How to have a girlfriend when you're shy

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
The Offspring - Why Don’t You Get A Job? (Official Music Video)
Video: The Offspring - Why Don’t You Get A Job? (Official Music Video)


Having a girlfriend can be difficult and challenging, if you are a shy person. Shy people will usually not take the initiative to invite others out because they are afraid they will be rejected. Even so, there are many ways you can try to increase your confidence, the courage to invite her out, and, most importantly, give her the chance to become her boyfriend.


Part 1 of 3: Building yourself

  1. Change appearance. You should show your confidence in front of others. To be confident, you need to look good. Therefore, you need to invest in the way people look in the eyes of others to gradually feel comfortable about yourself and become more confident. Try changing the following:
    • Wardrobe review. Throw away sloppy clothing or clothes that are not suitable for your age and where you go.
    • Clean hair. If you have beard, trim it well. If not, shave every day. Besides, make sure the hair is always high above the collar and on the sides of the ears.
    • Stay in shape. If you lack confidence or are concerned about your body being unbalanced, take time to practice to improve. Jog a few times a week or go to the gym. After a short period of time, you will see a positive change in your figure and you will also be more confident.

  2. Choose your posture and body language. Bad posture will make you feel like you are a person lacking confidence. Stand up straight, look straight ahead with your arms on your sides, smile if you want. Spend time observing other people's postures and body language, especially someone you admire and find attractive.
    • Avoid stooping.
    • Avoid breaking your knuckles or keeping your hands in your pocket.
    • Pay attention to how you swing your hands while walking.
    • Do not cross your arms or take a defensive position when talking to others.

  3. Be polite and behave like a gentleman. If you are rude, clumsy, it will be difficult to approach the girl you like. Therefore, be polite and behave like a gentleman. Not only will this help you show your confidence, but it also makes her feel special. Besides, if she sees you being polite to other women, she will know your good side and want to be with you.
    • Hold the door, if appropriate.
    • Listen and don't interrupt when she talks.
    • Be kind to the service.
    • Let her choose.
    • Don't overdo it.

  4. Build a sense of humor if you're not a joker. The humor will relax others when they're stressed out. If you're not the funny person, accumulate a few jokes to tell in awkward times. Here are some things to try:
    • Jokes are related to situations, which is a form of observation, making jokes about a situation and turning their attention to something absurd or out of the ordinary.
    • Anti-self jokes are great if you are confident. However, think carefully if you become anxious or uncomfortable.
    • Avoid impatient jokes, offending others and anything else's religion, politics or appearance. You will become a mean person.
  5. Going out with female friends. See it as an opportunity to get to know women even though they are just friends. Make friends with girls with a clear purpose that just want to be friends. Spend time with them, have fun with them and get to know them. Learn what women think and how they differ from men. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Finding a girlfriend

  1. Practice your dating skills. Practice will help you to spot a lack of understanding, flirting, and outreach to women. This way, when you meet a girl you have a crush on, you will perform things more smoothly than without. Please try:
    • Flirt with girls you meet at the bar.
    • Smile at the girl you meet on the street.
    • Drinking glasses with girls in the bar. After that, continue the fun with friends.
    • Avoid flirting with or approaching girls that you know well aren't interested or receptive to your flirting.
  2. Find a girlfriend from your relationships. There may still be some single girls in those relationships. They can be friends of other friends or your friends. If you find them attractive, let them know of your interest.
    • Don't be afraid to show concern.
    • If you are turned down, be polite. You don't have to destroy an existing relationship.
    • Use your feelings and stop chasing a girl who isn't interested in your pursuit.
  3. Use a dating app or a matchmaking website. This could be your chance to find a girlfriend. The advantage of this service is that the girl you contact is also looking for someone to date. The hardest thing is to find someone that you are interested in and who are interested in you as well.
    • Don't let rejection demoralize you. There are still many others on the web online.
    • Sign up for many online dating services.
    • Be honest about who you are and you really want a strong relationship.
  4. Spend time in a place where you can find a girlfriend. Anywhere girls go and you're comfortable being there is the right place to start. Find a place where you can promote your skills: music, public speaking, or informal conversation. Go there and have a good time.
  5. Don't look anxious or retreat. When you take the initiative to date a girl, don't look anxious or withdraw. Women will feel that and will automatically alert you. Besides, men who stare and go around looking for women will often look very scary.
  6. Force yourself to talk to the girls. When communicating and finding a girl to date, don't be afraid to talk to people. You need to force yourself to talk to as many girls as possible. This will improve your skills and give you the chance to meet more girls. Gradually, you will find yourself no longer shy.
  7. Make sure you take the initiative to date when you are single. Don't be shy about telling yourself that you don't need to date for some reason.This is a trap because if you don't date, your communication skills will decrease and shyness will increase. Always date when you meet someone you have a crush on.
    • Don't be discouraged when you are rejected.
    • Keep at least a few appointments a month.
    • Avoid dating more than one person at a time. It is possible to schedule the first few appointments at once, but if you continue your second or third appointment with someone, stop seeing other people until you have made a clear decision.
  8. Don't wait for the "perfect" girl to show up. Sometimes, just because we are shy, we often justify ourselves that we do not want to meet or date because the girls are not perfect enough as expected. This is a negative excuse. You don't know what other people are like until you talk to them and approach them and probably go on a few dates.
    • Go out, meet and date girls.
    • Don't let the thought of "perfect" stop you from practicing your dating and flirting skills.
    • You won't understand other people if you haven't taken the time to meet them.

