Ways to Have a Girlfriend

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Girlfriend in 7 Steps
Video: How to Get a Girlfriend in 7 Steps


Are you looking for a daughter to build long-term relationships? The following article will provide a few things you can do to increase your chances with any girl.


Part 1 of 3: Meeting the Girls

  1. Be comfortable with single life. You don't have to try to be cool or cool, be comfortable. Don't flaunt yourself to find a girlfriend, or you will end up in despair. Confidence and independence are two of the sexiest qualities in a man, and begging every girl to hang out with you will make others think that you don't have either.
    • Make more good friends instead of just finding a lover. This means you should talk to as many women as possible, not just the girls you're interested in. Making friends with women will help you practice how to maintain a conversation with them and to understand the feelings and thoughts of women in general. Most importantly, you will help yourself feel less lonely if you can't find a partner.

  2. Helping others. It could be her or someone else in the room. Is she carrying a heavy object? Say "let me help you" then bring her things. Is anyone short of money? Lend them some money so they can have lunch. Keep the door open for the next person to enter, even if they haven't arrived yet. In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only does that capture her attention, it also makes you feel better about yourself. However, don't pretend or just do good deeds when she's there. Help people whenever possible in a variety of ways. She and her acquaintances will notice that so if you happen to be mentioned in their conversation, they'll say "He's such a good guy!" And she will start thinking "Um ... Is that right?"

  3. Constantly in contact with the girls. If you meet a girl you like, come and talk to her (any time). And please do it on a regular basis. If you just go out for one day and stay at home for the next, it won't work. Go out regularly and talk to girls, at supermarkets, libraries, shopping malls, the streets, social networking sessions or anywhere you can think of.

  4. Don't be afraid to fail. Remember, the fear of rejection is completely irrational. If you meet an attractive girl, go ahead and talk to her. Frankly tell her your intentions. Absolutely do not say irrelevant things such as "Hi, you are cute.I really want to get to know you. "You are looking for a girlfriend, not a friend who is a girl ''.
  5. Don't give yourself time to make excuses. When you meet an attractive girl, don't make excuses like 'maybe she has a boyfriend', 'she's talking on the phone' or 'she's doing exercise', 'Oh my gosh How pathetic '. Believe that there's no reason to stop you from talking to her. The worst case is that she said no 'and left. You need to try this several times to do this well.
  6. Always happy. This is extremely important. If you're in a bad mood when you talk to a girl or look for the person you want, you can make things more important. But if you are having a lot of fun, you won't care if you're rejected and show yourself as a cool and cool guy.
  7. Be yourself. If you don't find what she says funny, don't laugh just because she laughs. Don't try to force yourself to be another person.
  8. Communicate. The more people you meet, the more choices you have. Don't be picky about who you meet or how you meet them - maybe the kind uncle down the street has a very beautiful niece and your age or maybe the loud girl at last night's party had one. you are very suitable for you
    • Go out and do things you enjoy. If you're not sure how to meet people, try signing up for some activities that interest you! Find events or meetings that might attract people who share your interests and passions on forums, lists, advertisements, or listservs. You can also explore new passions or activities. Maybe you will be able to both find yourself a new hobby and have a girlfriend. Don't depend entirely on the Internet.
  9. Take care of your own appearance. Even the other side to women are important, but looks was An integral part of the dating process. Most women do not like a man with a foul body and breath or messy hair. Take a regular bath, brush your teeth twice a day, and stay fit. You don't have to be the best, but you do have to make a good first impression.
    • Skin. Just like the aforementioned, you don't have to be trendy, but neat and straight clothes are always better. Avoid wearing the same pants every day, especially t-shirts.
    • In addition to making yourself more attractive, taking care of your appearance can also help you feel more confident and this will make you more attractive again, and so on. Being complacent is not good, but knowing your strengths will help you market yourself better.
  10. Practice praising girls honestly. Challenge yourself to find the good points of any girl. It doesn't have to be physical, it could be an act of liking, some admirable traits, a talent or a skill. Recognizing and showing admiration for girls will make you more attractive, and vice versa. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Make friends with women

