Being a good daughter

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Nastya wants to be a good daughter for dad
Video: Nastya wants to be a good daughter for dad


Being a daughter isn't always easy. Hormones, bullying and peer pressure don't make it any easier either. If you are tired of your old ways and habits and would like to become a better daughter, then this article is for you.

To step

  1. List things you may be able to do that your parents will appreciate. Also try to identify what things you are doing well. Keep doing these things, or try to do them even better.
  2. Try to fix problematic things. For example, if you don't show your love for your parents, make the effort to greet your parents with a hug every morning. Here you could add the words that you love them. Solve any problems you have with family members or friends. It is quite possible that you were wrong and someone owes an apology.
  3. Spend time with your parents. Reach out and be yourself in front of them. For example, take your parents to the mall every now and then, or go to a nearby coffee shop with your mother. Doing things together with your parents will strengthen your mutual bond.
  4. Clean your room. In a tidy room you can let your thoughts run free. Make sure you are ready for your parents, for example help them with the dishes and tidy up the attic. These small gestures will also be greatly appreciated.
  5. Take care of yourself. Take a shower or bath regularly, use shampoo and conditioner and keep your skin hydrated. Not only will this make you feel good about yourself, it will also show your parents a better side of you.
  6. When it comes to makeup, wear neutral colors. Most parents would rather not have their daughter draw too much attention, so it would be wise to keep your makeup simple for most occasions. Don't wear an excessive amount of accessories and make-up.
  7. Listen when your parents say something to you. If you don't listen to them, they will see this as disrespectful. Even when it comes to something you hate (putting out the dumpster, finishing your homework), you'll be a better person in the end. Remember that your parents are in charge of the house, including financially, and your wishes will be fulfilled more quickly if you behave your best.
  8. Do nice things for others. Doing something for someone else will make you feel good about yourself and make you more optimistic.
  9. Do your best in school, get good grades, be a sports fanatic, and be serious about other activities. Allow your parents to be proud of you. However, remember to just be yourself and know when it is too much; don't rush things.
  10. Discuss things that worry you that may affect your relationship. It is also possible that they are wrong. Stay calm. The last thing you want is a fight. If you have said certain things with your parents and you have reached some sort of agreement, tell them you love them. Give them a big hug and then leave the room. For example, take a walk in the open air so your parents can think about what they just agreed to.
  11. Enjoy the simple things in life with your parents. Watch their favorite TV show together, go out for dinner, watch movies, and play board games. Don't make your parents feel like their little girl is trying to distance themselves.
  12. Keep your cool. Whether a girl pulled your hair or pushed you over at school, or a younger brother or sister isn't leaving you alone, try to let it slide off without reacting. Your parents will certainly appreciate your adult response.
  13. Always tell your parents the truth. It's okay to tell the truth, even if you don't want to.
  14. Always show respect and trust your parents. They want the best for you.


  • At all times, be grateful for what your parents do and have done for you.
  • When you say something to your parents, watch your words. Don't insult or yell at them. Be polite and nice to your parents, they will appreciate this.
  • Be independent and show that you can do things (household chores, chores, etc.) without your parents having to ask.
  • Listen to your parents when they talk to you. They will only get mad at you if you don't listen to them.
  • Keep your cool, even if your parents are wrong, don't yell at or try to interrupt. Listen to them when they talk to you.
  • Don't be passive and lazy in front of your parents and listen to what they say to you.
  • Occasionally help your parents cook and do the dishes.
  • Be yourself. Don't hurt yourself, put aside friends who hurt you, and don't try to be someone you aren't. Your parents will thank you for this and want you to be the person you are.
  • Try to get enough sleep.
  • Discuss as much as possible with your parents, and make sure you don't keep any big secrets from them. Keeping secrets will not improve mutual trust.


  • Love your parents for who they are, and don't judge or yell at them.
  • If you disagree with your parents, tell them so that you can work together to find a solution.
  • Respect your parents and their view of things, even if this view is somewhat strange or eccentric.As long as it's not completely ridiculous, you have to learn to live with it.
  • This may seem difficult, but it is not. Just act relaxed and loving. You will become a better daughter because of this.
  • Don't get involved in riots or fights at school. Notify the school principal or a teacher / teacher.