Know when to tell someone you like them

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How Tell Someone You Like Them The Right Way Without Screwing It Up
Video: How Tell Someone You Like Them The Right Way Without Screwing It Up


When you are in love with someone, it can be very difficult to have the courage to let them know. If you tell them you run the risk that they won't be interested, but if you keep your feelings to yourself, it can be very difficult to leave the crush behind. Once you've decided to tell the person how you feel, find the right time for the interview. Fortunately, there are a few tips that can help you make both decisions a little easier.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Decide whether or not to tell the person

  1. Think about why you are in love with this person. When deciding whether to share your feelings with your crush, take the time to be honest with yourself about why you like the person. If you and your crush enjoy a lot of the same things, you always have fun together, and you share the same values ​​in life (like getting good grades or spending time with family), then you might be a good match!
    • If you don't know your crush well, you may be in love with the other person's physical appearance or the way they present themselves. If so, sometimes you can build an image of the other person in your head that they can't live up to, which isn't the best foundation for a healthy relationship.
  2. Spend one-on-one time when you need to get to know your crush better. Rather than just admiring your crush from afar - or rushing into a full declaration of love - see if you can figure out a way to spend time in their environment. That way you can get to know the other person's character better and you give him or her the opportunity to get to know you too. This will help you decide whether to tell the person about your feelings. In some cases, it may even make you realize that you like the person more as a regular friend!
    • If you go to school with your crush, try to spend time together by sitting together for lunch, asking for help with a school project, and spending time with his or her friends.
    • You can also invite your crush to hang out with you and your friends when you two visit each other.
    • If your crush is driving a car and you aren't, ask if you can get a ride so the two of you can spend time together!
  3. Pay attention indications that your crush likes you too. If someone likes you, they will usually pay a lot of attention to you when you are around. The person may look at you a lot, or always laugh at your jokes, even if they aren't that funny. These could all be signs that your crush likes you, and it's probably best to just tell him or her how you feel.
    • You might also find that your crush remembers small details about you, seems reluctant to say goodbye or leave when you're around, or finds reasons to touch your hand.
    • Remember that relationships are not an exact science. Sometimes a person can behave like this and mean nothing by it.
  4. Don't let fear hold you back. It can be really tempting not to reveal yourself because you are afraid of being rejected. However, if you've taken the time to think about why you like this person and you are convinced that he or she is right, and you think there is a possibility that he or she likes you too, then go there in front of!
    • Even if she dares to take you out and the other person rejects you, at least you've been brave and courageous, and you can be proud of yourself for trying.

    Consider leaving it alone if the other person doesn't seem interested. It can be very difficult to accept that your crush doesn't share your feelings, but it happens often enough. If you've been trying to get to know the other person but they don't seem to be returning the same signals, take a step back and ask yourself if the person is really the best match for you.

    • You should probably let it go if the other person doesn't respond to your messages, seems disinterested or annoyed when you talk, or if the other person teases you in a vicious way. The person is also probably not interested if they talk about other loves you are with.
    • Don't try to squeeze into an existing relationship because you have a crush on someone, as this will likely only cause unpleasant drama.

    Relationship advice: Remember that being in love with someone should never make you feel bad about yourself. If it does, then you should focus on someone who makes you feel better.

Method 2 of 2: Finding the right time

  1. Try to tell your crush about your feelings as early as possible. Once you've decided you're going to tell your crush that you like him or her, try to take the next step quickly. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be, and the more likely you are to have doubts.
    • Even if your crush says no, conveying your feelings will give you a chance to let it go faster. If the other responds positively, the relationship can develop more quickly!
    • If you can't have the courage to tell the person in person, set a deadline for yourself and write it on your calendar.
  2. Try to choose a time when the other person is not busy, stressed, or tired. Even if your crush likes you, it can be a big emotional surprise to learn that you have feelings for him or her. If the person you like is already dealing with a lot, that can be an overwhelming conversation to have. Before confessing your feelings, ask how your crush is doing. If it sounds stressed or exhausted, it is probably better to wait for another day.
    • For example, if you know that your crush has an important presentation, is just starting a new job, isn't feeling well, or has been late in college, be considerate and leave the other person alone for a while.
  3. Wait until the two of you are alone. If you tell your crush that you like them in front of all their friends, they may feel embarrassed or feel like everyone is watching them. To avoid that, try to find a time when the two of you can have a private conversation. Make an appointment with the person, walk together, or bring it up when you are alone.
    • If you're both hanging out in a large group, for example, you could say something like, "Hey Joop, I'm going to get a drink and I just wanted to talk to you for a minute. Are you coming? "By keeping it casual, you can make the other person feel comfortable.
    • You can also text your crush saying something like, `` Wait for me after your last class and I'll walk you home. '' That way you'll have some time to talk, but don't bring up your feelings during a school day.
  4. Call or text the other person if you're too shy to tell them in person. If having a face-to-face conversation seems nerve-wracking, consider calling or texting. Make sure you have your crush's number and then send a text asking if he or she has a moment to talk. If the other person is free, call or send a simple text to convey your feelings.
    • This can help take the pressure off the other person as they don't have to come up with an answer right away.
    • The same rules as for a personal conversation also apply to a phone call or a text conversation. Try to get the other person's undivided attention and don't tell them how you feel when they feel stressed or tired.
  5. Try to video chat if your crush lives elsewhere. If you really like someone, but you don't have the chance to see that person often, try bringing it up with a video chat! There are a number of apps available that allow you to have a face-to-face conversation, as long as you have a cell phone with a front camera or a computer with a webcam.
    • Some of the most popular video chat options are Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, or FaceTime, if you both have an iPhone or Mac.
  6. Give yourself an escape plan. Don't pour your feelings out on your crush if you're both going to be in the same place for a long time. That could lead to a really long winded, awkward experience for both of you if the other doesn't share your feelings. In addition, you should also give your crush some space to think about things before he or she reacts to them.
    • It's probably not a good idea to tell someone you like them at the start of a long car ride, as neither of you has the option to go elsewhere if things feel uncomfortable.

    Ready to tell your crush how you feel? Then take a look at Declaring your love to your crush for advice!