Ways to Turn luck into luck in life

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ancient Ways To Increase Your Luck
Video: 3 Ancient Ways To Increase Your Luck


When life only gives you lemons, make a glass of lemonade. The proverb we often hear is meant to advise you to make the best out of unfortunate situations in life. If you get something sour like a lemon, try to find the sweetness it can give. Indeed, easier said than done, but learning to live a more positive life in the face of adversity is something you can do.


Method 1 of 3: Making the best out of unfortunate situations

  1. Find out the lessons. You can more easily glide through unfortunate situations in your life by turning them into lessons in your memory. Almost anything you encounter in life has something to learn from. This will help you cope with negative situations with a positive attitude. Find the lessons and apply what you learn in the future.
    • When you are faced with a difficult problem, think of it as a challenge that will help you train to be stronger in the upcoming situations. By asking yourself, "What can I learn from this incident?", You can confidently leave it behind knowing that you will make a smarter, more careful decision along the way. Upcoming.

  2. Control things at your fingertips. People naturally naturally feel optimistic about unfortunate situations in their life when they are in control. It is true that this life has many things beyond our control - the weather and the price of gas, for example. However, we should focus on things that are under our control to have a better view of life.
    • Indeed, research has shown that in unfortunate situations, subjects with relatively high control tend to have a much more optimistic attitude, such as a driver in a car accident or someone with skin cancer. compared to those with very little control like passengers in a car accident or someone wearing a hearing aid.

  3. Seek social support. No matter what you face, you will find a greater sense of peace of mind knowing that there are other people with you. Regardless of whether you are in financial trouble, suffering from a recent breakup in love, or dealing with an illness - there are people out there who understand and understand you. Connecting with them can help ease your feelings of loneliness.
    • You can always count on a friend or loved one in difficult times. However, do not hesitate to seek out religious leaders or counselors. You can even connect with people in the same situation as you in online groups or forums.

  4. Change language. Most people often don't think about the true meaning of what they say. We just arbitrarily utter the murky words and thoughts that come along. Research has shown that just one negative word can stimulate stress-causing chemicals in the brain. Here are the words you need to take out of your vocabulary to improve your optimism.
    • Get rid of the "must" and instead "will" - "I'm going to the gym today to practice."
    • Change "trouble" to "situation" - "We need to discuss this situation."
    • Replace "mistakes" with "valuable lessons" - We all learn from our precious lessons.
    • Switching "bad" to "unwise" - "I made a bad choice today."

Method 2 of 3: Learn to cope

  1. Develop positive coping skills. You've probably heard, in most cases, the situation itself is not as important as how you react to it. Optimistic people often have a positive attitude in reacting actions as well as in thinking patterns. The key to maintaining optimism is to acquire good skills to apply in times of stress and difficulty. Such skills may include:
    • Nurture good friend relationships
    • Be physically active
    • Use humor to elevate your mood
    • Rely on your own spirit
    • Practice meditation
    • Escape from reality through reading
    • Pursue interests and hobbies
    • Play with your pet
  2. Keep busy. Don't try to find happiness, as it can backfire. Instead of trying to find joy, find busyness. Moments of perfect happiness will naturally come to you. And when you feel negative thoughts come up, choose a coping skill to work with wholeheartedly and free your mind from frustrating thoughts. Finding busyness in life is one way to deal with pessimism.
  3. Practice gratitude habits. One sure way to feel more optimistic about life and turn risks into goodness is to cultivate gratitude. Science has shown that daily gratitude has many benefits: increased happiness and work, less loneliness and aloofness, improved immunity, and endless cycles of happiness. gestures of kindness propagate from one person to another.
    • Bring gratitude into your daily life by being mindful of the small but wonderful things that happen every day. Have fun with baby laughter, snuggle under warm blankets and read a good book, enjoy a delicious meal or hug a loved one.
    • Embrace gratitude not only by recognizing but also recording those little miracles. Start writing a “gratitude diary,” describing the little good things that happen before your eyes each day, and delving into specific events or situations for which you are grateful.
  4. Healthy living. When you take good care of your mental and physical well-being, you will see your mug as half full, not half full. A healthy lifestyle includes:
    • Exercise regularly - 5 sessions per week for 30 minutes
    • Eat a healthy diet with well-balanced meals - 3-5 meals a day
    • Get enough sleep - 7-9 hours a night
    • Managing stress with coping skills
    • Have fun - do things that make you laugh
  5. Keep a balance. No one has a perfectly good or bad life. Being realistic is also an important part of true optimism. Blind optimism when you look at things pink can quickly disappoint. And if you don't regularly look back at your goals to be realistic, you may end up with the same outcome month after month.
  6. Refrain from thoughts of comparison. Comparing your life and your accomplishments to others is a bad habit that you need to quit. A comparison makes you feel bad about yourself, because there is always someone out there who is more attractive than you, richer than you or more successful than you. You need to practice letting go of idealized thoughts and getting more realistic.
    • Instead of looking at and idealizing someone else's life from the outside, you should have a more realistic thought that the person also has flaws and bad days. We humans are not perfect.
    • Accept that people also have things that you cannot see, and then you will no longer feel sad about your shortcomings.
  7. Keep relationships with positive people. One way to ensure you are on the right track when looking for a brighter vision is to spend hours, every day of your life with the people who make you feel valued and worthwhile.
    • Your surroundings have a great influence on your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. With the support of friends and family, you'll have the best chance of growth.

Method 3 of 3: Change the way of thinking

  1. See the benefits of being an optimist. Optimists - who look on the bright side of things - are often more successful in all aspects of life, from school and work assignments to relationships.Not only do they live a more successful life, they also live longer. Fortunately, you don't have to be a self-optimistic person to reap these benefits. Optimism can be completely learned.
    • Researchers believe that optimism can be learned through a series of behaviors, by displaying affectionate gestures, by taking risks and failures, and by observing optimists.
  2. Overcome negative thought patterns. The first step in turning risk into luck is to realize your negativity. If you don't know that you tend to only see the bad side of things, you won't be able to change this habit. Every day, keep an eye on your thoughts, be aware of the negative assumptions you often make.
    • When you notice a negative thought pattern, get over it by thinking up and saying something more positive. For example, when you break a school test and come to the conclusion "I'm not good at anything!", Turn that thought into "Math is difficult, but I'm really good at literature and history." .
    • If you have inherent pessimism, overcoming that natural negative thinking may seem insincere. Fight that fake feeling; Gradually it will get easier.
  3. Foresee the best possible results. Successful people in many disciplines often practice visualization to find success - including professional athletes and executives. The visualization method serves four purposes: generating creative ideas to help you reach your dream goals, programming your brain to find and identify the resources you need to succeed, attract people. and the situation is positive on your part (that is, stimulates the law of gravity), and gives you the necessary motivation to embark on appropriate action.
    • The visualization method is a technique that you can master easily. Set aside a few minutes of quiet each day. Close your eyes and visualize your life as you reach your goals. Visualize everything happening in vivid detail, stimulating your senses so that the image becomes even more real.
  4. Expect the worst. Becoming an optimist can be comfortable and happy, but if your deep pessimism is struggling with it, you need anticipation. There is a very nice adage here, "I am an optimist, but an optimist who brings a raincoat". Expect the best, but also plan for the worst.
    • This tactic helps you balance between budding optimism and extreme pessimism. You put your energy into good results, but also have an alternative plan to deal with the worst if it does happen.