How to start journaling

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 JOURNALING TIPS for beginners | how to start journaling for self-improvement + 70 PROMPTS πŸ’«
Video: 9 JOURNALING TIPS for beginners | how to start journaling for self-improvement + 70 PROMPTS πŸ’«


To start journaling, you need a notebook, writing tool, and self-determination. The first step is to record the first diary lines. Then you can think about keeping a regular journal! Use your journal as a way to uncover your own inner thoughts and thoughts - things you can't confide in with anyone else.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare diary

  1. Find a notebook. This handbook could be a simple or beautifully decorated notebook. If you like simplicity then you just need to buy a basic notebook. For something more serious, look for an impressive leather diary - even one with a lock and key!
    • Choose notebooks with or without lines. Plain notebooks are often a great choice for writing purposes, while plain notebooks are great for art and painting. Think about what kind of journaling ideas you would like to have, and choose a notebook that will inspire you to write those ideas down.
    • If you plan to have a notebook with you (in a purse, backpack or pocket), make sure you use a notebook that is the right size for your convenience.

  2. Handbook decoration. Make your journal into your own journal by keeping it stylish and unique. Design a cover with your own words, art, stickers, and colors. Take advantage of fancy collages from your favorite magazines, and stick them inside or outside of your notebook. If you don't have a sense of decoration, just make your diary design simple!
    • Consider pagination. You can number all pages at once, or you can number each page every time you finish writing the page. This is a great way to capture what you write.

  3. Write an electronic journal. This is considered a secure and easily accessible means of storing your thoughts. Take notes in Microsoft Word or another basic word-processing program. Save your notes in a special folder, or edit them into a simple and easy-to-understand document.
    • Consider using a system that you can password access via the cloud or through the Internet. This way, you can open and edit your diary on any other computer or device! Try WordPress, or even use email client software.
    • As you feel the benefits of using a digital journal, you may remember the fun of journaling by hand. Try journaling if you're curious. Consider keeping journal entries and other notes in the drive of your computer.

Part 2 of 3: Start journaling

  1. First recorded. The most important step in journaling is to keep track of the first lines. Notebooks, decoration, and security are just the ways to make a journal a safe place to start taking notes. Think about the type of journal you want to write. Then, write down your thoughts.
    • Write about what happened today, including where you went, what you did and who you talked to.
    • Write about how you feel today. Indicate your joys, disappointments, and goals in your journal. See writing as a way to explore your emotions. Consider writing a dream diary.
    • Keep a study diary.Write about what you learned today. Use a journal as a way to explore and connect your thoughts.
    • Turn your experiences into art. Use a journal to write stories or poetry, sketch out, and plan projects. Don't be afraid to incorporate this in other notes.
  2. Date each time you journal. If you just want to keep a regular diary, then it's better to come up with some methods that can help capture writing time, and journal content. Complete the dates or whatever you need to refresh your memory, such as February 4, 2016 or February 4, 2016. To create a more detailed diary, write down the date. specific time of the day (morning, afternoon, evening), your mood, and / or your location. Dates should be at the top of the page or at the beginning of each note.
  3. Get involved in writing. Try not to think too seriously about what you are going to write. Get rid of your doubts, and write about the truth. The great thing about journaling is that you can write about stories that you won't tell others: those are the inner thoughts and thoughts that are hidden in the decisions you must make every day. Use it as an opportunity to explore yourself.
    • Imagine you are talking to someone. Whether you're confiding in your best friend or expressing your thoughts in a journal: it means you are taking them out of the world and making them come true. It can be difficult to grasp what you are thinking until you turn them into reality.
    • Use journaling as a healing tool. If you are haunted or bothered by something, try to write about it and find out why it lingered in your mind.
  4. Think before you write. If you have trouble finding ideas to write about, try taking a few minutes to reflect on how you are feeling. Writing can help you evoke these emotions. However, it can be difficult to start journaling until you have a clear idea of ​​where to start.
  5. Set a time for yourself. Try taking some separate time to journal. Set the timer for 5 to 15 minutes, and then allow yourself to relax. The "time is running out" of a ticking hour will motivate you to focus on taking notes. Don't worry too much about writing perfect! Just write what comes to mind.
    • If the timer ends and you still haven't finished writing, continue with the work in progress. The timer ticking is not to limit you, but simply to encourage you.
    • This is considered a great way to practice journaling habit in busy everyday life. If you are having trouble finding the right time to journal, you need to schedule time for this.

Part 3 of 3: Keep a diary

  1. Bring your journal with you. This way, you can take notes of your thoughts each time they come up. Keep a journal in your wallet, backpack, or pocket. When you have free time, pull out your journal, instead of scrolling through your cell phone. You will find this helps you maintain a daily writing routine.
    • Carrying a journal with you also has the plus of helping to keep what you write secret. If you have a journal with you at all times, the chances of it falling into the wrong hands are very low.
  2. Keep your journal in a private place. If you put your private thoughts in a journal, you probably wouldn't want anyone else to read it. Keep this notebook in places where no one can find it. Some great places to hide are:
    • Behind the books on the bookshelf.
    • Under a mattress or pillow.
    • In the drawer of the bedside table.
    • After photo frame.
  3. Diary covers should be kept private. Do not write on the cover of your diary information like "Confidential!" or "NOT read!" This just makes people curious and want to read it more than ever. It's best to leave the cover blank or disguise it to be something bland, such as "Homework" or "Shopping List."
    • If you want to write on the cover as "My Diary" or "Confidential!" Make sure you keep the notebook in a private place.
  4. Keep a journal regularly. Practice journaling. Enjoy countless mental health benefits of engaging with your emotions every day. Every time you write in your journal, remind yourself to be honest and tell the truth.
    • Try scheduling journaling time into your daily routine. Some people journal before they go to bed, or right after they wake up. Some people write while moving to work every day or during lunch. Find a time that suits you.
  5. Keep a journal every time you need to heal your emotional wound. Numerous studies have shown that journaling can be a great way to relieve grief, trauma, and other emotional pain. Let the writing habit to support you every time you feel things go down. advertisement


  • Consider naming your journal. This can motivate you to be interested and in the mood to write if you feel as if you are telling someone your story. Instead of writing "My Dear Diary", you can try writing "Dear Amanda", "Lovely Julio", "My dear Puppy", etc.
  • Add some personal information on the front page in case something happens to you and people need to know who they should contact. This is also very useful if you lose the diary. However, don't add information that you feel uncomfortable disclosing.


  • Make sure to keep a safe diary if you don't want anyone to read it! Keep it hidden where no one can find it: Whether it's family, friends, acquaintances or enemies.