How to let your girlfriend love you more

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to KEEP Your Girlfriend! | 5 Ways to Make Her LOVE YOU!
Video: How to KEEP Your Girlfriend! | 5 Ways to Make Her LOVE YOU!


If you feel that your crush's feelings are cooling off, or are afraid your girlfriend can no longer feel your love, then it's time to work harder to keep her by your side. If the relationship between the two of you has not really formed yet but you love her very much and cannot live without her, try to show your love by showing more interest and attention to her and focus on maintaining the flame of love. To learn how to make your girlfriend love you more, start with Step 1 below.


Part 1 of 3: Make her feel special

  1. Compliment her more. If you want her to notice you, make her see that you really care about her. You won't be able to go too far by simply complimenting her on her appearance, or at the most just winning her sympathy, instead give her meaningful compliments at the right time to make her feel good. see your interest. If you are concerned about how she can love you more, she may be because she doesn't feel love for you yet, so let her know what's special about her that cares for you.
    • You can compliment her for an outstanding personality, say something like, “You are really good at being able to talk to most people. How can I do that? " or “You really are a diligent student. I wish I could study as hard as you do. "
    • You should pay attention to know when she wears the new shirt or when she has a new hairstyle. Say, “I like your new sweater. It really flaunts my eyes ”, she will then be impressed with your attention.

  2. Help her out. Another way to make her feel special in your eyes and win her love is to help her. For example, you can buy her lunch when she's busy, drive her around when needed, or help clean the house after a party. Spending time helping her is a way for her to appreciate your care. Of course, you shouldn't let her think that you are easily taken advantage of, but you will help her when possible and provided that she is willing to do the same for you.
    • She may refuse when you offer to help, but if she really needs your help, do her best to help her get through the problem.

  3. Support your girlfriend's goals and interests. If you want your girlfriend to see your special interest then you can't treat her like a girlfriend just to show off to everyone. You must pay attention to the things she likes and want her to succeed. If she really likes to play soccer then you should go to her games when possible. If she's trying to find a job, you can set up a mock interview. This way, your girlfriend will realize that you really want her to be successful and take care of the important things in her life. She will be touched by your concern.
    • If your girlfriend is sad, you should be there to comfort her and listen to her talk. Do not get angry when she is in a bad mood because she just went through some sad story or failure.
    • Encourage your girlfriend when a big day is coming. Good luck to her and tell her you'll think about her.

  4. Ask about her life. Don't let your girlfriend get depressed or think that you don't really care about them. As you get to know each other, ask about your girlfriend's life, from childhood problems to relationships with her friends and parents. You should also ask about your future goals or plans for the coming week. Show that you care about who she is and what is happening in her life.
    • Show your girlfriend that you genuinely care about her and don't just ask for social reasons. Make eye contact and really pay attention when she's talking about herself.
    • Ask more about her hobbies and interests, even if you don't really know them.
  5. Inquire about her situation for the day. If you want your girlfriend to show interest in you, you must ask at least once a day, whether it's calling or texting, to see how she spent her day. Knowing that you still think about her when you are not together, your girlfriend will be touched by that. Ask her if something important happened to her, such as a test or an important ball game. Show that you care for her even if you are miles away.
    • Of course, don't overthink this and keep asking after a few minutes, otherwise she will lose interest in the action. If she goes out to play with friends, give her privacy instead of constantly checking when she gets the chance, don't let her think you're jealous and want to take control.
  6. Show affection. The truth is that most men do not like holding hands or showing affection in public. But that doesn't mean you can't show any love or affection when you're together, like put your arms around your shoulders, stroke your hair, put your hands on hers, or get on your knees while you're talking. A little touch can also help, because you show that you really enjoy being with her. She may seem alienated because she doesn't feel like you really care, so acting cuddles are a great way to change that.
    • You don't have to hold your girlfriend's hand often, but hold it every now and then to let her see you care. When you go to the movies, squeeze her hand from time to time.
    • You don't have to kiss in public, but kiss when you meet and say goodbye to show her how much you care.
  7. Spend time listening to your girlfriend conscientiously. Listening is improved by most people, and men often do not listen to others.The next time your girlfriend speaks, listen carefully to every word, dismiss all distractions, and make eye contact with her. Don't interrupt or try to solve your girlfriend's problems, just listen and understand what she is saying. This will make her realize that you really care about them.
    • After she finishes talking, ask questions about how she feels. If your girlfriend asks for advice, make sure you have enough information for it.
    • Put the phone away when she is trying to tell you something. You will make your girlfriend angry if you keep checking her phone when she has something important to say.