Part 3 of 3: Show her how interested in you are

  1. Show your interest in words. The best way to get past a friendship is to avoid showing it in the first place and show immediate emotional concern. After making sure she's a match and also interested in you, show some interest.
    • Let her know you want to get to know her.
    • Compliment her appearance and / or intelligence.
    • Ask for her phone number and / or give her your phone number.
  2. Show interest in action. Acting caring is a way to push the relationship further and to see if she has accepted your outing invitation. Even so, don't deduce yourself. You will quickly see if she is interested in you. Please try:
    • Look her in the eye (at the right moment) and smile. This shows care, respect, and maybe she will respond.
    • If your eyes and smile are welcome, a light pat on the back, a light touch on the hand, and other gentle gestures will show interest and motivate her to respond.
    • If your pursuit is denied or ignored, you should stop. Your persistence is sometimes misunderstood as sexual harassment or annoyance.
  3. Chat with her. The best way to bond is to talk to her. Find out what the two of you have in common, smile at her, and tell stories about yourself from special things she tells about herself. Don't pretend to be a different person. You think you will get her by saying what she likes but she will eventually find out who you really are.
    • Concentrate on listening to her.
    • Do not brag about yourself.
    • Avoid gender-inappropriate comments, insult others or follow others to stand out.
  4. Invite her out. The best way to overcome your shyness and get a girlfriend is to date her. Other things will ruin your goal of having a girlfriend. Try the following:
    • Tell her you want to offer her coffee or dinner to get to know her more.
    • Plan your appointment in a place where it is easier to talk and get to know each other. You can go to the coffee shop or take a walk in the park.
    • Be sure to invite her out as soon as possible. If you wait too long, the two of you will fall into a friendship relationship.
  5. Call her after the first appointment. Remember to call the next day or the evening after your first appointment. This conversation will push the relationship further. In addition, it also gives you the opportunity to invite her out again. Please try:
    • Ask her when you start talking to her.
    • Compliment her and tell her that you were happy about the appointment.
    • Say you want to see her again.
    • Plan a second appointment.
    • Don't call her right away after your appointment unless she calls or texts you or you plan ahead. Otherwise, you will look frantic and out of control.
  6. Use your second appointment to get to know each other better. The second date will be more comfortable since you both already know each other. During this date, you should keep a good time in addition to getting to know each other. Remember, getting to know each other is an important part of turning the "dating" relationship into "sticking". Please try:
    • Invite her to dinner and movies on her second date (not just movies). You two get to know each other while having dinner and enjoy a movie right after that.
    • Sightseeing around the city. A city tour (on foot or by car) is a great way to get closer and share some experiences.
    • Don't try to speed up the relationship right now - inviting her over to the house may not be right.
    • The third date should also do the same things but with more affection.
  7. Stay in touch when you are not together. After a few dates, if you feel comfortable with each other, keep in touch. Not necessarily all the time - but it could be every day or every other day.
    • Make sure communication is maintained by two sides, not from one side.
    • If you want to be with her, answer her call or text.
    • Use this communication to build deeper bonds and understand each other better.
  8. Continue this process until you have a strong relationship. Get ready for this game, continue to improve yourself, let go of shyness, increase your confidence, and meet girls until you have the bond you have always wanted. This is your main purpose. Don't set limits on yourself. advertisement


  • Don't be too complimenting a girl. Complimenting is a good thing, but if you overdo it, she may think you're problematic or weird.
  • Don't tell your friend any secrets or personal information she has told you. If she wants your friends to know, she will share it with them. If not, understand for yourself that the information is just for you.
  • Don't swear in front of her unless you know she doesn't mind.
  • Men don't have to look like Brad Pitt to have a girlfriend. Don't think you're ugly because when you look at a pretty girl's boyfriend, you will find that not everyone looks like Brad Pitt.
  • Be honest and straightforward. Women will appreciate it if you let them know how you feel.
  • You are best when you are. Don't try to be another person.
  • Remember, women will let you know if they are interested in you only after a short while. If you haven't found someone who likes you, don't give up.
  • Don't flirt too much. Women don't like that.


  • Don't stalk her! This will scare her and lose her feelings for you.
  • Be patient and don't mess things up!