride parades to bar specials to gatherings, these events remove the pressure and inferiority you'll find when trying to find lesbians in normal places. . You can look up these places on, social networks, or through regular search engines.
    • If you live in the US, you can find community centers around you on the database.
    • If you haven't come out as a lesbian to everyone around you yet, attend events in the nearby town to avoid meeting someone you know.

  2. Spend more time on your favorite social activities. Even if everyone wants to meet new friends without ever leaving the house, things usually won't be that easy. Many lesbian couples have met because they played on the same sports team or volunteered at an animal relief center, but you don't have to follow the same stereotypes. Participate in social activities actively or do what you enjoy, and your enthusiasm will attract people with common interests.
    • The concerts are also a great gathering place. Choose artists with LGBT + or a large lesbian fan base.

  3. Go to a lesbian bar. This type of bar is not too much, so if you have a bar for lesbians, grab this opportunity right away. If not then you can go to gay bars. The majority of these bars are gay but they can also host lesbian events.
    • Don't send the wrong signal by going with a man straight to the gay bar.

  4. Online dating. Dating websites and apps are very popular. Here are some common options:
    • OkCupid,, Plenty of Fish, or eHarmony all have lesbian communities. If you are still not public, use OkCupid to hide your account from outsiders.
    • Compatible Partners is a site dedicated to LGBT + people looking for serious relationships.
    • Brenda and Her (these are also social networking sites) are dating apps exclusively for lesbians. Most casual dating apps or lesbian couples with men, although this sounds funny (except for the Hinge app).)
  5. Make friends in the LGBT community. If you're a volunteer at Pride events or have met the woman of your life, congratulations - you're luckier than most. As for the rest of you, look further and build lasting friendships in the lesbian and bisexual community near you. There won't be a lot of fish in the ocean and often you will see many people again at different events. If you can skip a slightly bad first date and sympathize with people looking for like you, you will build more relationships and prepare yourself for other opportunities. More importantly, you will become part of a supportive community. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Approaching her

  1. More confident. Often, people will be a little embarrassed approaching someone they find attractive. Be positive and friendly at all times, making you more confident. Having a relaxed attitude will make you more attractive and feel better.
    • A wingman will reinforce your confidence. However, the two of you should not be too comfortable with each other or the subject thinks the two of you are a couple.
  2. Look at her and smile. If you don't have any association, say a mutual friend, this will be the first step. If she looks at you for a few seconds and smiles back, or keeps glancing at you, this is your invitation to approach her.
  3. Flirting. You don't need a pick-up line - talk idly by asking where she's from or what she's doing here. With the three steps below, flirting becomes a lot simpler:
    • Direct your whole friend to her, smile softly, and look her in the eye as she talks.
    • Praise her a little from time to time (her eyes, jewelry, or something she said that you find great).
    • If all is going well, gently touch her hand or move closer to whisper something in her ear.
  4. See you out with her. Grab your chance as soon as you can. If the two of you have been talking for five to ten minutes and she looks happy, see her somewhere else. (And of course, if she's straight, you should know as soon as possible that you know now better.) "Can we talk to you sometimes?" "Can I have your number?" or "Would you like to have coffee?" are ways to let her know what you mean. If she gives you her phone number, call her after a day or two and schedule your first date. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Keeping relationships

  1. Be yourself. The key to dating is knowing if you are compatible. Pretending to be someone else isn't that you will stop this and cause problems later. If it's your first time dating a woman, or you're still unsure about your sexual orientation, tell her. If you haven't come out with family, coworkers, or friends yet, talk to her once you know that the relationship will actually go further. Not everyone wants to test you, or be introduced as "just you" to your parents. Although it is very difficult to do this, the more you hesitate to talk about these things, the harder things will be.
    • Likewise, if you've been making your sexuality public for many years and she's still quite discreet, talk to her. Understand your comfort as soon as possible.
  2. Understand the other party. Talk about two people's hobbies. The first dates are for the two of you to have a relationship. Chat by asking deeper questions ("How often did you go there?" Or "How did it affect you?"). If she seems shy, move on to gentle topics to make her more comfortable.
    • Avoid asking too personal. When you first get to know each other, avoid talking about sad stories of the past or your own sufferings. Please save it for later, when the two of you have been together longer.
    • Never talk about your previous relationships on a date. It would be hard not to mention your ex to her in a lesbian community that almost everyone knows each other, but that doesn't mean she needs to hear about your sex life or your connections with others.
  3. Talk about your expectations. The most important part of any relationship is clear and honest communication. This is even more important if this is the first time that one or even both of you have been in a relationship with someone of the same sex (or even dating in general), and are possible expectations. very obvious in everyday life. The simplest of etiquette like who pays for a meal can also affect a relationship. Calm down and talk to her before assuming she's offending you.
    • Don't let the stereotype that lesbian relationships need a manly and feminine person to change your expectations. You don't have to follow the usual "straight" relationships and cast the "female" and "male" roles.
    • Contrary to common stereotypes, lesbian couples are often not in an open relationship. Therefore, your plans will be different in any way. If a relationship where two (or more) are important to you, talk to her about it before anyone gets hurt.
  4. Keep the relationship fire. If you like how the relationship is progressing, try to keep it up like the day you just fell in love. Doing interesting things on dates, heartfelt confessions, and small but emotional moments are the lifeblood of all relationships. There is no definite number to determine how many times you need to go out with her or how long before you are your lover, but if you are always happy and genuinely like each other, that moment will be on its own. come. advertisement


  • If you think a friend seems to like you, ask for advice from a mutual friend of both or at online LGBTQ + forums like Ask Ellen. It can be hard to tell a distinction between friendship and romantic affection, especially if you're liking her or you don't know her sexual orientation. An outsider will help you make the right decisions and evaluate how it will affect your friendship.
  • A famous (but not very subtle) joke in the lesbian community is “U Haul lesbian” (U Haul is the name of a house moving and storage rental service), meaning that lesbian will often move in with their other piece after their second date.Today, the joke is no longer trendy: if you live in a safe place for LGBT +, you will have many places to meet and date that person without discrimination. So, don't mix your fleeting emotions with a lifelong connection - but also let others make you lose all hope in love.