How to know if you are getting taller or not

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
πŸ“ The Secret To Growing Taller - by Dr Sam Robbins
Video: πŸ“ The Secret To Growing Taller - by Dr Sam Robbins


Almost every child wants to be taller, even some adults do. Unfortunately, there is no way to increase height quickly. If you are young, you need to be patient; If you are already mature, you will just hope for yourself not to start getting low too soon! Learn how to track your height and see if you're getting taller.


Part 1 of 2: Tracking the growth of the body

  1. Pay attention to signs of growth. Have you been headless lately in the aisle down to the basement? Finally, you have conquered the prescribed height line to get into the roller coaster? Slowly but surely, you're probably getting taller!
    • The short leg of your pants is a clear sign that you are taller. If the jeans you used to wear and wear and now look short as if you were preparing for flooding, it's time to measure your height (and buy some new pants).
    • Enlarged feet are another sign of growth. The foot is your support, similar to the root that keeps the tree standing, so the size of the feet always proportional to human height is not surprising.

  2. Find a reference point. If you have siblings, it is not only once you have stood with each other back to measure who is taller. However, the best way to prove that you are getting taller is to choose a non-rising score to compare.
    • Usually, you can use an immovable object such as the bottom edge of a wall sign, the ceiling of a tree house in front of your house, or someone not taller like your dad as a reference point. The closer you are to that the sign is at eye level, your head is about to hit the ceiling or your father's shoulder, the taller you are.
    • Of course, the point of reference to measure the height of a child in the past is often a wall, bar along the door or inside the door to mark the child's height.

  3. Stand close to the wall. One way to get accurate height measurements is to stay close to a flat like a wall, but consistency is of utmost importance. If you used to have bare feet when taking measurements, then be sure to remove your footwear every time you measure.
    • Remove shoes and straighten hair down if necessary.
    • Stand up straight with your back and heels placed against the wall. Feet bunched together and flat on the ground (don't tipto!)
    • Look straight ahead. Have someone mark the highest point on their head against the wall with a pencil. A less accurate way to measure yourself by yourself is to hold a book overhead, push the book against the wall, and hold the book in place while turning around for pencil marking.

  4. Mark your height increase. Parents often do this to know how tall their baby is!
    • Draw lines on the wall with a pen or marker if you want to keep the pencil longer, and make a note of the date (with the child's name and age, if you want).
    • If you do not like marking on the wall, you can take a tape measure the distance from the floor to the marker and write in the notebook along with the relevant information.
  5. See a doctor. Measuring height and weight is the primary procedure for health check-ups for children and adults, as abnormal variations in both of these measurements can signal that health is a problem. Your doctor will chart your growth rate, i.e. how your height changes over time.
    • The medical staff or physician will use the correct measurement to record; Ask for the result and write it down if you like.
    • If you are over 40 then don't be surprised if you start getting a little shorter with each measurement. By this age you have passed a long period of growth, and under the influence of gravity, especially in the spine, you will start to lower. However, an abnormally rapid decrease in height can be a sign of a medical condition like osteoporosis (essentially weak bones).
  6. Calculate your maximum height. Genetics play the most important role in height, so you can guess your maximum height by looking at your parent's height.
    • In the article "How to guess height" there are many methods to predict height, including the methods mentioned here. However, you need to know that the simplest methods will have an error of +/- 10 cm, which means if your predicted height is 1.67 m, then your actual height could be 1 , 57 m or 1.77 m.
    • The Reduced Gray method states the formula for adding father's height and mother's height, dividing it in half, then either adding 10 cm (boys) or subtracting 10 cm (girl).
    • For young children, the double height of an 18-month-old girl or a 2-year-old boy gives a fairly accurate estimate.
    • More precise calculation methods (easier with online calculation tools) or X-ray of the hand to determine β€œbone age” are especially helpful for older children.

Part 2 of 2: Increase the ability to increase

  1. Accept that there's not much you can do. Your maximum height depends largely on your genetics (about 70%), and the rest (30%) is determined by your health status, diet and environmental factors.
    • So if you end up getting lower or higher than you want it to be your genome, and don't try to swing the bar to get higher!
  2. Do not listen to the ads "increase height" attractive online. A single internet search came up with thousands of results with pages introducing "must-see" methods to increase height. Most of them are just bullshit. Not only does the special pill not help you get taller, but it can also make you sick, and it definitely costs you money.
    • Many websites describe stretching exercises. While stretching is good and can also help you gain a little more in the short term, you won't see lasting results with these exercises. Don't forget that gravity always prevails.
    • Even so, exercises that improve your posture to stand taller can help you at least look taller.
  3. Get enough sleep. The human body produces growth hormone during sleep, so the deeper and more restful you sleep, the higher your chances of reaching maximum height.
    • To maintain physical, mental and emotional health, growing teens should try to sleep 8-10 hours per night, preferably according to a certain time to keep the body's circadian clock balance.
  4. Healthy eating. No, here is not to mention the miraculous superfood that can turn you into a basketball player in the middle position, but the essential nutrients that are beneficial for the growth of the body.
    • You've probably heard a lot about healthy eating: eat more vegetables and fruits, lean protein, reduce saturated fat and refined sugars, eat more fresh, cut back on processed foods.
    • Certain special nutrients, such as calcium, that help strengthen bones (and thus improve posture), are also beneficial for the taller body and feeling.
    • The most essential nutrients like niacin, vitamin D, and zinc - all of which you get in a healthy and varied diet - also help with growth.
  5. Exercise regularly. Don't aim for exercise programs that promise to make you taller. Instead, focus on aerobic (aerobic respiration) and strength training exercises. Good health will create conditions for the tall body.
    • As noted above, stretching is also good for the body, but stretching exercises that promise to keep you taller forever won't have a lasting effect. You should focus on healthy and fit body and let the body naturally taller (within the range of genetic tolerance).
    • At least 60 minutes of activity a day can help your teen look and feel good, something that can help even if you're not taller. You can go to the internet to find recommended exercise regimes.


  • Pay attention to the fit when wearing clothes. The bottom of your pants, when you first bought it, hit the floor without reaching your ankles, is a sure sign that you are getting taller. But it's also possible that someone did the laundry improperly and your pants shrunk.
  • Don't obsess about height.There is little you can do to speed up growth, and some people only get little by little and soar in a short period of time.
  • If possible, ask someone else to mark your height, which will be easier and possibly more precise.
  • Try to measure your height at the same time of day each time. Your spine will relax while lying down and compress at the end of the day. In the morning you can be about 2.5 cm taller than in the evening.
  • Get old clothes from last year or even months ago to try them on. Where were the pants that were too long before? Now you have to wear it? You are growing up there!
  • Measure your height carefully in the same posture each time. You probably won't notice much change, so measure them carefully to ensure more accuracy.
  • For more accuracy, you should take measurements at the same medical facility every time you measure your height.
  • Don't get discouraged if you don't see much change. Enjoy life with no regard to height.
  • Don't panic if you are half a meter taller than your peers, because each person's growth rate is different.