Knowing if a bitch is ready to mate

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY, Know If Your Bitch Is Pregnant, After Pulling Semen By Hand
Video: DIY, Know If Your Bitch Is Pregnant, After Pulling Semen By Hand


Have you decided to breed your bitch, through a licensed dog breeder or yourself? In order for your bitch to mate, you must first determine when exactly she is in the optimal state of her heat. You can do this by looking for the behavioral symptoms of heat or by having your dog tested and tracking her cycle. Once you know the optimal mating time for your dog, you can start breeding with her.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Checking if your bitch's behavior is showing signs of heat

  1. Examine your dog's genital area. If your bitch is in heat, her vulva will swell. Her genital area will look noticeably enlarged and stick out a bit. The tip of her vulva should move upward to make penetration easier for the male. These are signs that your dog is in heat.
    • You can let your dog roll over so you can see her genital area, or you can view the genital area from behind. You should be able to see the swollen vulva from behind.
  2. Check for blood or discharge. You should also notice that your dog is leaving secretions in the house, such as on the furniture, on her bed, or on the carpets. The discharge can be deep red, milk pink, or white. Your dog will be fertile about 12 days after the bleeding starts as the discharge becomes thinner and lighter.
    • You may also notice that the blood / discharge has a certain odor. The strong scent is meant to get a male's attention.
    • Some bitches will bleed profusely when in heat, while others will have only minimal bleeding or discharge.
  3. Notice if your dog is urinating more often. It's also good to monitor your dog's behavior and keep track of how often she urinates. If she's doing smaller pee more often, she's probably in heat. Her urine contains pheromones and hormones that let the males know she wants to mate.
    • You may notice that your bitch wants to go outside to urinate more often than usual. This may indicate that she is in the most fertile phase of her cycle.
  4. Make sure your dog is the right age for mating. You should also confirm that your dog is old enough to mate. Most bitches should not mate until they have been in heat 2 or 3 times. So they must be at least 1 or 2 years old.
    • If you are unsure whether your dog is old enough to mate, ask your vet. This one should be able to tell you if your bitch is ready to breed.

Part 2 of 3: Using testing and tracking your dog's cycle

  1. Keep track of your dog's cycle. Dogs go into heat about twice a year, so keep track of your dog's cycle to determine when she is ovulating (and therefore fertile). A bitch's cycle consists of 4 stages: proestrus, estrus, metoestrus, and anestrus. You may have to keep track of several cycles to confirm each stage.
    • The proestrus stage begins when the female's vulva begins to swell and discharge begins. It usually takes 9 days, but the duration can vary between 4 and 20 days. During this stage, your bitch can attract males, but she will not want to mate with them.
    • The estrus stage comes next, this is the period during which the bitch can mate. This period usually lasts 9 days and is most fertile in the first 5 days. She will be more social with males and will allow them to mate with her. You know the fertile phase is over when her vulva returns to its normal size and she no longer flirts with males and does not want to mate.
    • The metoestrus stage typically lasts 50 days, but can last up to 90 days. The last stage, the anestrus, can take up to 2 to 3 months. During the metoestrus and anoestrus phases, the bitch is at the end of her cycle and will not allow mating.
  2. Get a vaginal swab done by the vet. You can confirm if your dog is in heat by having a Pap smear. A Pap smear is done by examining vaginal cells under a microscope. It is not an invasive procedure and it will not harm your dog. The vet will require a sample from your dog and may run several tests to confirm that your dog is in heat.
    • As part of the test, the vet will look for changes in the cells that indicate your dog is ovulating. The vaginal swab can also determine the optimal mating time for your dog.
  3. Have a progesterone test on your dog. You can also determine your dog's ovulation by having a blood test done by a vet to determine the progesterone levels in the blood. This requires a blood sample from your dog. Several samples may be required to get an accurate prediction of your dog's ovulation.
    • This test is considered very accurate in determining a bitch's optimal mating time. It is an ideal option if your bitch has mated more than once without success or if you want to make sure your dog is ready before you put her with a male to mate.

Part 3 of 3: Breeding with your bitch

  1. Choose a suitable male to breed with. In order for your bitch to mate with a male, you will need to find a suitable mate for her. Find a male of the same breed that is healthy and has no genetic defects or other problems. You must meet with the owner of the dog, or the breeder, in advance to discuss the dog's health and medical history.
    • You must also determine the age of the male. Most species must mate when they are between 1 and 7 years old.
    • Make sure to check with your vet before breeding. Your vet should declare your dog healthy and problem-free before you begin the breeding process.
  2. Bring the bitch to the male at the right time. Males often do better when they mate in their own home or home. You can discuss with the owner of the male what the ideal mating time is for your bitch. Schedule a date based on your bitch's cycle so that mating is done when she is most fertile.
    • Don't let your dog mate during her first heat. Wait until she has completed 1 or 2 cycles before mating. This ensures she is healthy enough to mate.
    • You can also schedule 2 mating sessions, 24 or 48 hours apart. This can increase the chance of conception.
  3. Create a stress-free environment for mating. Once the date is set, take your bitch to the male in a stress-free manner. The male owner must provide a space that is clean and open for mating. When the bitch is at the right stage in her cycle, she will accept the male's charms pretty quickly. She will indicate that she is attracted and if the male follows that behavior, the mating will be almost automatic.
    • If mating is unsuccessful, you can ask the male owner about the next steps. Professional breeders sometimes offer a free service or mating session to accommodate the failed mating.