Making a man want to marry you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Him Want To Marry You | 3 Reasons Why!
Video: How To Make Him Want To Marry You | 3 Reasons Why!


Finding a partner is difficult, but keeping a partner with you is even more difficult. They are both important steps towards marriage. There are plenty of women who find a man who wants to commit himself to them forever. What is their secret? This is not a comprehensive guide, but the following tips may help you on your way to a deeper relationship.

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  1. Love yourself. Think carefully; would you marry yourself? If you are not satisfied with yourself, you cannot expect others to be. Analyze yourself and change what you don't like. Self-confidence is the key to success.
  2. Communicate. From the very beginning of the relationship, but also during the marriage, communication is the way to keep the relationship good. Tell him your positive and negative feelings.
  3. Be yourself. Despite all the glamorous advertisements, silicone breasts, hair dye, and so on, a man prefers to see an authentic woman. Be natural and don't show off. He needs to get to know your true self, because that's the one he'll be living with once you get married.
  4. Be sexy. While sexuality isn't the only thing in a relationship, it is an entire aspect. Show him that you are romantically interested in him. Don't try to be squeamish and reserved. Make sure this aspect of your relationship is vibrant, fun, and free. Men who want to get married are not just looking for a roommate.
  5. Know your role. An important aspect of any relationship is the awareness of both partners of the crucial and irreplaceable role they play for each other. Make sure you share the same view of the relationship. If you're looking for a future father for your kids who doesn't want a serious relationship, it's not going to work.
  6. Keep both feet on the ground emotionally. Life with you shouldn't be a rollercoaster. Men prefer stable women and vice versa. In our hectic lives, it is sometimes difficult to stay calm and stable, but it is not impossible. If you have been called a “Drama Queen” several times, seek guidance in stabilizing your emotions.
  7. Men are usually slower in the bonding process because they are very careful when getting to know a woman before committing to her. They date for a while before calling themselves your boyfriend, and they are your boyfriend for a while before they get engaged. This is often difficult for women to accept, but we can also learn an important lesson from it. Men want to make sure that they are a match for their partner on all fronts (something that women should be too). This process should be done at their own pace. Don't pressure a guy to make a decision before he really knows you; that only makes him insecure. Don't talk about getting married unless he brings it up or if you've been in a relationship for about a year.
  8. Keep dating fun, the way dating should be. If the dating goes well and you have good contact with each other, he will want you as a steady girlfriend after a while. Once you share more experiences and he starts to see you as a person he wants to stay with forever, he will start to think more seriously about his future and work and start thinking about bigger goals like buying a house . He will want to talk more and more about the future. Only once he has made a decision about you and feels prepared and mature enough to propose to you will he get on his knees.
  9. Be self-assured. Be sure of yourself and be willing to take on anything that comes your way. Many men like confident women. How can a man not feel honored when he gains the trust of a woman who values ​​herself?
  10. Show affection with style. A special look, a tickle on his back or a soft kiss is sweet, but not inappropriate.
  11. Appreciate its strengths. Tell him you appreciate him, even if he's already proud. Support him when he is at his best and avoid whining or “mothering” at his lesser moments.
  12. Have fun. This may seem obvious, but it is an important factor in any relationship. Use your sense of humor. Don't be tense or negative.
  13. Be happy. Women who have a positive outlook and love every minute of it are incredibly attractive to men
  14. Ray. If the warmth of your heart is on your face, and your feelings for him are in your eyes, you will melt his heart. This will make all his doubts disappear. This gives a golden edge to your relationship.
  15. Try to be humble. A humble person is not one to put himself down; it is a person who has her ego under control and shows genuine interest in others.
  16. Date. This may not be obvious, but you should date and start a relationship with a man before he proposes. The term “date” in our culture is vague and is sometimes seen as something bigger than it actually is. Have conversations with each other and learn more about each other and your lives.
  17. Don't make assumptions. Some guys take more time than you'd like before proposing. If you really want to marry him, he is worth the wait (within reason). But if he's still uninterested (or worse, has excuses) after a long period of time, you may need to rethink the relationship.
  18. Remember that romance has to come from both sides. If you want to be respected and treated as an equal, then offer him the same. Be romantic. Make sure the relationship offers him enough too. Don't hold back. Men usually like romance too; if you ignore this fact, you will eventually chase him away.
  19. Be aware that some men don't mind dating a nice woman when they don't see her as marriage material. If, after six months, you still haven't heard him say anything about his future plans for marriage or family (with or without you), you may have to ask him, "What qualities are you looking for in your partner for the future?" If he mentions qualities that he previously attributed to you, that's a good sign. It's not a good sign if he mainly compliments you about sex.
  20. If you would like to have a serious conversation with him, think carefully about how you approach him. Don't approach him too seriously. This can come across as threatening and fuel his fear of commitment. Be delighted and positive. “I love to spend time with you and I feel happy when I am with you. I would like to check if we are still aligned. I know it is too early now, but I would like to get married in the future. I want to make sure I'm dating someone who shares the same values ​​as me. Are you starting to see me as someone you would eventually want to do that with, now that we are getting to know each other better? ”
  21. Give in to unconditional love. A good relationship should be based on more than convenience. Going through difficult times together requires dedication and respect for each other. Unconditional love develops over time. It is a choice we make, not a feeling that just happens to us.