  1. Be a talkative person. Don't use the "outdated", "outdated" methods that are often repeated or the things that everyone has done. The best way to make a connection with someone is to be honest and live fully in the present. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Communication is about interacting with each other, not lip-dancing. When you're not sure, just say "Hello".
    • If you are using an unconventional approach, to get in touch with a girl, you first need to "stop contacting" her. This can really cause her to suddenly notice you and initiate contact with you!
  2. Make her laugh. Girls like funny guys a lot, and the secret to having a sense of humor is being happy and not embarrassed. As long as you don't ridicule someone in an excessive way, whatever is left. Lie? Fun? Sarcasm? You can choose any of them as long as you don't try too hard as it will make it unreal.
    • Don't worry if she thinks you're funny because you know it? If she doesn't smile with you, then she's not the person you want to be with. And maybe another girl - someone you've never noticed - will laugh so hard to choke on the whole country, and most likely that is the person you are looking for.
  3. Flirting. Be a little flirtatious in relationships to avoid falling into Friendzone (circle of friends). This doesn't mean you want to mess with everything, but a little flirting will remind them that you're a boy, not just a good friend. Even if they don't like you, they may recommend their friends to you.
    • Break the collision barrier. Try a few small "touches". Be playful without making her feel scared. Pull her elbow or put her hand on her waist to take her through the crowd, hold her arm and laugh as she tells something funny, etc. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know. Touching someone tells them that you are attracted to them and that you are trustworthy. Both of these may make the person more interested in you.

Part 3 of 3: Sawing Cam Nang

  1. Finish the speaking. If you like the girl you're talking to, be the one to end the conversation. This will help keep the conversation from falling silent, showing that you are busy (i.e. not pathetic or hopeless) and that you can end the conversation happily. When you finish your conversation, say, "I'm glad to talk to you, but now I have something to go. Let's go to a cafe to talk more sometime?". If she agrees, get her number and continue. If she says no, accept it and let it go. She isn't the only one in your life.
  2. Having righteous thoughts. Most women like men to take the initiative, at least during the early dating stages. When you call her to set up an appointment, offer her at least two attractive options. Don't contact her and ask her what she wants to do without giving her opinion or she might think you are lazy or don't give it much thought.
    • For example, if you talk to her and the topic is about an upcoming date, say something like, "Um, I think we can go to this new restaurant in the mall ... And you too. Want to go to the newly opened Bowling play area in the mall ... Do you want to go somewhere else? ". If she likes one of your options, she will say it. If not, she will suggest something else and you will be shown to be a righteous person. If she says anything, please choose one of those two options.
  3. Kind. Just because it caught our attention doesn't mean teasing will win our hearts. Our daughter is often more sensitive than you might think, and a deliberately rude remarks might prevent us from ever TALKING to you again. Instead, praise her for the things she did well, or show sympathy if she made a mistake. However, make sure your words don't sound sarcastic.
  4. Do it to the end. If you meet a good girl and seem interested in you, try to follow through. If you like her too, be willing and brave enough to invite her out. First, be subtle. Her first date with a new man, acquainted or not, was a candlelit dinner that would frighten her. Try taking her to coffee after school or after work. If she says no, then either she isn't ready or she doesn't like you.Don't linger, this will keep her away from you. Be friendly until she starts to show interest, then try again.
  5. Dating. Once you've met a girl you really like, you'll want her to reciprocate your love too. If you follow these steps correctly, she may be interested in you. So all you need to do now is schedule an appointment. Invite her out or have coffee. Ask to pick her up, go with her there or take the bus together. Not only does this show that you are a polite person, but it also allows the two of you to have more time to talk.
    • Don't invite her out over text. Call or visit in person. Though it's a small act, it means a lot to a girl and it shows her that you are serious.
    • Pay. Pay for your date. It also shows that you are a man of manners and let her know that you are not miserly. She might politely decline, but unless she really wants to pay it off, insist on the payment.
  6. Imagine a job interview. There is a huge difference between being a beggar and begging to be accepted and someone who knows that he or she is qualified to make certain demands on the company because the new company is the one who needs to hire you. With a girl, don't act like you're interviewing to be her boyfriend, but act like you're the interviewer to see if she can be your girlfriend. Letting yourself be in power not only makes you more attractive, but also helps limit your chances of picking the wrong person just because she's willing to date you.
  7. Get her excited. After the appointment, don't call or text right away. Some people set an overall waiting time limit of 48 hours before contacting again. You don't have to set a limit, but you do need to avoid being too unnecessary. Don't call or text right after your appointment - wait at least one night.
    • The person who ends the conversation. Whether you're calling or texting, when you feel the end of the topic, be the one to end the conversation. This shows you are a busy person and that she will feel like talking to you more.
    • In the first phase, it is normal to actively text / talk / call first. In fact, it shows that you are really interested and serious, not playing for fun. Be comfortable with that. If she feels that you are serious, she will take the initiative. If she doesn't take the initiative, she doesn't like you that much.
    • Wait a few minutes before replying to the message. Responding right away makes you feel like just sitting around waiting for her text. Wait 5 to 20 minutes before replying to messages. Note that don't wait "too long" or the conversation may end.
  8. Take the initiative to make a second appointment. After a week or so, if you're still interested, consider going out with her again. Consider making a second date a bit more romantic than the first - going to dinner instead of going out for a coffee or hanging out with the two of you instead of with a whole group of friends.
    • Kiss her! If the mood is right and you haven't kissed yet, take this opportunity to give her a good night kiss. Watch for signs that she wants to kiss you. If this is your first kiss, just stop there, even if she invites you inside. Answer "Not tonight, but next time I will!". This shows you want something more meaningful while showing that you're still interested.
  9. Repeat. Each relationship will evolve in different ways. Sometimes you will have to take full initiative until the two of you officially become a couple. Sometimes she will take the initiative. If the case is the first, do your best to look at her cues when you are together as well as in her messages to see if she's completely disinterested in you or she's just are shy.
    • Look for in-person cues. If she enthusiastically responds to your flirting, laughs happily at your jokes, or is extremely comfortable around you, she may be interested in you too. On the contrary, if she crosses her arms and sits away from you, or refuses to look you in the eye, she may be completely disinterested. Try holding her hand while walking or placing your hands on her knees while watching a movie or having dinner. If she pushes away or seems uncomfortable, she probably isn't ready for you yet.
    • Review of text signals. If you feel like you are always the one trying to lengthen the conversation or she always replies briefly like "Great." "Okay." "Yes." etc., you can probably guess that she's not interested. She knows replies like that make conversation bland, and is just trying to be polite without making you misunderstand. However, in-person signals are usually more reliable. If you receive mixed signals, rely on meeting cues instead of text cues. If it is too difficult, you can talk to your mutual friend to help you better understand her behavior.
  10. Express one's feelings. Once you are pretty sure that you both have feelings for each other, offer to ask her to be your girlfriend. You can do this in a solemn and creative way or by simply meeting her in person. Remember never confess your love over text (or even over the phone). Don't change your relationship status on Facebook or mention she's your girlfriend until she agrees!
  11. Patience. Life often doesn't go as you would expect. Maybe your girlfriend will show up in the future or just after a while without you knowing for sure. No matter how old you are, a good relationship will still make your life more enjoyable, so don't rush, otherwise you may choose the wrong person and it hurts you. two. Be wise, love yourself and then fall in love with someone else. Wish you find your partner soon! advertisement


