Know everything about everything

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Most people are unaware of their capabilities, so they don't do anything. Whether it's running a marathon, writing a book, learning to play the cello, or just asking someone out - you can do almost anything you focus on if you dare to take the next step. and are not afraid of failure.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Getting help with a specific problem

  1. Find your way through the maze of relationship troubles! In our category Relationships you'll find some of the web's best, most balanced advice that can help you get and keep that ideal other half, in addition to navigating your way through all those tricky relationship obstacles.
  2. Learn everything about computers and electronics. In our category Computers & Electronics do you think how-to's covering almost every operating system in existence, teaching you how to install, remove, navigate, use and hack all kinds of hardware and devices.
  3. Learn how to get a job, internship or promotion. wikiHow provides great information on everything you need to succeed in the business world. From jobs to stress management, you will find what you are looking for here.
  4. Advice only for teenagers and children. In our category Youth Teens and children get advice on any problem they face! Everything from relationships to school, from fashion to how you change your body.
  5. Make homework or anything else related to school and college a piece of cake. In our category Education & Communication you can find help with writing, learning, the school system and much more.
  6. Learn how to handle money or start a business! In our category Financial & Law, we'll cover starting and growing a business, navigating the stock market, and other useful information.
  7. Find your way out of all the troubles you may encounter while traveling and get ready for a great vacation. In our category Vacation & Travel you will find useful advice on everything to do with travel, from traveling for little to finding your way to and at your destination. Because wikiHow is an international community, it is possible to find excellent advice from people who already know the country or the area, as well as experiences from seasoned travelers.

Part 2 of 4: Investigate and understand

  1. Decide what's most important. If you decide you want to do something that is difficult or complex, the first thing you want to know is what is most important. What is the crux of the matter? That is where you will have to focus all your attention.
    • For example, if you want to learn figure skating, the most important thing you need to learn is skating.
    • If you want to open a restaurant, it is important to be such a good cook that the customers keep coming (at least if you are the chef) or to develop the skills to run such a business (if you are the owner).
    • If you want to move to another country, the most important thing you can do is find a job in that country.
  2. Break the task into smaller sub-tasks. Once you have discovered what is most important in your job, you will have to figure out which skills are involved. This is your second focus or, in some cases, what you will have to bring in first to get to the main goal.
    • In the case of the skating example, the special moves you need to learn and being able to skate to the beat of the music or a particular routine are the secondary part.
    • In the case of opening a restaurant, running a business and adhering to health regulations are of secondary importance.
    • In the case of the emigration example, things like learning a language, dealing with other cultural norms, and getting through the emigration procedure are of secondary importance.
  3. Eliminate anything that is not necessary. Before you continue, it is good to look at what you want to do and find out which parts are not strictly necessary. These can be general things or something that others feel you should do, but that are really unnecessary and can distract you from your goal, or waste your time and money.
    • To take the skating example once again; things such as a suit or very luxurious skates are not necessary. Yes, it is true that this is common in figure skating, but it is no more than ostentation.
    • In the example of the restaurant, you could say that buying a whole collection of extra kitchen gadgets or designer furniture is not really necessary. Gadgets serve no purpose if you can do the same thing in the same amount of time without them, and good food goes way beyond fancy tables to impress customers.
    • If you are going to emigrate, it is not necessary to wear certain clothes or listen to the local pop music.
  4. Set your goals. Decide how far you want to go for this task. Do you want to become a true master? Is there a certain level of success that you can be satisfied with? You will have to know roughly where you want to go, otherwise you will feel without direction and you will soon give up.
  5. Determine the skills you need. Once you have identified what you want to achieve, think further about the skills you will need to do it. If you want to achieve something in sports, you will probably have to work on your fitness. For goals in the labor market, you will work on skills that are of interest to your future employer. If you are going to emigrate, you will have to learn to speak the language, etc.
  6. Make a plan for all the steps you will take. Make a schedule of what you want to do and when or in what order. Having some sort of strategy makes it much easier for you to complete the task. Also look around to see if you can find more information, as discussed below.

Part 3 of 4: Teaching the necessary skills

  1. Find resources about these skills. Look for good quality sources of information about the skills you need to learn. These must be well known and provide correct information about the subject you are looking for. This will give you a better idea of ​​what to do and how.
    • If you are going to emigrate, it is important to check the official government websites. For things like sports, check the official websites of a sports association. Many hobbies and crafts have dedicated online communities that can help you.
  2. Try to find a mentor. Find someone who knows everything you want to learn or achieve. They often have information that you really will not be able to find anywhere on the internet. Asking someone nicely is often the beginning of a good, friendly relationship.
  3. Consider training. In some cases, it will be much better to just get an education in the topic you want to learn more about. If you find yourself unable to progress, that may be an option. This does not necessarily mean that you have to go to an educational institute, but it can also mean that you are apprenticed to someone for a period of time.
  4. Take one step at a time. Don't expect whatever you try to be done in a day. Complex or unique skills are complex and unique because they take a long time to learn. Stick to your goal and take it step by step. You'll get there eventually.
  5. Stay focused. If you really want to learn something, you will have to be able to focus on that goal, at least for some time. Do not jump from one idea to another and then be surprised that you have no control over all those things that you want to be able to do. Skills require a dedicated learner. Focus and you will be there before you know it.
  6. Stay determined to achieve your goal. Do not take the pressure off the boiler. This is exactly why people fail to achieve what they want to achieve. Yes, sometimes it can't be easy to keep up, or the boring side of what you want to achieve gets in your way, but then you'll just have to get up and move on. You will love the person you became at the end of the day.

Part 4 of 4: Know everything about everything with wikiHow

  1. wikiHow has everything. Since wikiHow is made by ordinary people like you and me, our articles cover almost every topic! Please understand that even though the topic is so specific, it is very possible that we have an article about it. If not, we love it if you want to help other people, like you, to write a how-to once you become an expert!
  2. Overcome your fear of failure / feelings of inferiority. Learn about things you don't understand.
  3. Bake a Motorcycle Diaper Cake. Learn about things you didn't know existed.
  4. Speak gibberish. Learn things you never knew you could learn.
  5. Going out with a nudist while you are not one yourself. Learn things you probably never need to know.
  6. Try to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Learn things you hope you might need.
  7. Make people think you are immortal. Just learn things for fun.
  8. Find all these things and much more from our main page. There, you'll find your way to loads of other great articles, or use our search engine!


  • Don't worry about what someone else thinks of your plans, believe in yourself and chase your dreams. Good luck.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • If something doesn't work, make a new plan
  • Fear of failure or shyness makes you unhappy. Get used to that for a long time you won't be good at what you want to achieve. This is called a learning process, but don't let it stop you. Hemingway was not born to be a great writer. Everyone was a beginner at some point.
  • Never doubt reality because even the most unexpected can make your dreams come true. By success or by failure.
  • Have a positive attitude to life


  • Some things are better left to the experts. Which doesn't mean you couldn't become one yourself!