Get your hamster to trust you

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to tame/make your hamster like you
Video: How to tame/make your hamster like you


Hamsters are cute little animals to keep as pets. They are inquisitive by nature and can be fun to observe in their cages. But hamsters don't automatically trust people. In fact, because of your size (you are hundreds of times bigger than your hamster), he can even see you as a predator until proven otherwise. With time, patience, and gentle handling, your hamster will learn to trust you and get to know you the way you are.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Acclimate your hamster to your home

  1. Place your hamster's cage in a good place. Acclimatizing your hamster to its new home is an important step towards gaining its trust. Finding a good place for your hamster's cage will make getting used to it easier. A warm room is ideal for your hamster, especially if it is draft-free.
    • The room should not be too busy with human activities - this can be scary or confusing for your hamster.
    • Your bedroom is usually not a good place for a hamster cage, as your hamster is a nocturnal animal and will make a lot of noise while you sleep.
  2. Give your hamster time to get used to your home. Give your hamster at least a few days to get used to its new environment. During this time, your hamster will begin to familiarize itself with where the items are in its cage (food, water, place to sleep).
    • Don't be alarmed if your hamster washes and grooms its muzzle or its coat excessively. These are not signs of nervous tension, as is usually thought. On the contrary, it is scent marking and claiming its new territory.
    • Scent marking gives your hamster a chance to spot places and things in his new home.
  3. Approach your hamster's cage with care. Your hamster will likely view you as a massive predator at first. You don't want to confirm to him that his experience of you is correct by approaching his cage in a threatening way. Instead, your approach should be slow and calm, without any unexpected movements and noises.
    • Try to talk to him in a low and soft voice when you get close to and reach his cage.
  4. Stand close to his cage. During those first few days of habituation, your hamster may hide in its cage when you approach it. He can still be very wary of you and his new environment. Over time, however, your hamster will relax enough to do normal hamster activities, such as exploring his cage, while you are around.
    • Talking to him in a low and soft voice can help him relax and get comfortable with your presence.
    • You don't have to stand by his cage for a long time. Try to stand there for a few minutes at a time to see how he reacts to you.
    • Once you see him go about his normal activities when you are around, keep talking to him. The sound of your voice will help it adapt further.
    • Consider offering him treats when you are near his cage. Put them on the bottom of his cage, as he probably won't be ready to eat from your hand just yet.
  5. Don't take it in your hands. It is very important that you do not touch your hamster during its adaptation period. Getting used to his new home will be hard enough for him without you trying to get hold of and pick him up. It will be enough to talk to him and be with his cage.

Part 2 of 2: Handling your hamster

  1. Work with your hamster when it is alert. Once your hamster is used to its new home and your presence, you can gain its trust by handling it properly. He will be more receptive to work with you when he is wide awake and alert, which is at night.
    • Do not wake your hamster to work with him. If he's fast asleep, being awakened suddenly can cause him to jump on the defensive, which can lead to you getting bitten.
    • If he's doing something else when you approach his cage, get his attention by tapping the cage gently, moving his water bottle, or talking softly to him.
  2. Wash your hands. Clean hands are important when handling your hamster. If your hands smell like food, your hamster will perceive your hands as food and will likely try to bite them. Make sure to wash your hands with unscented soap - even a fruit-scented soap can cause your hamster to bite your hands.
    • If you have several hamsters, wash your hands between handling as well. The smell of one hamster on your hands can lead the next hamster to believe he is being attacked.
  3. Let your hamster get used to your hand. Your hamster will trust you when he can trust that your hands will not harm him. Wash your hands well and then slowly place one of your hands on the bottom of his cage. Let him explore your hand by smelling it.
    • Don't be surprised if your hamster runs away and hides when you put your hand in its cage for the first time. From its perspective as a prey animal, your hand entering its cage can be seen as a large bird diving down to pick it up.
    • Rest your hand in a non-threatening manner, with your fingers bent. Spreading your fingers can make your hamster think it is being attacked.
    • Don't pull your hand away if he starts nibbling it. His nibbles are a way to explore your hand. If you suddenly pull your hand away, you can scare him and make him more wary of your hand.
    • Try giving him treats, talking to him, or stroking his back while he becomes more comfortable with your hand. Eventually he will take your treats out of your hand.
  4. Pick up your hamster. When your hamster is comfortable with your hand, slowly reach into its cage with both hands. Hold your hands like a bowl and wait for your hamster to walk on your hands. Support him with both hands as you slowly lift your hands out of the cage. Have him watch you while you lift him - He will know what is happening to him and will be less likely to jump.
    • Your hamster may get scared and jump off your hands while your hands are still in the cage - let him do his thing.
    • If he seems tense, calm him down by giving him a treat and / or petting his back. It can also calm him down if you talk to him in a low voice.
    • Your hamster may flounder when you pick it up, as a sign that it is irritated that it is being held.
    • If he continues to struggle, gently put him back in his cage and try again later.
    • If you have trouble picking it up with your hands, put an empty mug in its cage and let it climb into it. When it is in the mug, you can gently pour it out into your hands.
  5. Hold your hamster for short periods. It can be very stressful for your hamster to be held by you. Try to hold it for a few minutes at first, then slowly increase the amount of time each time you pick it up. Focus on holding it for about five minutes a day.
    • Hold it close to your body and stroke its back and muzzle.
    • When he's more comfortable holding him, sit or lie on the floor and let your hamster crawl and climb over you.
  6. Do not drop your hamster. When you pick up and hold your hamster, don't drop it. Hamsters have poor eyesight and no depth of view, so your hamster will have no idea how far it is from the ground. In addition, your hamster can injure itself if it is startled and tries to jump out of your hands when you get it out of its cage.
  7. Put your hamster back in its cage. After a few minutes, or when he starts to get tense, put your hamster back in his cage. Just as you picked him up, put him back in his cage with slow and gentle movements.
    • Try to keep your hands on the bottom of the cage before letting it out of your hands.
    • Give him a treat when you put him back in his cage.


  • Be patient with your hamster as he learns to trust you.
  • Despite his reluctance at first, your hamster will want to make contact with you. In fact, hamsters thrive on human interaction and affection.
  • Hamsters are creatures of habit. Try to handle your hamster at around the same time every night.
  • If your hamster is struggling, it could mean that he / she needs attention, is anxious or irritated. You will have to understand and look around to see what is bothering him.


  • Your hamster can injure itself if it falls.
  • Your hamster may try to bite your hand while learning to trust you. To discourage biting, blow gently on your hamster's face when it bites you.