  • Show confidence - women who believe in themselves and are happy with themselves are irresistible to men. Smile, show that you love him and yourself, and show how happy you are with the relationship.
  • Be positive, be brave and enjoy life! If you think you need him to complete your life, focus on yourself for a while and learn how to feel complete without him. Don't look for a man to fill a void in your life.
  • "Win the man, not the discussion": Quarrels happen in every relationship. You can solve problems by talking about them, but especially by talking about them effectively. Don't start over about past disagreements; that is history and it is best to stay that way. Do not discuss problems with your partner if you have not first processed them emotionally. If you get angry or sad when you think about a problem, don't talk about it with your partner just yet. If you do, you run the risk of your emotions taking over. You do not think and communicate clearly and the conversation can easily result in an argument. Speak objectively and be open-minded. If you want him to understand you, you must also be willing to listen to and understand him.
  • Always, always, always keep trying new things in different areas. Whether it is a new recipe, a new sport or a new holiday destination. That keeps life exciting and keeps you interested in your own life. Both men and women become depressed when they know exactly how the rest of their lives will go.
  • Be honest and sincere from day one.
  • Show dedication. Be open. Be honest. Keep communicating.
  • Know what you are looking for in a man. Find out what qualities your ideal partner should have so you can find the perfect match. Be honest in communicating your preferences, but in a subtle and loving way.
  • You need to be able to trust your partner and genuinely believe that he will not cheat on you. Real men don't cheat; they end the relationship or divorce you in a respectful way and will never offend you.
  • Realize that a relationship has different phases. If you're new to dating, don't be looking for a soul mate just yet, but rather find someone whose company you enjoy and who likes to be with you.
  • It is important to stay yourself. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Make sure to keep what attracted him to you. Men are known to appreciate women who in their eyes are beautiful, handsome and sexy. If you ignore this fact, don't expect your husband to see you as the most beautiful woman in the world.
  • If he doesn't want to marry you after a few months, he probably never wants to. You don't want your husband to take you for granted. Your partner must see you as his first choice or something is wrong.
  • Don't expect a ring if you don't show respect to your man by flirting openly with other men in front of him.
  • Profile yourself as a woman that a man can be proud of. Emphasize your positive and unique qualities, talents or interests.
  • As author Sarah Ban Breathnach said, "If you wait for the best, you will usually get it." Expect good things to happen. Create a specific goal by defining exactly what you want in a man. Adjust this goal once in a while. Prepare yourself mentally to meet and marry the man of your dreams.
  • You have to be comfortable with men. No man wants to spend the rest of his life with a man-hater.
  • Ironically, women who insist too much on marriage push their husbands away from them.
  • If he loves you, he'll say it back when you say, "I love you." If he doesn't love you, he's more likely to say something like, "Really?"


  • In many cases, women who are eventually abandoned by their husbands have fallen into one of the following pitfalls:

    • Marrying a man who doesn't suit you in the hope that you can turn him into the ideal man. If the man you want to marry doesn't meet your expectations, don't try to change him during your marriage. That will make you both unhappy.
    • Forgetting that your husband should be a life partner and not just your lover. Most long-term relationships start when two people have a lot in common and become friends - the kind of friend you can talk to and trust.
    • Refuse to compromise. Neither of you will ever get everything they expect from the other or from life. Long-married couples almost always report that the secret to a good marriage is compromise, and that both partners should give as much as they expect from the other.
    • Complain. You better not be negative. Believe it or not, after a while it's like playing the same bad disc record over and over again. On the other hand, don't commit to a guy who expects the relationship to always be rosy and sunny, because that will make YOU unhappy. Be authentic, be real. Authenticity is very attractive.
    • Assume that for men it's all about sex. Having sex quickly and often does not automatically make a man stick with you. Tip: The time when you first have sex is not related to the duration of the relationship.
    • Regarding your appearance. Good looks are not enough to keep a good man with you forever. If a man enters into a relationship with you based on your appearance, prepare for a sad life together.
    • Not daring to take risks. Don't worry too much and have the balls to go for what you want. Be brave!
    • General Problems. Men from your past have nothing to do with your new guy. You should enjoy being a woman and be attracted to the masculine traits of your new man.
    • Jealousy. Unfortunately, jealous people can also cheat.
    • Criticism. Research shows that when people criticize another, the recipient assigns the criticisms to the speaker himself. Do you want to dig your own hole with your criticism?
    • Vanity. No man likes women who think they are better than everyone around them. Positive confidence is good. Vanity is bad.
    • Don't check. If you control him, you're not giving him the respect he needs to feel good about himself.
    • Do not humiliate him or doubt his manhood. He is guaranteed to leave you.
    • Control yourself and watch your words, even when you're angry or frustrated. You cannot take back your words.
    • Consider marrying someone who doesn't want to marry you before you go out of your way to propose to you.