Part 2 of 3: Making a better boyfriend

  1. Become a polite man. If you want to be a good boyfriend you have to work hard and be more polite. You don't have to overdo it or go pick up your girlfriend on the gorgeous carriage, but try to treat her with more respect and care. Open the door to let her get into a car or into a restaurant, pull up a chair to invite her to sit, give up your jacket when she's cold, and avoid being rude in front of her.
    • Don't worry: you don't have to act artificially or overly to be a gentleman. You should only treat your girlfriend with more care and care so she can see that you are truly a polite person.
  2. Improve communication skills. Many guys are very bad at communicating their needs to others. If you want to be a better boyfriend, you have to improve your ability to communicate your feelings honestly, learn how to communicate without getting angry, and how to manage not to be disappointed when you fail. get what you want. If you build better communication skills, your relationship will flourish.
    • When your girlfriend is sad, find out what is upsetting her and try to deal with her grief; If she gets upset that you are late, she might feel like you haven't invested much in the relationship.
    • Timing is also important if you have something important to talk about. If there's something big to discuss with your girlfriend, try to pick a time when she's not too tired or preoccupied with other things.
  3. Spend time with your girlfriend. You have to spend more time with your girlfriend if you want to be a good boyfriend. This doesn't mean that you should be with her 24/7 and look towards her at all times, but you should spend enough time developing relationships, from time spent on dates to time spent chatting. talk on the phone or watch movies with her. If you've always liked hanging out with your friends instead of with your girlfriend, she may feel left out.
    • That said, it is also possible that she loses her feelings of love because you are becoming too dependent, meaning you will always hang around her. You must maintain your own life, spend time with friends, and pursue hobbies and hobbies. Even though you should spend time with your girlfriend, let her see that you are interesting and active.
  4. Respect your girlfriend's independence. Spending time with your girlfriend is important, but respecting her own time and space is just as important. Let her have private outings without being jealous or call to check often; Avoid doing everything she likes, from running errands to volunteering for her. Let her do her own thing and support it, but recognize when she wants you to come along. Don't let her feel attached or feel like you don't like it every time she leaves.
    • If you are in too much control, your girlfriend may think you don't trust her or that you don't have confidence in your relationship. If you feel comfortable when she does things alone or hang out with friends, she will feel confident about who you are and what you two have.
  5. Be kind to your girlfriend's friends and family. Friends and family girlfriend are important people and can be the key to conquer her. Don't ignore them or just talk through the loudspeaker without taking the time to get to know them well. Ask about their health, share information about you, and show that you really care about them. Even if you do this for your girlfriend, it makes a big difference, and they may praise you every time she mentions you.
    • If your girlfriend invites you to hang out with her friends, accept it sometimes even if it doesn't interest you. This shows that you care very much for her and put in a lot of effort.

Part 3 of 3: Making relationships more interesting

  1. Join in new activities together. If you want the relationship between the two of you to be stable, you must find new hobbies to pursue together. You can watch horror episodes together, take a tennis class or go hiking. In general, you need to find things you can do together, to remind you of your relationship. If you just hang around with boring things, your excitement will fade away.
    • You can take a hip hop dance class, learn karate or draw, if that's your thing. Of course you don't have to do what you don't like.
  2. Create a creative date. While going to dinner and watching movies is fun, avoid boredom by changing this routine. Instead of going to dinner, invite your girlfriend over to cook for her. Instead of going to the movies, let's walk together under the sunset. Date a random Tuesday night instead of the usual Friday nights, just to feel new.
    • Meeting each other to the gym for climbing sports, learning boxing together, or doing a certain exercise is also very attractive job.
  3. Hang out with other people. While spending time together is the best way to maintain a strong relationship, but if you are always just hanging out together, it starts to get boring. Hang out with a group of friends from time to time, with your girlfriend's friends or family, or even make new friends together, so you'll never run out of jobs and always feel new in the relationship.
    • Group outings as well as private outings can help you get to know each other better. Even dating another couple can help keep the relationship fresh and fun.
  4. Follow the outbreak of thinking. It's fun to plan a date or do something together, but sometimes it's tempting to follow the crazy thinking. If the two of you happen to come across a new attractive restaurant, drop by to see if they have an empty table. If you suddenly feel bored on a Sunday afternoon, you can drive to the beach without planning ahead. Choosing to do completely random things is a way of keeping relationships fresh.
    • Is there anything that you and her often say they want to do but haven't had a chance to do yet? What better time than now?
  5. Pretend to be tall. Being honest, open, and showing your concern is important, but don't dedicate everything you have to her unless you want her to be complacent. Don't pick up the phone as soon as your girlfriend calls, make other plans on social media and don't overly spoil her but still let her know what you're interested in. If you pretend to be tall and let her chase, she will be more excited than knowing she has you in the palm of her hand.
    • If she thinks you're not always free to hang out together, she will appreciate your time together more.


  • Every day you should say you love her and remember to hug when you speak.
  • During regular dates:
    • Watch movies at home or at the theater
    • Dinner at home only 2 people
    • Go bowling
  • In romantic dates:
    • Camp at night
    • Evening sea walk
    • Cook dinner with coleslaw, fish and fruit salads
  • During play sessions:
    • Run and jump in the park and take pictures together
    • Camp on the beach
    • Hold an umbrella chasing the pigeons or gulls
    • Dance
    • Visit a museum