Reduce facial swelling

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Perform a Lymphatic Drainage - DIY Face Massage Video to Reduce Facial Swelling
Video: How to Perform a Lymphatic Drainage - DIY Face Massage Video to Reduce Facial Swelling


Facial swelling can be caused by a variety of causes, including allergic reactions, dental treatments and medical conditions such as edema. In most cases the face is only slightly swollen and the problem can be treated with an ice pack and elevation of the head. If your face is very swollen, see your doctor immediately.

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Method 1 of 3: Treating facial swelling

  1. Look for possible causes of the swelling on your face. There are a number of conditions and reactions that can cause facial swelling. Treatment can vary by cause, so identifying the possible cause of the swelling will help you choose the right approach or treatment. Some possible causes include:
    • Allergic reactions
    • Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin
    • Sinusitis, a bacterial infection of the sinuses
    • Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the lining around the eyes
    • Angioedema, a severe swelling under the skin
    • Thyroid problems
  2. Use an ice pack. Placing something cold on a swollen area can help soothe inflammation and pain. You can wrap ice in a towel or use an ice pack and hold the ice against the swollen areas on your face. Hold the ice pack against your face for 10 to 20 minutes.
    • You can use the ice pack several times a day for up to 72 hours.
  3. Raise your head. By raising the swollen area, you can ensure that the swelling subsides. So it can help to put your head up. Sit with your head up during the day. When you get into bed at night, lie down so that your head is elevated while you sleep.
    • You can place pillows under your back and head so that your upper body is at an angle to the headboard.
  4. Avoid heat. If your face is puffy, it is important to avoid all hot things for at least 48 hours. Heat can make your face swell even more and make inflammation worse. That means you can't take a hot shower or bath, avoid bubble baths, and don't use hot compresses.
  5. Try turmeric paste. Turmeric is a natural remedy believed to reduce inflammation. You can make a paste by mixing turmeric powder or freshly ground turmeric with water. You can also mix turmeric with sandalwood, which also helps with inflammation. Apply the paste to the swelling on your face, taking care not to get it in your eyes.
    • Let the paste sit on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off the paste and press a wet, cold cloth against your face.
  6. Wait for the swellings to subside. Some swelling will go away on their own, especially if caused by minor injuries and allergies. You will just have to be patient and wait for the swelling to go away. However, if the swelling does not subside or disappear within a few days, see a doctor.
  7. Avoid certain painkillers. If you have facial swelling, don't take aspirin and other NSAIDs to relieve pain. These types of over-the-counter pain relievers can keep your blood from clotting properly. This can cause bleeding and the swelling can become more intense and last longer.

Method 2 of 3: Get medical attention

  1. Contact your doctor if symptoms get worse. Contact your doctor if the swelling does not go away within two to three days and your symptoms get worse.You may have an infection or the inflammation may be caused by a more serious condition.
    • See your doctor if your face feels numb or tingly, you have vision problems, or see pus and other signs of infection.
  2. Use an antihistamine. The facial swelling can be caused by an allergic reaction. You can try an over-the-counter antihistamine to see if it helps. If the medicine does not help, see your doctor. Your doctor can determine the underlying cause and prescribe a stronger antihistamine.
    • Your doctor can prescribe an oral or topical antihistamine.
  3. Use a diuretic. Some facial swelling can be treated with drugs that help remove excess fluid from your body. This mainly concerns swelling caused by edema. Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic, or diuretic, to help get rid of the excess fluid in your urine.
  4. Switch to other medications. Sometimes the medications you are taking, such as prednisone, can cause swelling, such as facial swelling. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking. If your doctor suspects that the swelling is caused by your medication, he or she will prescribe other medications for you.

Method 3 of 3: Make lifestyle changes

  1. Put more pillows under your head when you go to sleep. If your pillow is too flat and your head hangs down too much when you sleep, your face may swell. Place one or two extra pillows or pillows that are thicker than you are used to on your bed. This change raises your head, which can help reduce swelling when you wake up in the morning.
  2. Provide a healthy and balanced diet. Eating a lot of sugar and starch can contribute to bloating. To get this under control, ensure a healthy and balanced diet with high-quality proteins and vegetables that do not contain starch, such as leafy vegetables. Try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, and drink and eat as little alcohol, sugary drinks and processed foods as possible.
  3. Make sure you consume less salt. Salt can cause inflammation and swelling and make you retain moisture. Eating less salt may help reduce facial swelling. According to doctors, most adults should consume about 1,500 mg of salt per day.
    • You can get less salt by eating less prepackaged foods, fast foods, canned foods, and processed foods. These types of foods contain large amounts of salt.
    • Choose to cook your own food with fresh ingredients to keep an eye on your salt intake. This way you can keep your salt intake under control, which is not possible if you eat prepackaged food.
  4. Keep moving. By moving little, moisture can accumulate, which can cause swelling. Make sure you exercise moderately intensively for at least half an hour every day, for example by jogging or walking. This can help control chronic swelling.
  5. Drink more water. Dehydration can cause inflammation and worsen conditions that cause facial swelling. A lack of water also makes your skin dry and irritated, which can cause inflammation. To keep your face shiny and healthy, drink at least 8 glasses of water with a capacity of 250 ml every day.
  6. Do facial exercises regularly. Facial exercises such as sucking your cheeks in and pursing your lips can help keep your face taut and firm. Other facial exercises that can work well include:
    • Gently tap the face with both middle fingers at the same time.
    • Make a peace sign with your fingers and gently push your eyebrows up and down with it.
    • Clenching your teeth and making exaggerated movements like "OO, EE".


  • Facial swelling caused by a severe allergic reaction can lead to anaphylactic shock that requires immediate medical attention. If the swelling is accompanied by symptoms such as a swollen throat, difficulty breathing, anxiety, a faster heart rate and dizziness, call 911 immediately.