How to know if she loves you or is just a good friend

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend
Video: 10 Signs Someone Only Likes You as a Friend


Often times, relationships are built on good friendships. Before your feelings are revealed, it can be difficult to "guess the guesswork" to see if she loves you or just wants to be a good friend. Determining the person's feelings without clear affirmations is really difficult; However, by grasping a few important signs, you will know what friendship is and what love is.


Method 1 of 3: Observe for signs

  1. Pay attention to eye contact. If she looks down when she meets your eye, or if she slightly bowed her head and smiles, that's a good sign that she's interested in you. It can be difficult to look someone in the eye when you have special feelings for them but haven't expressed it yet.
    • When her gaze moves in a triangular pattern, it's also a clear sign that she has a crush on you. She looks at one of your eyes first, then moves her gaze to the other, then down at her mouth, and so on.

  2. Note the gesture of using your hands to wrap your hair. Playing with your hair keeps the blood flowing and makes you feel attached to your body; So, if you find that she often wraps her hair with her hands, that's a positive sign.

  3. Pay attention to body language. If she leans closer to you, makes excuses to touch you, or lets the touch last longer, she may view you as more special than her friend.
    • If she touches your shoulder, gives you a gentle stroke, or hugs you for no reason at all, these are positive signs that she likes you.
    • If a girl wants to share a food or drink with you, she probably likes you.

  4. Notice if she laughs freely when she hears your joke, even if the content isn't too funny. If she laughs out loud every time you talk and laughs all the time, she definitely loves being with you. She was unconsciously saying "I really like you and like to hear you say".
    • When you're in love, you look at the person through pink lenses, so everything he or she says is perfect and funny.

Method 2 of 3: Examine her reactions around you

  1. Pay attention to how she treats you and other guys. If she likes you, she may be embarrassed or blush when you're around. If there's no difference in the way she treats you and the other guys, she probably just wants to be friends with you.
  2. Observe her behavior while in a group. If she likes you, she will give you a lot of attention, even when there are other people around. That's because she loves chatting with you and wants to spend time with you.
  3. See if she knows a lot about your interests. When a girl has feelings for you, she will remember the specifics you said. For example, she still remembers that you said you liked to eat chicken over beef, or memorized all your favorite songs.
  4. Try to make her jealous. Notice if she gets angry and jealous when you are flirting with another girl. If she doesn't seem happy or asks what you said to another girl, she already has feelings for you.
  5. Notice how her friends treat you. If they suddenly care about you or ask a lot of personal questions, they may want to know more about you because their friend has a special crush on you.
    • If they make fun of you while she's nearby, it's probably because they know she likes you.
  6. Listen to what she says while you are around. When a girl likes you, she will indirectly show it when you go out together. She could say the following:
    • "I love being with you."
    • "You are the person I've always loved."
    • "You're very funny."
  7. Notice who started first. If she always talks to you first, especially when there's no reason to, she definitely has a crush!
    • If she's texting just saying hello or saying she's thinking about you, this is a positive sign.

Method 3 of 3: Direct inquiry

  1. Ask her how she feels about you, frankly. It is perfectly normal to ask someone how you feel about you. The two of you will be embarrassed at first, but if she cares about you as a friend or more special, she will overcome that and appreciate how comfortable you are to sincerely speak. You can ask the following questions:
    • "How do you feel about me?"
    • "You see me as better friends than friends?"
  2. Ask questions about love and romance. If you don't want to ask her directly about her feelings for you, ask love questions to help you find answers. Here are a few questions to ask:
    • "How do you feel about love?"
    • "What do you think about good friends becoming lovers?"
  3. Ask a mutual friend to find out how she feels. The girls usually tell almost everything to their friends. If you don't have the courage to ask her about her feelings for you, try asking her best friend. However, you should also note that what you ask will be "reported" back to her by friends. Here are some common questions to ask:
    • "Do you know who she likes?"
    • "Did she talk about dating?"
  4. Find out what she said about you when you're not around. If she has reason to constantly mention your name, say positive things when you're not around, or smile when someone mentions you, she has special feelings for you.
  5. Proactively ask her out. Build up your courage and ask her to go to the movies, or have dinner. If she dresses well, or wears darker makeup than usual, that means she's trying to impress you. The girl who loves you will want to stand out in your eyes by being pretty and interesting. advertisement


  • See if she is willing to help you. If she offers to help you with something somewhat inconvenient, or wants to help you complete a project, she may have a crush on you.
  • If she likes you, she will tease you, or tease you about previous relationships.
  • If you like someone, let that person know!
  • Does she wait for you after school or choose a seat next to you during lunch? If someone is interested in you or confided in you often, they may have fallen in love with you.


  • Watch for signs that she doesn't have feelings for you, such as refusing to hang out with you, and not answering your texts and calls.