How to start a "friends with benefits" relationship

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Steps To Turning Friends With Benefits Into A Relationship
Video: 3 Steps To Turning Friends With Benefits Into A Relationship


The idea of ​​a “friends with benefits” relationship (“FWB”) will bring joy and physical satisfaction if both want to have sex without deepen emotionally. While it is extremely difficult to steer your friendships to the boundaries of a boy-girl relationship, if you follow some basic rules, you will have a bond that is non-binding and no one will suffer. injury. If you want to know how to get started, just be bold and take the steps below.


Method 1 of 3: Choose a person

  1. Choose someone who can. "Possible" here is understood in every respect that celibacy is the most obvious definition. Not only being single, they also have to NOT be torn apart after a painful love, faced with the pain of losing a lover or so busy with school that they almost "live" in the library. Choose someone who is interesting, emotionally stable and willing to try anything - especially having sex with you.

  2. Choose someone you won't want to stick with. A non-binding "love" relationship usually ends because one person begins to fall in love with the other.So, don't choose someone you want to stick with unless you want to date, or you don't care that the person might be really hurt. How do I know who wants to stick with and who doesn't? In fact, you can't be 100% certain, but there are a few suggestions for picking out who doesn't want to stick:
    • If you've ever heard this person described as "stalking," whether coming from a friend or ex, be careful.
    • If your ex doesn't have a lot of friends, hobbies, or things to do, he / she may spend more time with you.
    • If you know this person has really liked you in the past, then it is better not to choose them. The perfect choice is someone you know he or she doesn't have a crush on.

  3. Choose the person you like. Key word - prefer, Not really really like. This is someone you find cute and enjoyable to spend with - you should like them just like you would like to spend a day on the beach with your friends. If you are planning to spend a lot of time with the person, then you need to draw boundaries of affection - remember that nothing is too serious.
    • Choose someone you like, but Not the person you want to date normally. Step out of your comfort zone and realize that you are looking for a hot sex partner, not a prospective spouse. If you choose someone you can date, you will likely end up falling in love with them.
    • You must also have a natural attraction to them. That doesn't mean you have to stay up for hours talking about the meaning of life with him - you just want to take off his shirt.

  4. Pick someone out of your social or professional circle. Do not have an FWB relationship with one of the association members you have known since the age of five, otherwise it will lead to serious dilemmas when the relationship ends. Regular sexual-cum-friendships last only a few months, so don't choose someone you meet a lot with.
  5. Choose someone with experience. You need to choose someone you know has experience with men and women - even if you hear that he or she is good at sex. That's what you guys are going to do, so it's better to choose someone you feel they won't disappoint. If the person has ever experienced some kind of "crossroad" relationship, better because he or she already has some experience in this. If the person is only in a seven-year relationship, he doesn't seem like your best choice. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Relationship establishment

  1. Flirt with that person. Start flirting with them with teasing, provocative touch or just expressing your attention to him or her. Let your ex know that you like them and offer no-need-too-discreet compliments. You don't have to be seductive because you're only looking for a partner.
  2. Began flirting. Once the person seems to like it, you can start kissing or do something more daring. Tell the person how attracted you are, but don't compliment your personality or say anything that sounds like you want to date.
  3. Set out the basic principles. Each pair you FWB is different. Some people know each other well enough to set the basic rules before having sex. But that can feel awkward and unnatural, so wait until your first kiss or "haze" begins. In theory, you need to talk before having sex to make sure you both have the same idea and that no one will get hurt. Here's what you need to say:
    • Make it clear that you are not going to be dating - you just want to "have fun." Both have sex on a voluntary basis.
    • Make sure you don't see each other often. You only meet two or three times a week, preferably in the evening. If you meet someone almost every day it is a date.
    • Decide that you will end the relationship when one begins to bond. Unless you are both in a crush, you should make it clear that if one of you begins to feel attached, it's over.
  4. Enjoy the passionate "rain clouds". Enjoy having sex with your "friends" by letting go and trying things you've never dared to do with your ex. This is a time to let go of yourself and experiment with techniques that you can apply and surprise your future partner. Feel free to try new sexual intercourse positions, sex in unfamiliar places without any precaution.
  5. Maintain communication. When you allow yourself to enter into an unreserved “love” relationship, don't forget to talk to your crush. Sure the two of you are infatuated with each other, but not too much. If you are going to meet again at a party, tell them how you will behave. If you are going with someone else, don't be confused about it. You don't have to give it your all, but you should remain conversational, as long as you know what to say and what not. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Keep everything natural

  1. Don't forget to meet other people. Part of a non-bonding relationship is that you are free to meet people. Don't forget this important privilege. If you are only involved with one person, it will soon turn the relationship into seriousness. If that is not what you want, continue to "squint" every time you go to a nightclub or party. Instead of waiting for text messages from your partner, look around for other options.
  2. Just follow nature. You can hang out with your FWB friend, but you need to make it clear that this is not a date. For one reason, you should spend more time dealing with your "physiological needs" than anything else. You can go out for a drink - not dinner. Try to make your accommodation hospitable so your partner doesn't want to stay with you the next morning.
    • If your partner sleeps over in your house, don't bake a pancake in the morning or give her a goodbye kiss. Be kind, but not loving.
    • Do not do things couples really do, like enjoying a short vacation together, going to the supermarket or going with your partner to a "date".
    • Don't go shopping together, or invite "FWB" to a wedding or party.
    • Do not accept gifts from someone you have an FWB relationship with, or call him / her just to have a chat.
    • Keep distance. Don't see the person more than two or three times a week.
  3. Still do your things. The joy of a non-binding “love” relationship is that you still have enough time to pursue your own goals, whether in graduate school, a passion for painting, or just having fun with friends. . You can stay connected with your partner and have plenty of time to do the things you enjoy throughout the day.
  4. Know when to stop. There are three reasons for the end of an FWB relationship: someone who is too attached, someone who finds someone they really want to date or both are bored and want to move on. The fourth reason is the end based on the natural timing of a relationship, such as the end of the summer season, the end of a long trip, or either or both of you graduate.
    • When you feel like everything should be over, that's the end. If you set the fundamentals in the first place, it's not so painful to talk about ending interaction.
    • And if it's rare for you and your partner to fall in love, just hold hands and enjoy the relationship.


  • Keep things light and fun. Don't be jealous when your partner is like someone or goes on a date. Remember that it is not a serious relationship between you two.
  • Make sure you are comfortable doing this.
  • Keep it private, don't brag about the great arrangement you have.
  • Don't discuss "future".There is no such thing as "responsibility" in an FWB relationship. Never ask about that.
  • Never try to talk about "we" or "what we are from each other". You are two friends who have sex with each other, not a couple.
  • Stay in touch with your target audiences before discussing non-binding “love”!
  • Treat your FWB partner the same way you treat your friends. Being comfortable and intimate is good, but don't forget to treat them like a friend, not like a lover.
  • Don't ask your partner to go to family picnics or other important events unless your family has known him or her for a long time. This will confuse people and look like you are dating.
  • Be sure to practice safe sex with any sexual partner.
  • Don't bring your ex-boyfriend / girlfriend up.


  • Don't get pregnant, be smart and keep safe.
  • Either or both is likely to develop a feeling of attachment. Therefore, always be honest with the other person. If your feelings for each other are no longer consistent, you need to terminate your FWB relationship immediately.
  • Make sure they understand the purpose of the relationship and don't assume you're dating.
  • You should initiate this type of relationship with someone who wants the same thing, avoiding their use.
  • Avoid being used. If your ex almost never talks to you in public or completely ignores you, stop the relationship and find yourself another person.