  • One of the best ways to have a girlfriend is to understand why you don't have one right now! Take a look at yourself and examine the flaws you might be good for and the strengths you have.
  • When you are in a place surrounded by girls, talk to them all and choose the one you are most interested in. Make it a habit for yourself to be able to exchange contact information with at least one girl at a time. If she's not interested, that's okay, you still have many other opportunities next time. If you date a few times but all went nowhere, don't worry. It is important that the more you date, the more chances you will have of a girlfriend.
  • Making eye contact is something lovers do. You can also do the same if the person you're talking to makes it clear that they are interested in you, but this can be quite risky because they may feel scared if they misinterpret your goals. Make eye contact when you talk, but make sure to see and turn your attention on something else from time to time. Also, make sure that you are not inclined to stare at another person's body (chest, hands, shoes or any other part) either out of interest or curiosity. In general, you don't want to make someone feel like they're being examined.
  • Have your own life. Girls often do not have feelings for guys who are unjust and job and stick to them all day long. Some people may like it, but it is for the wrong reasons - either they feel insecure and have a desire to take care of them or they are controlling their boyfriends.Unless you want to be in that situation, make sure you have relationships, interests, and goals.
  • If you are the shy type, it can be helpful to have a friend who is there to support you.
  • Learn to read body language. Whether you realize it or not, people give out certain cues to show how they feel about you. If you can read these signals, you will be able to use the right words and manners to do the things she likes or stop wasting time with people who don't like whatever you say. Or you do.


  • One of the things many guys don't dare go for is for fear that she might get them wrong. For example, maybe you don't want to bring something to her because you're worried she might think you're a patriarch and you're implying that she can't bring it herself. However, let go of the fear and think about what you really do. You are only helping her because you want to, and there's nothing wrong with it. If you have no intention of judging her abilities, then she's not a nice girl because she thinks of you that way, right? So go ahead. If what you're doing comes out of your heart, a nice girl will understand that.
  • Optimistic. If you have a bad day, just greet them with a good laugh. Don't complain to a girl about traffic jams, your boss or your job. If you can't take it, complain for a bit then end with "luckily I'm here with you now!"
  • Do not use cheesy statements. Girls usually like honest guys, not people who always like to say words taken from the internet.
  • Don't talk about past relationships. This is taboo and should be avoided. You will only show that you have not forgotten those feelings. If she asks about your old relationships, just tell her you realize that you are not as good as you think you are, so stop and look for someone more suitable. Keep it short and never ask about her ex.
  • Again, don't talk about your interests or interests over and over again unless the person is interested or asking. so many, so much question. If they only ask a few questions, it doesn't mean they're excited, they might just be being polite, so don't get too excited about telling your own story. When you meet someone for the first time, listen to what they have to say rather than just talk about yourself.